Monday, April 30, 2012

On The Road

DEVOTION PROVERBS ON THE ROAD Prov 15:19 19 The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway. NIV Although it may be true that in this life a person who is a sluggard or lazy may find a host of excuses or reason why a task is so difficult it is not worth the effort to try and an upright or industrious person will overcome whatever to accomplish the same task, this speak volumes more about man and God. The greatest decision of worth is having faith in Christ for salvation. It may be the most difficult choice for what God refers to here as a sluggard, or a slothful person. They find any excuse they can to refrain from believing the Bible is the inherent Word of God. They make up reasons to discredit its authenticity and accuracy saying it was only written by man, yet they place faith in some other history book, written by a man who was not even there during the making of that history. They make excuses that Christianity is just one of many religions of the world and why should they pick this one, as others are just as valid so they pick nothing. They find one excuse after another, making their way to a choice blocked by a row of thick thorn bushes, unable to get through to the truth. But that is not so to the person who is upright or the opposite of lazy and thus in this case industrious. They seek after the truth and search diligently not letting anything distract them from finding the answer to the questions concerning man’s beginning, his purpose, and the results, along with a host of other facts. This upright industrious person seeks out the only truth which has the answers and once finding them considers this truth to be an enormous value, a pearl of great price. This person believes the truth and in doing so his life is as a highway, a turnpike, clear sailing straight to the paradise of God. Faith in Jesus Christ paves the way for a person to enter directly into the Kingdom of God. Why struggle in the thorns with indecision, as if snared or trapped by a skillful hunter, when it is so simple and easy to move effortlessly on the highway to God. Get on the road and stay on the road.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Good Better Best

DEVOTION PROVERBS GOOD BETTER BEST Prov 15:18 18 A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel. NIV Passion can be a good tract if it is employed in the right direction, but when it is pointed wrongly it can encourage great damage to any cause. It may appear this hot-tempered man is one of much self-elated worth, thinking far more of his self than he ought to. This over exaggerated opinion of self is usually the root cause of most extremely impatient people. Is this mostly a defense mechanism to cover up insecurity? Why is it so important to stir up dissension or strife in the first place? Is this a calculated effort or just a foolish behavior without much thought? In either case it appears it is not the thoughts or actions of a person dedicated to following Christ. Sure, this inappropriate response may be a part of all of us, even the most ardent follower of Christ, from time to time and our humanity rears its ugly head at those most unsuitable moments. But this is not the usual as it is with this individual described here. This type of person has the central theme of anger toward any disagreement with them and acts out of a selfish motive to stir up this strife, but not so the believer in Christ. God has declared that a soft answer will turn away wrath. Yes, impatience exists within each of us, but for the most part believers in Christ make every effort to control the self, and not look for occasions to lose ones temper, but rather seek to be patient, speak with care and understanding, in a soft non- damaging way so as to defuse the quarrel rather than to exasperate it with a hot tempered exchange. In the examination of both behaviors, which best depicts a person bringing glory to himself, or glory to God? Which behavior invokes the best respect of others toward the views expressed by each? Patience always triumphs over wrath. The believer endeavors to allow the Spirit to develop this fruit within. This is good, this is better, this is best.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Pass Me The Veggies Please

DEVOTION PROVERBS PASS ME THE VEGGIES PLEASE Prov 15:17 17 Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred. NIV Is this also not a continuation of the idea from having a continual feast, having little, yet having a cheerful heart? Now we have love also. What matters how little any of us have if we know the Lord? Does it really matter if we own a fattened calf? This calf is the indication of those who live in an abundant state of self-pleasure, whose desires run after the world and its ways. This is not so much about the evil despicable acts of hatred and violence prompted by a darkened heart under the full influence of Satan, but of an even more insidious behavior. The total lack of trust in and obedience to God is at stack here. Once again this speaks of the full benefit of trusting God with all aspects of live, including the amount of wealth contained within the purse of person. Here we see God considers it far better to live with a smaller portion of wealth, able only to afford vegetables or merger dinners as long as the believers are experiencing love for God, love for each other and love for the lost as he does. Does he not say that love covers a multitude of sins? There is no judgmental behavior in love and therefore perfect peace and harmony exists within. Not so with those who cannot bear trusting God and spend their efforts in what they believe to be self-preservation by storing up wealth, living in fear of losing it and thus guard against any truly close encounters that love spurs within people. This mistrust in God and in others prompts this behavior of hatred as it is opposite to the behavior of love. What offerings of this world are worth the lack of love? Is any amount of wealth worth experiencing hatred? The answers to both those questions have to be none and no. What can replace the love of God? What can replace this pure undivided love between believers? It appears the desire to own that fattened calf would replace both. Vegetables or beef, pass me the veggies please.

Friday, April 27, 2012

No Turmoil Please

DEVOTION PROVERBS NO TURMOIL PLEASE Prov 15:16 16 Better a little with the fear of the LORD than great wealth with turmoil. NIV What can be added to this? Of course it does beg for an answer as to whether a believer can have great wealth and not have turmoil. Does it imply that those who fear the Lord should have little? Or is it just saying that those who spend their entire life seeking after great wealth rather than seeking after God may well experience a whole lot of turmoil? Maybe it does not even matter how much wealth a person has, if they do not seek after God they will have turmoil. But it does appear once again the choice is clear. God is the greatest wealth anyone could ever desire. People who strife to secure their own future with the accumulation of material wealth are in deep trouble is the point here. Storing up as much money as possible, putting their trust in that pile of money for the future is a big mistake, because they really are not trusting God for their future. What will great wealth secure in the future for them? Sure, they may be able to enjoy many creature comforts during this life. But does this great wealth distract them from the joy of the Lord? Are they so involved with making sure they have enough, being more concerned about their portfolio then what God desires that they miss out on the largest blessing? Turmoil is a disease for those who chase after that wealth leaving the fear of the Lord for another time. When people fear the Lord, when they have great reverence for God, it does not matter how much or how little they have for they have acknowledged God as their Lord. What more could a person every hope to have? Is it possible that even those who have acknowledged God as Lord have been distracted by the pursuit of great wealth? What happens then? Does turmoil follow after them? It would be better not to allow anything to distract from fearing the Lord. But then each person only knows what is in their own heart and mind. No one can judge the motives of another, but God does. It would be best to be so close to God that if distracted he can steer us back on course. Complete trust is God brings peace, any trust in wealth brings turmoil. No turmoil please!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Clear Choice

DEVOTION PROVERBS Clear Choice Prov 15:15 15 All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast. NIV Is this really about people living in an opposed situation in life being wretched and those not living in that manner having a grand old time? I think not. Who is the great oppressor of the soul? Who is it that tries with all his might to oppress people? Satan is the one who would desire nothing more than to see people so oppressed they would even commit suicide. Is it any wonder God declares those people who allow Satan to oppress them wretched? Now it may be true some of them simply do not know the solution to this oppression. Some of them may not ever have heard that Jesus can set them free, and if he does, they are free indeed. Some of them have heard and refuse to escape from being oppressed by Satan. It is difficult to understand how anyone would want to continue in that condition, but then again Satan has so deceived them into believing they have made the right choice. He has filled their minds, oppressing them, with thoughts of their own greatness, making worldly knowledge, intelligence, science and money their gods, which indeed makes them wretched. It is sad to watch them living within that deceptive trap, being oppressed, but it is their choice. The people who have decided to be freed from his oppression by the blood of the lamb indeed have a reason to be of cheerful heart. No longer having to live under that oppression, but being free to see the truth of God, and understanding the power to live a life filled with the fruit of His Spirit, knowing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control. Feasting continually upon the very Word of God enjoying all the fruit, enjoying all the gifts of the Spirit, enjoying the nourishment from the stream of living water, drinking in all that is within it makes for a very cheerful heart. Once again it would seem quite clear which the best way to live is.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

God or Fool

DEVOTION PROVERBS GOD OR FOOL Prov 15:14 14 The discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly. NIV So many of the scholars have decided not to investigate this saying due to it seemingly being repetitive to some previous proverb, but it must be important enough to God to say it again. The folly on which the fool feeds is surely the wisdom of this world. To devoir and digest the foolishness of this world is simply unacceptable to God. This foolishness extent to a variety of concepts mankind has devised to live by. Whether it is a moral code, a financial plan, a science theory or simply a life plan when it is not centered on the Word of God and His plan for man, it is folly. True those who feed on it think it is the best thing they have ever tasted, but they have not tasted to see that the Lord is good for blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Through David, God declared those who fear, revere the Lord will lack nothing. He says the lions, the fools may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Anyone who feeds on the uncertain wisdom of this world will indeed go hungry for they will not get to eat from the tree of life. They will in fact taste death instead. But the discerning heart seeks the truth within the Word of God and knows that through the writer of the letter to the Hebrews God declared that Jesus already tasted death for everyone, so that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life and thus eat from the tree of life. Fools simply go on their merry way feasting on the stupidity feed to them by Satan in hopes they will never hunger after the Word of God and thus join him in his misery. Maybe he still thinks he can win against God, if he shows Him how many fools he has gathered unto himself, trying to prove God’s creation is flawed, and so God is not as perfect as He is. Yet the fact remains, God is perfect and those who seek after him have discerned this truth and see Satan for what he is, a fool. Once again the choice is clear, God over fool equals life, fool over God equal death.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Show and Tell

DEVOTION PROVERBS SHOW AND TELL Prov 15:13 13 A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. NIV “If your happy and you know it then your face should surely show it” are part of the lyrics of a song expressing the truth of this proverb. If a person’s heart is happy then it would only make sense his countenance would reflex it. Yet are there not believers who carry themselves in a fashion that would not depict a happy heart? What else could be the cause of a happy heart other than the assurance of ones salvation in Christ Jesus? If a person knows Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior than a happy heart surely must be the result. And having a happy heart certainly means a certain spring in the step, a smile upon the face and a cheerful disposition. To a certain extent it would imply living above the circumstances of life, when compared to having a crushed spirit. Those who refuse or simply do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior have no hope of anything more than what they have now. Within the course of life a variety of events occur, many which without hope could cause heartaches. Worry, anxieties, frustrations and even fear bear heavy upon those who have no hope. Pain and suffering in the body can bring a person down if they have no hope. This is the plan of Satan, to crush the spirit of man. His deceptive practices of trying to convince people the accumulation of material goods will bring happiness only leads to crush their spirits, if not now, in the end. Things cannot bring anyone true happiness, only Christ can do that. That is why the believer should have a happy heart and a happy countenance, and thus living above the fray of ordinary life. If God is for us, what can man do to us? What could cause a believer to get down, become distraught? How can a believer, who has a happy heart, be sad? How can a believer with a happy heart experience worry, anxiety, tension and be despondence? Do any of these expressions upon the countenance of a believer bring glory to God? If your happy and you know it clap your hands, if your happy and you know it then your face should surely show it. And when you show it you can tell it.

Monday, April 23, 2012

How Futile

Prov 15:12
12 A mocker resents correction;
he will not consult the wise.
It is interesting this Hebrew word for mocker is the same used in Psalm one for blessed is the man who does not sit in the seat of the mockers. This word implies to make mouths at, or as I believe it appears to say in Psalm one and most likely here, is that someone just makes mouths at God, or gives him lip service resents his correction. Those people who call themselves Christians but really have not actually accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives are in reality just giving God lip service. They live for their own desires, and by their own man devised standards. When God attempts to bring correction into their lives, they resent. When he sends someone into their lives to share the Gospel message, they resent, refusing to abandon their selfish ways. They do not consult the wise, which of course is Him or His Word. He is the only wisdom worth consulting, for the wisdom of this world is but foolishness to Him. People that just give God lip service consult the foolishness of this world for their lives. They seek after the ways of the world, the principles based on the invention of man, rather than on God. What a useless existence for those who give God lip service. Their lives have no meaning, no real purpose. Although they still have value to God as his creation, and Jesus died for them, as they are now, they have no value to His kingdom, for they do not serve Him. It is a pitiful way to live alone and without the consul of God, the true source of all wisdom. It is futile to plan for any future that does not include living in the Kingdom of God for all eternity. Yet this is the plan of the mocker, to live in their little world, resenting Gods plan for eternal life.
Truly the wise person gives up this lifestyle of giving God lip service and surrenders his life to God for the needed correction and consul, serving Him with his own heart, soul, mind and strength.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Be Honest, At Least With Him

Prov 15:11
11 Death and Destruction lie open
before the LORD —
how much more the hearts of men!
What can hide from the watchful eye of God? Death and destruction cannot hide from God. Hell, Hades, and the Angel of Death are always within the sight of God. All those who have died from the beginning of time are seen by God. He sees where every single body lies in the ground. Although they are hidden from our sight, buried beneath the surface, God needs no marker, no gravestone to know who lies where. He sees the spirits of men who suffer in torment in the midst of Hell itself. He sees through the deception of Satan and knows what is in his heart. Nothing can hide from God. He sees through all the disguises of the Devil and knows the sly schemes to trap men. If God sees all this, how much more can he see into the heart of men. How much more can he see what is in the inner most thoughts and desires of each of us. He knows our thoughts, our inner most secrets we hide from all other people. He knows the darkness part of our being. We may attempt to build a façade to keep people from knowing our true self, presenting an image we think they want to see, but we cannot fool God. We cannot present any image to him other then who we are. True stands before Him. Any attempt to deny the truth of who we truly are is a fool’s game. He knows every aspect of our being. Those who refuse to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior stand exposed for the fools they are, and all their thoughts, desires and deeds are laid open in his sight. They shall inherit their just due before the Lord on that final day, those that are in the grave now and those who have yet to have been buried. We who have accepted Christ are also laid open before the Lord, but our sin is covered by the blood of Christ. Christ stands before God as our advocate. How much more should we make effort to live a life pleasing and acceptable to God? It is true, perfection will elude us, sin will still have a place in our lives, but the question is about the condition of our heart. What is our desire? What does God see? Does He see a people who desire to live for Him, but simply fall short because of the human condition, or does he see a heart of deception, mocking their faith, giving Him lip service, while always seeking after self, after the ways of the world? God sees the truth of each man. The heart cannot hide. Be honest, at least with Him.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

One Way to Live

Prov 15:10
10 Stern discipline awaits him who leaves the path;
he who hates correction will die.
There is no comparison here between the righteous and the wicked. It is all about those who do not stay on the path of righteousness. Now could this mean when a child who does have a certain innocence and as far as most believe would be with Christ if they died in their youth, just because Jesus said do not suffer the little children to come to him. Could this then mean at some point in leaving childhood a choice must be made to stay on the right path? Or does this only apply to believers who are already on the path, but get distracted by the ways of the world? Do believers get catch up in the lifestyle of the world, being unfaithful to the ways of God? Do they begin to take on the same mannerism, the same desires for fame and fortune? Do they begin accept the financial principles of this world rather than of God? Do they get sidetracked in believing it is alright to behave in certain ways that are unpleasing to God, but feel good to them? But the real problem that lies within this truth is when those who do get distracted from the path of righteousness receive a stern correction from God, if they refuse to accept it and return to the center of the path, they will die. And I do not think this is talking about the physical death of the body, falling dead because of refusing correction from God. No this is speaking directly about the second death, the death of the spirit of man, the moment in time when they who refuse correction and leave the path of righteousness forever, seeking after self, and evil ways will be cast into the lake of burning sulfur and experience that second death. How more horrible an end for one who once knew the truth and refused to continue in it, then for one who never accepted the truth in the first place. Sure the end is the same, but knowing they had a place in the paradise of God and exchanged it for personal pleasure, leaving the Kingdom of God for the lair of Satan, has to be a terrible awaking when the end comes. It is far better to remain firmly within the path of righteousness, and when distracted by the ways of the world and corrected by God, even when it is a stern correction, accepting it, repenting and returning to the right way. Why would anyone not return, especially knowing the end result? Sure we all fall, sure we all stray here and there, sure we all slip from the center getting far too close to the edge at times, but accepting his correction is the only way to live.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Detested or Loved

Prov 15:9
9 The LORD detests the way of the wicked
but he loves those who pursue righteousness.
Perhaps it is not the Lord who classifies those who are wicked, but it is themselves by their own lifestyle, their own ways. Man does have a choice as to how to live and what course of actions or behaviors are acceptable and which are not. Man has the choice to think any way he desires. Man has the choice to pursue wicked evil ways or to pursue after the righteousness of God. Although it is quite clear God desires all to come to him, so that none will perish, there will be those who chose to live in a manner which is detestable in his sight. It would also make perfect sense the reason he detests their ways is because he does not want them to perish, which if they continue to live in such a way, perishing will be their end. God does not take pleasure in pouring out his wrath on anyone as he sent his son to die for the whole world, for all of mankind so that it would be possible for all to be saved and none to perish. But it seems there will always be those who seek out wicked ways. It is also clear God loves those who pursue after him, after his righteousness. This surely does not imply a race of perfect people, but a group of individuals who have decided not seek after wicked ways, even though some may commit some wicked behavior, think, act or speak inappropriately, response in the wrong way, but they decided to seek after the ways of God instead. The act of pursuing righteousness is a journey in the right direction, but it is still a journey, a walk, a path of life. This journey certainly contains some bumps, some ups and downs, a few detours so to speak, as certain distractions may cause wavering to the edge of the path, but at least the desire is to remain on this path, this journey after a life of righteousness. Of course Jesus is the righteousness of God and thus that is the pursuit of wise people. They seek after Jesus, and once found are saved. It surely pleases God when someone accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior for he does not have to see them perish but may grant then entrance into his kingdom. Each must make the choice, but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. We will be loved.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Keep It Simple

Prov 15:8
8 The LORD detests the sacrifice of the wicked,
but the prayer of the upright pleases him.
It certainly would appear God is not pleased with any outward expression of religion that does not flow from a pure heart of devotion. All the fluff and puff of ceremonial religious it is expression is not only displeasing to God, it is an abomination to him. It would seem it does not matter how large and how fancy a cathedral is, how much it is adorned with trappings of fine linen and gold, even if it is made of shining glass with floors of rich marble. Not even all the massive chandeliers of crystal with walls covered with great paintings by the masters of old may be detestable to him if the worship does not come from a pure heart of devotion. Nothing that man can build or any act that he can exercise that is devised to show his religious goodness to the rest of man is detestable to God. But the simple prayer of faith from a person who has accepted his son Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior is a sweet aroma of praise to him. It does not take all the religious hullabaloo to please God, just the quite time of prayer, of spending time talking and listening with him. When He created mankind he did not build them a great church and drape them is the best of clothing so they could worship him in all the grandeur and splendor of this world. He simply wanted to be able to walk and talk with them in the cold of the day within the garden. But because man could not keep it simple, God instructed them to build a place they could think he would live in and so come to visit him. Man has turned something beautiful into what is detestable. We do not need all that extravagant show of religious uprightness; we simple need to be alone with God in the inner garden of our life. Keep it simple

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spread It

Prov 15:7
7 The lips of the wise spread knowledge;
not so the hearts of fools.
There seems to be a constant theme regarding what is real knowledge and what is just a bunch of gibberish. Those God regards as fool spew forth all sorts of nonsense about what they think is intellectual and worthy of discussion. The refuse to speak of the things of God but instead fill their lips with the thoughts of man. All their thoughts of how the earth began, how the universe was born is filled with non-knowledge, it is but theories which not one of them can actually prove. All their discussion of climate change and the awful effects mankind has caused upon it, is just another form of gibberish or an evil plot to grab control over the rest of mankind. Whichever, it is still filled with non-knowledge. All the talk of storing up gold and other precious material goods is but a rouse for all is but a temporary gain, which has no power to save the soul, but only the power to enrich those who are selling it to the rest of mankind. Anything devised by the mind of man is foolishness to God. It is only the lips of the wise who speak of God and his truths. People who speak about the things of God are those who are wise in his eyes. They spread the one and true form of knowledge, all else is but some form of a lie. Reality is the Kingdom of God and what he has created for mankind is only a same part of it. When we speak about the reality of God and His kingdom we speak pure knowledge, pure truth. This is the wisest course of thought and action for any person to live out. Instead of denying God and accepting the irrational theories of man, we should deny those theories and accept the rational thoughts of God. Only fools believe what man invents as truth, but the wise believe what God has said and they spread it everywhere.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

True Wealth

Prov 15:6
6 The house of the righteous contains great treasure,
but the income of the wicked brings them trouble.
Would this imply that when a person becomes righteous he will also become wealthy? Is the treasure contained within the house of the righteous an abundance of material wealth? There is a far greater wealth which this saying speaks of then the simply material gain of this world. A treasure that can be passed down to future generations that will not run out as the wealth of this world could. This treasure, of course, is a relationship with Almighty God. This treasure is having Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It does not matter how much wealth of this world an individual has. Even the poorest of families are able to have this great treasure within their home. What greater treasure could there be? What creature comforts which money can buy could supply the richness to the spirit that Jesus does? Those who do not know Christ as Lord and Savior, those who God calls wicked may have material wealth, but it may well be they are vexed by this wealth too. The passion for more, the lust and lure of material gain, the envy of those with more of it will in fact be a robber of true joy. The wicked who do not know Christ thirst after the things of this world, but will always be thirsty for nothing will quench their appetite for more. What they have will never be enough; it will always be a troublesome life of emptiness. The wicked guard their wealth in fear of it being stolen and fearing being left penniless. But the righteous do not live like that. They know the full pleasure of true treasure. They enjoy the peace and contentment of being in the Kingdom of God. They live in a place of pure joy. Their treasure is secured and cannot be stolen. This life is filled with the pleasure of knowing Christ as Lord and Savior, a treasure of great worth, greater than all the wealth of this world. So who then is truly wealthy, the righteous of course.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Learn To Heed

Prov 15:5
5 A fool spurns his father's discipline,
but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.
Are we really talking about an earthly father and son here? It might appear on the surface to be about that but in reality it surely is speaking about us and our heavenly Father. Once again it is God who considers those who refuse to acknowledge his instruction for their lives as fools. This could include unbelievers as we as believers. It is possible a believer could spurn or scorn the instruction of God. It might be highly unlikely a believer would do that, but it is possible and it might be a good idea to do a little self-examination to determine if that is happening in certain areas of our life. There would seem for certain that the unbeliever spurns any instruction or discipline from God. They would have but only their own self determined order for life, answering only to other men for their actions, with no regard for God. But it is the believers who need the internal examination to insure every aspect of their lives are available for correction from God. It is a wise course of action for life, as God knows the best ways. He always has their best interest in mind. God knows what the most excellent way for us to live is and brings correction or discipline to us when we stray from the way. It is wise for us to not only listen but to heed, to pay attention, to make the necessary changes needed to remain on the course he has set out for us. It would be foolish to do anything else. It is wise to learn to heed.

Learn To Heed

Prov 15:5
5 A fool spurns his father's discipline,
but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.
Are we really talking about an earthly father and son here? It might appear on the surface to be about that but in reality it surely is speaking about us and our heavenly Father. Once again it is God who considers those who refuse to acknowledge his instruction for their lives as fools. This could include unbelievers as we as believers. It is possible a believer could spurn or scorn the instruction of God. It might be highly unlikely a believer would do that, but it is possible and it might be a good idea to do a little self-examination to determine if that is happening in certain areas of our life. There would seem for certain that the unbeliever spurns any instruction or discipline from God. They would have but only their own self determined order for life, answering only to other men for their actions, with no regard for God. But it is the believers who need the internal examination to insure every aspect of their lives are available for correction from God. It is a wise course of action for life, as God knows the best ways. He always has their best interest in mind. God knows what the most excellent way for us to live is and brings correction or discipline to us when we stray from the way. It is wise for us to not only listen but to heed, to pay attention, to make the necessary changes needed to remain on the course he has set out for us. It would be foolish to do anything else. It is wise to learn to heed.

Learn To Heed

Prov 15:5
5 A fool spurns his father's discipline,
but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.
Are we really talking about an earthly father and son here? It might appear on the surface to be about that but in reality it surely is speaking about us and our heavenly Father. Once again it is God who considers those who refuse to acknowledge his instruction for their lives as fools. This could include unbelievers as we as believers. It is possible a believer could spurn or scorn the instruction of God. It might be highly unlikely a believer would do that, but it is possible and it might be a good idea to do a little self-examination to determine if that is happening in certain areas of our life. There would seem for certain that the unbeliever spurns any instruction or discipline from God. They would have but only their own self determined order for life, answering only to other men for their actions, with no regard for God. But it is the believers who need the internal examination to insure every aspect of their lives are available for correction from God. It is a wise course of action for life, as God knows the best ways. He always has their best interest in mind. God knows what the most excellent way for us to live is and brings correction or discipline to us when we stray from the way. It is wise for us to not only listen but to heed, to pay attention, to make the necessary changes needed to remain on the course he has set out for us. It would be foolish to do anything else. It is wise to learn to heed.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

In Our Words

Prov 15:4
4 The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life,
but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.
It is certain, as God as declared; the tongue is an unruly member of our body. Yet it is surely under the command of our mind. Are not our words simply an extension of our thoughts? Do we not have the power to destroy relationships with words? We also have the power to build each other up with our words. We can encourage, exhort, comfort and teach as well as a host of other positive actions with words that would be considered bringing healing. Yet the greatest healing for any soul would be the words which declare the Good News. Words which are based on the truth of God can bring a healing to sick soul. It is interesting these words are likened to the tree of life which stands in the paradise of God. Surely it is meant to explain exactly what kinds of words should be spoken by those who believe. Speaking the Word of God brings healing to the sick and dying soul of the lost. Words which exclude this truth are but some form of a deceptive conversation. It is true with our words we can degrade a person, we can defame someone, we can ruin their lives with deceitful lies. But the real crush to a person’s spirit is excluding them from knowing the truth about God. If we speak words which agree with the world’s view of life, we are being deceitful and we crush those who hear our words, we bring them death, not life. It is deceitful to even think the worlds view has any agreement with God’s view. What does righteousness and wickedness have in common? What fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with and unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? Our words cannot agree with anything the mind of man has devised to refute the existence of God, or to prove man is greater than God, if they do, we are being deceitful and aid in the death of that spirit. But if we speak the truth of God, if we defend the truth, refute the views of man, we can bring life to any spirit, for God is life. Death or healing is in our words.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

His Eyes

Prov 15:3
3 The eyes of the LORD are everywhere,
keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
If anyone thinks they can escape to some private place of iniquity they are sadly mistaken. The fact his eyes are everywhere would surely include his omnipresence. How could anything be hidden from him? David said, Where can I hide from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens,you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, “Surly the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness is not dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. David knew this truth, even before his son was inspired by the Spirit of God to pen this saying. God is everywhere, and no one can hide from his watchful eyes. If would seem natural that man would love darkness, thinking it would hide their sin, but it does not. Is there significance that the bad are mentioned before the good? Surely it is only the good who pay any attention to these words anyway, so why bother with the bad? The bad are bad and God sees all their badness, all their sin, and surely he sent his Son to die for all of them, and all their sin, just as he died for all those who are now considered the good. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. There is none righteous, no not one. Even when the good stumble and fall, thinking, saying or doing something which offends God, he sees. The difference it would appear is the bad do not care, but the good do. When the good fail God, not just because they know he is seeing, but because they love him, they seek his forgiveness, trying with all their strength to repent, to turn from that failure. Even if they fail again and again, forgiveness is available. The bad simply never ask, denying not only his watchful eyes, but his very existence. It may be possible some of those who are labeled by God as bad, actually think they may have some future time to seek his forgiveness, hoping they can go on with their sin, but just before death, make it right with him. Is this possible? It may be, but how much chance that is. Death can come at a seconds notice, and then lost forever is the result. No, it is far better a course of life to live for God, continually seeking his ways, being counted as the good.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Speak Up

Prov 15:2
2 The tongue of the wise commends knowledge,
but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.
Is it not clear this knowledge is of God? Anything else is pure folly. Any discussion of how the world began, how man began that does not acknowledge God is nothing but pure folly. These who God would call fools certainly gush with all sorts of theories of how they think it all began. The foolishness of it all is amazing. It would seem these fools would believe anything just so they do not have to believe God. A believer must be careful not to look at them with contempt or disgust, but with compassion. Although God calls them fools, he still loves them the same as he does those who call him Lord and Savior. It is simply sad they cannot see the real knowledge, the pure truth of God. It would be a good thing for those who commend this knowledge of God to continue to share it with those who he calls a fool. Even if they continue to gush with this folly of evolution, or man-made climate change, a believer should always be willing to share the truth. We should not remain silent in these times of folly. It may not be enough just to call it folly, but to be able to share the knowledge of God in their vernacular so their foolish thinking might understand it. No matter how profound all their thinking is made to sound, if it denies the existence of God it is not profound, it is folly. Only people who are truly wise have accepted the knowledge of God to be true. It is the wisest thing any person could ever do. Once this knowledge has been accepted it must be commended everywhere. Silence is not an option to a believer in this knowledge, it must be commended, it must be used rightly for the salvation of others. It has to be shared so others can turn from this gushing of folly to the truth of God. If believers want to be heard, they must speak up.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Which IS Best?

Prov 15:1
A gentle answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Why when this truth is so clearly known it is not executed more toward the positive and never toward the negative? Why are harsh words ever spoken at all? It has been proven true from experience of persons, of nations that harsh words only bring harsh words in return. So then why would these harsh words ever have been released in the first place? Perhaps it has something to do with self-centeredness. Maybe whenever a person feels threatened by some form of correction or constructive criticism this response of some harsh words simply boils up. It is difficult at times to determine who spoke the first harsh word, but eventually a flurry of harsh words is flowing in both directions and eventually anger plays some role. Why is it so difficult to remember this? Why is it easier to response with a harsh word than with a gentle answer? If the Spirit of God resides within, it seems only natural that gentle answers should be the normal response. It would appear this is easier amidst strangers or acquaintances than within the close circle of family. Does familiarity truly bred contempt? Why do those harsh words occur with those loved them most? It is within the nature of man, but has not God spoken some harsh words? Maybe there are times when a harsh words stirs anger so some action will take place. But it seems only right; this is not how it should be. This is all about responses to words. Should we not all be in control of our responses? So we have a choice once again, respond with a harsh word and suffer the consequence or respond with a gentle answer and defuse the situation. It seems clear which is best.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Make a Choice

Prov 14:35
35 A king delights in a wise servant,
but a shameful servant incurs his wrath.
Surely many might think of an earthly king because Solomon was one, and his thoughts could have been about his own kingdom. But it does well to see the greater spiritual truth which resides within these words as they actually come from the King of Heaven rather than just an earthly king. How delighted God is in the person who makes the wise chose to be a servant of Him. What wiser thing can a person do? It may be true some might think being a servant of the most high God is foolishness and lacks intelligence such as they have, believing in the wisdom of the world. But it is them who are the foolish for they are the shameful ones in this saying and they will incur His wrath. Can there be anything more foolish then to either deny the existence of God, or refuse to acknowledge Him as their God? Just from a simple standpoint of logic, it would make perfect sense and a very intelligent thought out plan of action for life to consider making the choice to believe God. If on the one hand He does not exist, then at least a life is lived with honor and dignity when it ends at death, but if He does exist, which I am convinced he does, then a life is lived with honor and dignity for all eternity. Of course the passions of people, the desire to serve self over God is beyond the intellectual capacity of even the greatest minds of man. This foolish behavior of the rejection of God, so the pursuit of self-gratification may run wild without control, is beyond rational thought. Only those persons who have chosen to become servants of the almighty God, the creator of all things, the Alpha and the Omega, are truly the wise people for they have brought delight to His Majesty the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the one and true God. I can think of nothing better than to bring him delight. Bringing Him delight has it rewards although they are simply a side benefit of this offering to Him. Being the object of His delight rather the wrath is a most wonderful experience. As we bring joy to Him, he gives us joy. As we bring delight to Him, he gives delight to us. Whatever we give Him, he returns one hundred fold to us. Wrath for wrath, delight for delight. Make a choice.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Attitude of the Heart

Prov 14:34
34 Righteousness exalts a nation,
but sin is a disgrace to any people.
When an entire nation is mention it would seem this would imply the disposition of the governing body element toward it’s people or the whole populations disposition toward each other or toward other nations. In either case this righteousness carries in the original language an implication of showing acts of mercy. This mercy cannot of course make atonement for sin, but it is pleasing in the eyes of God. Whole nations can be pleasing in God’s sight for their acts of righteousness toward foreign nations. Was this all about Israel and its attitude toward the gentiles? I have to wonder when Paul argues who is true Israel. It is not made up of those circumcised of the flesh, but of those circumcised of the heart. Those true believers in Jesus Christ comprise the nation of Israel and all un-believers are the gentiles. How does the body of Christ respond to the unsaved? Do believers have contempt or feel mercy toward those who do not know God? Even if mistreated or looked down upon, mocked or scoffed, do believers, the true nation of Israel, respond with acts of righteousness? Could not an improper response, or even attitude, be this sin which disgraces believers in the sight of God? True, the church preaches a welcome to un-believers. But does the body of Christ truly reach out with acts of righteousness toward the unsaved? Do we look for every opportunity to share the good news, to show mercy, bringing them the opportunity to escape the horrible death which awaits them? Ignoring them, simply accepting them as unsaved sinners or putting up with their position toward God is not showing mercy, but perhaps it is sin. Does the attitude of believers toward the unsaved disgrace the community of Israel? Is there a feeling of superiority exist? Do believers actually feel they are better than un-believers? Do they really think it is only the unsaved that sin against God? Righteousness does not mean the end of sin, but only a rendering of forgiveness by God. Righteous acts toward the enemy of God truly would exalt the body of believers, but unrighteous acts or attitudes would bring disgrace on them as well. Choose carefully the attitude of the heart.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Wisdom or Folly

Prov 14:33
33 Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning
and even among fools she lets herself be known.
Another distinguishing factor between two types of people, but do they share wisdom? The person with discernment or understanding has wisdom residing, reposing within their heart. It is a still and quite wisdom knowing the truth of God. It is a wisdom which brings a calm serenity to the spirit, being sure of the truth, knowing the Word of God. This wisdom is express in the peace with which this individual of wisdom lives. The one with a heart of understanding uses his words to encourage and lift others up. Wisdom also reveals the folly of the foolish. It is obvious what true wisdom is when a one who has been deemed by God to be a fool speaks of things which have no meaning, which lack the truth of his word. Truly it is only the person with wisdom and understanding who knows the Word of God to be the truth of life. Those who are fools reject pure truth for the folly of this worlds wisdom. If the wisdom of this world were so great, it would have discovered the solution to eternal life. No matter how much worldly knowledge is learned or uncovered, it still leads to death. How foolish is that? Whatever is said to prove the intellectual prowess of an individual, if it refutes the existence of God, his plan for the salvation of man, it only proves instead the foolishness of that person. Wisdom lets herself known in those foolish words of self-edification. It is far better to know the real truth than to try to prove you know some truth. The heart in which true wisdom resides knows peace, the heart without it endeavors to find peace somewhere else, but it eludes this heart. Choose wisely who you will serve, wisdom or folly. Maybe it is only those with true wisdom, true understanding, true intelligence that can even chose.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hope or Death

Prov 14:32
32 When calamity comes, the wicked are brought down,
but even in death the righteous have a refuge.
The original language reads: ”In his wickedness is driven away the wicked” and it would seem to have a clear message in contrast to the righteous having hope in their death. How clearer can this be? When those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior stand before the throne of God bending their knee as he has declared all will do, they have no hope of eternal life. They will be driven away from the presence of God and cast down, thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, they will be brought down. Why anyone would choose that end is beyond human comprehension. Is the life of self-serving worth that end? Is living anyway one wants to, doing whatever suits their fancy worth being cast down from the presence of God? Do people really think that no matter how they live God will show them mercy on that day and allow them into paradise? Have they been deceived by those who continually proclaim God is a God of love and all will be forgiven even on the last Day of Judgment? God has made a provision for all to escape being thrown down into the lake of burning sulfur. He has already shown his love and mercy, his compassion, his divine plan for all to enter into his rest, his paradise for all of eternity. He has sent his son Jesus Christ to pay the price we all so deserve. Why do people insist on refusing this love, this mercy, this compassion and then except God to allow them in instead of throwing them out? Is that life of wickedness so rewarding? Or are they simply deceived by Satan into thinking it is? How can any intellectual person allow themselves to be so deceived? It would seem the smarter, the more intelligent a person is, the more they would see through the schemes of Satan and realize the truth of God, but it appears just the opposite. It is the smarter, more intelligent thing to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and so on that last day be invited into his everlasting presence, into the refuge of God. The righteous have hope in death, the wicked have death.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Honor God

Prov 14:31
31 He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker,
but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.
There is a certain sense here that indeed it is far better to show mercy on those who would be considered in the eyes of the world as the poor. Every man, woman and children is a part of the creation of God. If when in the presence of such a person who would be consider of poor estate, the attitude of superiority raises, it is simply a form of contempt. There are no doubt people who not only are poor but look the part as well. Their dress, maybe even their cleanliness might be in question, yet they still are children of God. Does God show favoritism? Does God think more of one then another? Is simply ignoring them a form of oppression? If kindness is in opposition to oppression ignoring sure is not kindness. Yet even in the act of kindness can they be an attitude of oppression? That is no matter how one serves the needs of the poor, if thoughts of being any better than them is present then no really kindness has occurred. It may simply be a façade while all the time making the giving of kindness feel better about themselves. Do we keep them at an arm’s length? Do we honor only those who have wealth? Do we think, “Come to the rich, sit in the best sits, of my life, while you poor go sit in the floor of my heart.” But there is another sense also here in that the purest form of kindness to those in need is to share the gospel message. No matter the amount of material wealth a person might have, if they do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior they are indeed truly poor. By ignoring those who have never accepted Jesus Christ it is a form showing contempt for God. No matter how vile a person may be, no matter how arrogant or opposed to God a person may be, their deserve to know the Gospel. Perhaps they have heard and refuse, then are we freed from acts of kindness? What if those of are poor of material goods strike it rich, are we freed from acts of kindness? It is worth considering that Jesus died for all, and in that act it was the greatest kindness to all of his creation. Do not we need to follow that act and thus honor God?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Is There A Choice?

Prov 14:30
30 A heart at peace gives life to the body,
but envy rots the bones.
It has been said that many illnesses are the result of a person’s own mind, or state of mind. Is this not the truth of this saying? Envy is a terrible state of mind. To see either the material goods of another or some personality trait and want so much for self puts a heavy burden on a person’s state of being. Even the envy of looks can ultimately destroy the very core of a person. If we could only be thinner, taller, shorter, more muscular, in better shape or whatever else that other person has that makes them so good looking. If only we could be more liked as they are it would make us feel better about ourselves. It sure seems they have way more money than us, and that affords them all the stuff I would really like to have. They sure are a lot more gregarious and have more friends and seem to always be smiling, laughing and having good times, and we are so alone, if only we could be like them. Sure wish we could sing like them, and be able to have people think we have a great ministry in music. Envy strikes at every turn in a life; it lurks around every corner, in all aspects of life. It can happen before it is realized and it is mainly due to discontentment with self or very low self-esteem. If left unchecked or cured, it will eat away at the very core of a person which can only shorten their life. The cure is to learn to be content with who we are, as we all are created by God and he has a plan for each of our lives. He has a special place for each living stone within the construction of his temple. He has a special calling on each life to serve in his kingdom for his purpose and his glory. It matters not how much of anything we have. It matters not how good and not so good we look. It matters not what type of personality we have, God has designed each of us for a special place in his kingdom with special talents, and gifts. We need only learn to be content in whatever situation we find ourselves, because we may make plans, but God orders our footsteps. When we are at peace with God, knowing we are doing what he has called us to do, life is good, our hearts are at rest and there is no place for envy. This kind of inner peace with God does brings a purpose for our being and a longer life as well as an eternal life with him. Choose this day whom you will serve, self or God. Is there a choice?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Breathe Slowly

Prov 14:29
29 A patient man has great understanding,
but a quick-tempered man displays folly.
The original language gives some idea of this quick-tempered man as being of such passion his breathe is short and rapid. How fast a temper is flared could result in such inner turmoil. Is there cause for such inner violence? What makes a person become so foolish? It might well be a case of pride, or thinking more of one self than ought to. Who would dare to correct or criticize such a person and be the victim of such wrath? It is true most people if not all may lose a temper from time to time. Sure everyone has had moments of not being as patient as they should. But this is a person who lives in this state of mind who flies of the handle at the drop of a bucket. This person is always ready for explode if spoken to in the wrong manner. On the contrary to this, is the one who understands things are not always going to be perfect. A patient person wants to hear what is being said, ponders on it, thinks through the words of even those who might oppose his ideas before saying a word. A patient person understands his own imperfections and judges not others imperfections. When slow breathing is within the soul patience shows the understanding of self. Is this the understanding as to how a person fits into the temple of God? Is this the understanding of how a person benefits the Kingdom of God? What role does this patient person have in the community of believers? These are the thoughts of a patient person. The quick-tempered person thinks only of what benefit does he receive from others, from the Kingdom and how do others fit into his life. Self is over-rated by this person. Outlooks are in total opposition here. Who is for me, or who am I for? It is worth pondering and praying about. Who wants folly when they can have great understanding? Breathe slowly!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Shout it Out Loud!

Prov 14:28
28 A large population is a king's glory,
but without subjects a prince is ruined.
Is this really about how a king would govern his people? Does this really speak about a ruler promoting such grace and mercy that his people multiply freely and increase in number so he has glory? That when a government places such a burden upon its people that they decrease in number? Many great minds are leaning toward this meaning, but I wonder if this has more. Could this not be a statement of the state of a man’s spirit? Does not God receive great honor and glory when the body of Christ, his church is filled with great multitudes? Would not the statue of Satan come to ruin if no one was in his snare and he was left all be himself with only those angels who fell with him? Is this not a plain and simply contrast between the end result of God and Satan? Then I saw a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language standing before the throne an in front of the lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” Rev 7:9-10
The prince of this world will come to ruin without question in the end. And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Rev 20:9-10 But it is so sad, that is not over for along with them some, there is going to be a number, certainly not as many as the multitude that cannot be counted, but some will follow him. And the result is: Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. Rev 20:14-15
There is no doubt this speaks to that end and for one I have chosen to be among the uncountable multitude who has been and will continue to cry out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb”! If we do no cry it out loud now, will we get to later? Be loud, shout it out loud every day!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Drink Freely

Prov 14:27
27 The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life,
turning a man from the snares of death.
Can it be any planner than this? Without the reverence for God in a person’s life they are doomed to experience the snares of death. In the original language this snare implies like a nose ring, a noose to catch and animal and this he the grip death has on those who do not fear the Lord. It will snare them and lead them off to a place of slaughter. There is only one escape from this horrible death which awaits those who are snared in its clutches. If only they knew how menacing this snare is. If they are warned would they listen? From personal experience, knowing this snare, actually being aware of it, was the first step and finding the escape route was one of my primary concerns. Are others aware of the snare, the trap they are in, set by the devil to drag them off to the lake of burning sulfur along with him, to not only experience death, but to be subject to the second death. There is an escape from this snare. There is a way out for anyone who has the guts to take it. It must be so easy to just sit within the trap never trying to escape, never attempting to find a way to freedom because it seems so many are doing just that. What is the fear keeping them from finding the fountain of life? Is this snare so filled with the deception of self-pleasure they believe it is a good place to be? Is Satan keeping them so involved with indulgencies they cannot see the danger they are in? Is the fountain of life so unbelievable to them because of the lies they have been feed by Satan, they refuse to escape to it? It would seem far better to fear the Lord and enjoy the fountain of life then to remain within this snare of lies and deception which will ultimately lead the wrong way. Life always trumps death, no matter how you look at it. If this were not so, why do so many do everything possible to prolong their death here on earth? Why do they struggle against the end of their life? Is it because they know they are being led by the nose ring into the depths of hell? Even when they try to convince themselves their good life will get them to heaven, they know deep down it will not. So they struggle against that time, fighting and screaming, dragging their feet, trying to avoid the final breath of life they so dearly love. But there is more life to come for those who fear the Lord, the fountain is overflowing with abundant everlasting life, enough for all to drink of. No one ever need to go thirsty, no one ever need to remain in the snare of Satan. All may freely drink from the fountain of life, and escape the clutches of death forever. Fear God and drink freely.

Monday, April 2, 2012

One Fortress

Prov 14:26
26 He who fears the LORD has a secure fortress,
and for his children it will be a refuge.
What fortress can stand up against the most horrific attacks? There is no question it is the one which is built on a solid foundation, and what better foundation than that which is Jesus Christ. How can any man have a fortress of his own that could stand up against the power of Satan? He simply cannot build anything from his own self that would withstand those attacks. There is only one fortress which has the power over Satan and that is the fortress of God. As long as a man lives within that fortress Satan attacks are useless, without effect, and meaningless. God has declared that a man should provide for his family, and what better provision for his children than to start them off within the fortress of God, to give them that refuge. Is there any greater hurt in a parents heart than to stand on the wall of a great fortress and watch their children being slaughtered by the enemy of their soul? What good is it to have all the safety of this secure fortress if a parent does not pass on that heritage? Sure at some point in time all children most make the choice of their own as to stay or leave this great fortress of God. Yes, it is true some do walk out into the flames of battle alone and without the armor of God to protect them. That is their choice and as hurtful as that can be to a parent, it happens. Still the truth remains, a parent who fear God when his children are within his authority, gives them the best foundation for their lives. They have this refuge, it is available to them, even to them who have left the fortress to strike out in the battle of life for themselves. They know the refuge and when the enemies’ attacks begin to overwhelm them, they know of a place to return. If the man with children never started them within the fortress of God they have no hope, unless one is sent to bring them the good news. One fortress, only one.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Prov 14:25
25 A truthful witness saves lives,
but a false witness is deceitful.
Would this truly be about the courtroom sense in some worldly court? It may appear to be so to the unobservant, but to those who have been enlighten by the Spirit of God the truth cannot be hidden. What type of witness can truly save lives? Is it not the witness who brings testimony of the saving grace of God? What else can save a life? Without accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, without accepting his death on the cross for sin, there is no saving of a life. All other testimonies are false, they are deceitfully wicked testimonies designed to defame the cross, to discredit God. A witness who says being a good person, doing good deeds, following the example of Christ’s life, spreads deceitful falsehoods because these are based on man’s effort, not on God’s grace. What can man do to save a life? It is only the witness who testifies about Christ who has the truth which can set a man free. Many attempt to witness of some strange god, or gods which will bring the follower to some paradise in the end. Many will witness to the reward which awaits those who follow after these god’s, but in the end it will prove to have been a false witness and a deceitful one which has lead people to their eternal death. What is the matter with people? Why do they allow themselves to be deceived by this false witness? Does it simply allow them to continue life as they please? Do they refuse to accept the truthful witness about Jesus Christ being the only way onto the Father, because they actually already know the truth and cannot bear to give up their life of self-centeredness? Whatever the reason, it cannot stop or detour a truthful witness from testifying about Christ. No matter if no one listens, a true believer will continue to be a truthful witness about Christ knowing that is the only way a life can be saved. The world might attempt to close off the witness’s words, shut off the sound; drown them out with screams of doing good deeds and being a good person, all the while living for self instead of Christ. Yet there is only one truth which will save a life, and the truthful witness will continue to testify.