Luke 6:39-40
39 He also told them this
parable: "Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will
they not both fall into a pit? 40 A student is not above his teacher, but
everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.
How can a blind man lead
another blind man? Jesus was speaking about the spiritually blind, but religious
Pharisees, and the teachers of the law, who were leading their students into
a pit, or destruction, right into the pit of hell. Suppose we, as teachers of the gospel do not teach Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came to earth in the form of man, was crucified, taking our sins with him, buried, resurrected, and ascended back to the right hand of God. In that case, we are not any better than the blind leading the blind into
the pit. If we do not teach that Jesus fulfilled all the law, putting it aside
to create a new covenant then we are not any better than the blind Pharisees
leading other blind into the pit. If then, if Jesus set the law aside, rather than
abolishing it, the law has been set aside and we should not be blind people,
trying our best to create a new law for us to blindly stubble around in until
we fall into the pit. Of course, we are never above Jesus, for he is the Son of
God, and we are but his creation. However, we are his students and are being
fully trained by his very words, for every word in the scripture is
God-breathed, profitable for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training in
righteousness so that we will be thoroughly equipped for every good work. In
other words, we will be fully equipped to be like our teacher, Jesus, the one
who did every good work there was ever to be done. This is why we study God's word, so we can learn to be like Jesus. Any other learning is simply
that which is taught from the mind of blind men, although some of them may have
great minds, if they are not teaching from the teacher, Jesus, they teach
blindness. Although education may seem good to man, if that education is not
centered on Jesus, it has no value in keeping one from falling into the pit.
Yes, degrees in certain fields aid humankind, but what good is humankind if they
are left blind, for they will fall into the pit. Can we combine education from
the mind of man, and from the word of God, yes, of course we can. We can use the
greatness of our minds to study the word of God so that we can learn to be like
our teacher, Jesus. That is far greater than learning from the mind of man, to
be like the man-teacher, for then if that is the only learning, it is nothing
more than the blind teaching the blind. Jesus gives the blind sight, so let us
sit at the feet of Jesus and learn from him and then we will see the truth, and
the truth will set us free.