Monday, October 31, 2011

I Will

Prov 7:1-5
My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you. 2 Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. 3 Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart. 4 Say to wisdom, "You are my sister," and call understanding your kinsman; 5 they will keep you from the adulteress, from the wayward wife with her seductive words.
Here we go again, once more a warning about that adulteress, that wayward wife with her seductive words, that world. I have to conclude all these warnings are not about an actually women for Solomon in all his wisdom had way too many he married to be concerned about just one of another man’s. Now it is true he would have had an older brother had his father keep faith and not committed that sinful act. But this is not about women, for all scripture is for the good of all people and thus want kind of warning is this for women, but to not commit adultery with the world. This world, this result of mankind rejecting, divorcing itself from God, has become the wayward wife. God surely desires that all his creation should not perish but have everlasting life, yet many of his people have turned their back on him and engaged in the destructive behavior of self-gratification. Here, I am again reminded to be on guard against the world’s seductive words. Here again I am told to store up God commands within me, to keep them and that result will be life, life now and life everlasting. Those individuals who have been seduced by the world are nothing more than walking dead men. I used to sing “keep me Jesus as the apple of thine eye” but here I see his words are to be the apple of my eye, the desired fruit, the greatest thing to lust after. As I wear a ring, as I bind my finger with a gold band to signify my faithful devotion to my earthy wife, I bind my finger symbolically as a token of my faithful devotion to my God. His words are not written on the human flesh which is corruptible, but on a tablet in my heart, a tablet of stone, with the finger of God, never to be erased, or worn out. How clearer can this message be? How can God impress it upon me any stronger? I have to live according to his way, and not the way of this wayward world. Mankind has lost its way, gone off the deep end and set up all sorts of idols of worship, false idols, man invented idols that I dare not even start to make a list of for fear of offending any who read this. But I fear that even the most devote believer, if not ever so careful can be in danger here. I must be vigilant or I could be in danger. I am convinced God has bestowed this wisdom and understanding to me, and I see the danger, I am at least aware of this wayward world and attempt to stay clear of her seductive words. But I fear some of my fellow believers have been lured too close to her door. I have to be more vocal, more engaged in the calling God has placed on me. I will.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

One Love

Prov 6:30-35
30 Men do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving. 31 Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house. 32 But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever does so destroys himself. 33 Blows and disgrace are his lot, and his shame will never be wiped away; 34 for jealousy arouses a husband's fury, and he will show no mercy when he takes revenge. 35 He will not accept any compensation; he will refuse the bribe, however great it is.
Surely the comparison here defines a difference between a man who steals due to experiencing hunger for the lack of his own food, and the man who steals to satisfy lust even when he has his own wife. Yet I see still another picture of perhaps the character of God, and how he thinks. I am sure any sin is forgivable, because restitution has already been made by Christ. He has paid back sevenfold, it has cost his all his wealth, his very life to pay back and satisfy the justice of the Father. But what about this adultery issue? Can there be any restitution for not be faithful to God and going about having an affair, satisfying the lust of self with the world? I know God is a jealous God. Is not it spoken clearly enough in the second commandment? How could I expect the mercy of God if I leave the fulfillment I experience with him to seek out a fulfillment from the world? I know I have to live here; he created this place for me to live in and to have the necessary elements to sustain my life. But that is the physical realm, water, food and housing, not the artificial realm created by man. I need to live within the realm of God and what he has created for me, not within the realm of man and what he has created for himself. I need to worship my God, and not those ideas and concepts, those gods man has developed for his own benefit. I also cannot bring anything to God as a bride for restitution of my sin. I cannot offer him anything for the lust of bowing down to the gods of the world, the gods of men? The goals and ambitions of men created by men are devised for the satisfaction of self. The American dream is just that, a creation of man, for mankind to strive for, to lust after, and to spend a life of energy in pursuit of achieving self-fulfillment. This can only bring one end, self-destruction. If I allow myself to be lured by the world I will only wound myself, and bring disgrace to my own being. How could I live with myself? How could I live with such dishonor and shame? I need only one love, my God.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Right Path

Prov 6:20-29
20 My son, keep your father's commands and do not forsake your mother's teaching. 21 Bind them upon your heart forever; fasten them around your neck. 22 When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you. 23 For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life, 24 keeping you from the immoral woman, from the smooth tongue of the wayward wife. 25 Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes, 26 for the prostitute reduces you to a loaf of bread, and the adulteress preys upon your very life. 27 Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned? 28 Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched? 29 So is he who sleeps with another man's wife; no one who touches her will go unpunished.
For surely this is speaking about the act of adultery, even within the heart, if not in the physical. As true as it is that the number of women who offered themselves was so many they had reduced their price to that of a loaf of bread and they would prey on the basic nature of every man, I think this also speaks to a far deeper idea which I have written about before. But as God keeps repeating the same theme, I have to deal with the same theme, and that is so I get it. There is no question, that even the most devote believing man can fall prey to the seductive powers of women. The luring looks and suggestive words can tempt a man no matter his resolve. If any man says different, he deceives himself and calls God a liar. Surely I must keep my heart from such desires, and focus on God, his commands, his teachings and bind them on my heart instead of my own desires. But I also think this can speak to the whole of the world. Being the bride of Christ I cannot allow myself to commit adultery with the world. I cannot carry on an affair with the ways of the world while being the bride of Christ. Surely if I do it will cost me. How could I carry on, conduct business the world’s way, be seduced by the monetary system, live according to the social structure and behave according to the moral standards of the world while professing my love for God? Truly if I allow myself to be seduced by the world, I will get burned, I will not enter into my Fathers rest, but will experience a burn I dare not mention. I cannot even ride the fence on this one, either I pitch my tent in the camp of God or in the camp of the world; I cannot have it both ways. I cannot sleep in both places at the same time. If I accept the principles of the world, I have been seduced into thinking her way is alright. She paints herself up to lure me; she speaks smooth words to tempt me into desiring her pleasures, all the while knowing if I submit I will surely burn myself, I will die a slow and painful death, having my very life drained from my being. I need only keep my feet on the right path, and keep my heart on his path and his alone.

Friday, October 28, 2011

On Guard

Prov 6:16-19
16 There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, 18 a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, 19 a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers. NIV
I wonder what the six things are because this is the list of the seven. Yet it may well be the same list, in the original language it could mean here is the six things the Lord hates and the seventh one is detestable to him. As if the first six which are listed here aren’t bad enough, the seventh is really bad. So here is the list of behaviors I really need to stay clear of as best I know how. I wonder if that is enough. I think I have been judged as appearing prideful by my peers, if I have actually had any. I am jesting with myself, of course, for I know full well I have nothing to be prideful about for I am but a sinner saved by grace. Yet I have been told people think I am prideful, and I just cannot accept that, for they know not my heart, yet I think I should work more on how I appear, for their sake, because they sin when they have that kind of attitude. About this lying tongue thing, I think it could be deeper than just a little white lie. That word carries the implication of being deceptive or committing fraud for purposes of personal gain. This I am not in the habit of engaging in nor do I ever desire to, for that would be so destructive to my own being as well as to others. I surely have never shed the blood of an innocent person, but maybe this speaks in a prophetic sense about Jesus. My sin surely has shed his innocent blood. But I think this may also apply to a lifestyle of taking advantage of others, using people for self-aggrandizement which goes right along with a heart which devises wicked schemes. I would hope I do not spend any time engaged in such fool hardy thinking. How could any believer spend any time trying to figure out some scheme for ill-gotten gain and then rush head long into putting it into action? Here is that part about those who judge me as prideful and mention it to my dear wife, for they are being a false witness pouring out lies about me. I surely will not gossip about them, nor do I want to listen to their gossip either, even when it is cloaked in the form of a prayer request. But the worse of the worse is this stirring up dissension, talking negative about another believer in order to cause others to think negatively about them. Not going to happen on my watch, at least from my mouth. I wonder if when I hear it, if I should call it out. That is a tough one. This has been a jumbled series of thoughts today, but I am getting the message anyway. Be careful, be on guard.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Always Aware

Prov 6:12-15
12 A scoundrel and villain, who goes about with a corrupt mouth, 13 who winks with is eye, signals with his feet and motions with his fingers, 14 who plots evil with deceit in his heart — he always stirs up dissension. 15 Therefore disaster will overtake him in an instant; he will suddenly be destroyed — without remedy.
It doesn’t take much to start a rumor about someone, a rumor of ill report especially. I think that even without the use of my mouth I can indicate by the expression of my face a certain disregard for an individual when their name is mentioned in the course of a conversation. The question I think which is posed here is if doing that is on purpose, with design to create a mode of doubt regarding that person’s character or relationship with Christ. It would seem to me it is easy enough to do and that would then also be thinking more of me then I should. I think whenever by design, with purpose, with intent in my heart to cause harm in this way about someone, or between others, it is extremely evil. Although I think most believers would not engage in this kind of behavior knowingly, which includes me, I think it might be possible to just slip into that kind of behavior without giving it much thought. I certainly do not consider myself or my fellow believers a scoundrel and villain, who goes around with a corrupt mouth. Yet I think the very nature of the human condition bears some examination about this kind of attitude and behavior. If I think I am above this, then would I be guilty of spiritual pride? If I think I would never do anything like this, would I not be thinking so much more of myself then I should? I think it is possible for any believer to get carried away by his feelings especially if he feels he has been snubbed by or sneered at by someone, or perhaps even judged. So I have to ask, if I am driven by feelings or by the Spirit? Do my emotions control me or do I control my emotions? Are my thoughts and actions toward others generated by my human nature or by the Spirit of God? I would hope and pray the answers are always the latter. How could I continue if I thought disaster would overtake me? No, I am convinced that because of my relationship with Christ I have been redeemed and I am in the hands of my God. I am sure I am not this type of individual whose heart is bent toward that kind of evil. Could I inadvertently act in an inappropriate manner in some situation? Maybe I could, but surely not with intent, or malice in my heart toward someone. But I do think I need to take heed of this warning, and be ever aware of my feelings, for from those can come behaviors. I must be always aware.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Work, Work, Work

Prov 6:6-11
6 Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! 7 It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, 8 yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. 9 How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? 10 A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest — 11 and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man.
I have heard people; I know believers who quote this verse to justify the investing and the hoarding of what wealth they have. But I fear they have misused this and have taken it completely out of the context of the whole of God’s plan for man. There are simply way too many other teachings about hoarding, storing up riches here in this world for the later years of life, for this verse to teach the exact opposite. In fact if I were to look to the ant to see how it stores up food, it does not store it up for the winter because it sleep all winter, and has not need of food. The ant eats all the food it stores before the winter, because it will rot in storage otherwise. No, it is all about each man doing his part in being a member of the body of Christ working diligently for the benefit of all, and for the kingdom. It is all about not having a task master, but doing because that is what should be done. It surely also speaks to the issue of working and providing for the family, but that is if I look at it from strictly a worldly view, and I should not be dependent on others to provide my needs of life, but work myself for them, yet in the spiritual sense that flies in the face of my dependence on God to provide my every need. No, this is about gathering for the Kingdom of God, not sitting back in old age and folding my hands resting on all the work I have done in the past, laying up my hard work so I can bring that out when I need to. “See how much I use to do” is not the optimum statement of any believer. I cannot sit back; I cannot store up my good deeds, and hang them out for all to see how much I have done. I must continue to labor for the Kingdom, I must work while I am alive and able to gather in the spiritual food needed for the time I am awake, for when I fall asleep, when I die, I have not further need of this food. How poor is the soul who is still alive, while looking to what he has stored up for his own benefit. The ways of the world has overtaken him, like a bandit and stolen his benefit. It is as if some believers have already fallen asleep, while there is still spiritual food to gather. I will not, I will work, work, work until the day God decides I must sleep.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bad Idea

Prov 6:1-5
My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor, if you have struck hands in pledge for another, 2 if you have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth, 3 then do this, my son, to free yourself, since you have fallen into your neighbor's hands: Go and humble yourself; press your plea with your neighbor! 4 Allow no sleep to your eyes, no slumber to your eyelids. 5 Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the snare of the fowler. NIV

Not sure want to do with this, or just how to apply it to my life. I understand the stranger thing, this another, is actually to turn aside or be a foreigner in the Hebrew. I get not being in some business arrangement or unequally yoked with a non- believer. I know that is a very bad situation and if I ever made some kind of agreement I should do all I can to get out of it. I do wonder if that applies to the mortgage loan I have with the bank, or a credit card company. Or does this simply apply to making some agreement with a person, like co-signing for them on a loan? It makes more sense in the social structure as well as within the time frame of when this was recorded to see it in the later view. But again I would have to say that would apply to an agreement between me and a non-believer, a stranger, another. This surely would not preclude me simply giving them money, or lend a helping hand in service to some need. But as far as putting my own possessions which I know are not really mine, but God’s, on the line for a stranger would be like committing suicide. I wonder if that would also apply toward investing money. That Hebrew word that is translated security has several aspects. It means to braid, to intermix, to traffic, as well as to give to be security as in an exchange. Surely all of that should be avoided in terms of me and an unbeliever. Again, it does not preclude me from either straight out giving, or in fact straight out receiving. But I should not enter into some form of exchange or business deal, which I think investing is for the sake of gain, or borrowing in exchange for service may well be. But again I have to consider if those mortgages, credit cards and such fit into that category. Yet I think the co-signing idea is the key concept here and especially between a believer and a non-believer. So I think I will just leave it as that and get out of here. It is a bad idea.

Monday, October 24, 2011

No God No Life

Prov 5:21-23
21 For a man's ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all his paths. 22 The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast. 23 He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly.
If for any reason I could ever think that I could possible hide somewhere that God would not be able to see my activities or behaviors I would simply be denying the truth of this statement and in fact just plain lying to myself. God sees everything all the time every time. There is nothing I do, in actions or reactions which miss his vision and examination. I do think it is possible to be ensnared by those things that could be considered and evil deeds. I think it is imperative to be ever aware not to allow myself to be catch by such an alluring predator. I cannot afford to be held fast by such things having my very being kept in captivity. If I do not submit to the discipline of my Lord I am convinced that not only me, but even the most sophisticated believer could be led astray by his own great folly. I must be vigilant and keep guard against such ensnarement. Yet even if I let down my guard, God has not. Even if I fail to live completely in compliance to his standard, he sees and knows my failure. I am, however assured that even in the midst of such mistakes his love endures. I also know that he never will forsake me, but continue to forgive me, guide me and direct my path in ways that will bring glory and honor to him. I know that f I travel my own way, it will not benefit his kingdom nor will it bring him honor. I will only dishonor myself but more importantly him. I cannot tolerate death for the lack of discipline. I cannot demand my own way and expect to have life. I know for certain my way is only folly and to fool myself into believing anything else would be suicidal. No, I am convinced I need his viewing my life, I need his examination, I need his discipline and I need his Spirit to continue to guide my every step. Without God I am lost. No God, no life.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Enough Said

Prov 5:15-20
15 Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. 16 Should your springs overflow in the streets, your streams of water in the public squares? 17 Let them be yours alone, never to be shared with strangers. 18 May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. 19 A loving doe, a graceful deer — may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love. 20 Why be captivated, my son, by an adulteress? Why embrace the bosom of another man's wife?
No Problem, enough said. Well there certainly should be more said about fidelity within the marriage setting, especially in the society we live in with all the men of public statue engaged in non-fidelity behavior. But I will leave that dead dog lay. So enough said, no problem, it is not a suggestion, but a command that needs to be adhered to for the health and wellbeing of my spirit. Enough said. But is this just talking about the marriage of man and women, or should this be seen as the marriage of a believer to Christ, to be the bride of Christ as the scripture declares? I think perhaps this is in fact that image. Why would I have an affair with the world if I am the bride of Christ? Why embrace the lifestyle, the standards, even the concepts of the world’s way of living? I cannot quite get the picture of Solomon who had over seven hundred woman, telling his son to rejoice in the single wife of his youth. No, I think this may well be a look at the fidelity of a believer to Christ. Enough said.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Only Way

Prov 5:7-14
Now then, my sons, listen to me; do not turn aside from what I say. 8 Keep to a path far from her, do not go near the door of her house, 9 lest you give your best strength to others and your years to one who is cruel, 10 lest strangers feast on your wealth and your toil enrich another man's house. 11 At the end of your life you will groan, when your flesh and body are spent. 12 You will say, "How I hated discipline! How my heart spurned correction! 13 I would not obey my teachers or listen to my instructors. 14 I have come to the brink of utter ruin in the midst of the whole assembly." NIV
Well, there is it once again, this warning about staying on the straight and narrow. One more warning about keeping on the path God has set me on. There is no good in getting near the things of the world. There is absolutely no good that will come to me if I allow the world, or even those darn rules and regulations of denominational trappings to snare me and drag me into their dwelling place. I am convinced that living for any other reason than for God is an absolutely waste of a life. Only living for God will bring value and worth to my life. The world would simply suck the very life from me and give nothing in return except a cold tomb in the ground. Even those unhealthy religious regulations could drain the very fabric of living for God from my being. There is nothing, not one thing which could replace living for God. How could I allow anything to cause me to turn aside from the path I am on? Sometimes I think way too many believers, see just how close they can come to her door without actually going in. The invitations the world offers are surely very tantalizing and tempting, but they are only empty shells ready to relieve their unsuspecting victims of their very essence of life. I see the picture of a spirit being drained out of someone by Satan himself dressed in the disguise of goodness. No, I shall not go in, I shall not go near, I will keep to the path which my Lord has set before me, even when he disciplines me or corrects my thinking. I must continue to listen to his words and his words alone for only He gives life, instead of taking it like the world. He is the only source of truth, not those regulations that can drag me down into the depth of despair or even worse, spiritual pride. They can bring me to utter ruin in the midst of the whole assembly. I do believe for the most part the whole assembly would rather judge me according to their rules and regulations rather than according to the word of God. I will not say I hate his discipline, I will not spurn his correction, I must obey his teachings and instructions for that is the only course for me. The only way.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Only One Voice

Prov 5:1-6
My son, pay attention to my wisdom, listen well to my words of insight, 2 that you may maintain discretion and your lips may preserve knowledge. 3 For the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; 4 but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword. 5 Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. 6 She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths are crooked, but she knows it not.

I think this is becoming a little repetitive about paying attention, but then maybe God needs to make sure I am listening one hundred percent to him and zero percent to either the world or myself. Pay attention and listen well is the theme of God. I don’t know why I should question that, after all he is far wiser than I will ever be. So by paying attention to his insight, his wisdom, I can maintain discretion, a plan to live according to his word and I can proclaim his words, his plan for mankind, for as I think so am I, and what is in my heart comes out of my mouth. Yet it appears it is possible to be an adulteress. It appears it is possible to say I love the lord, proclaim I am his bride, proclaim his word and have an affair with the world. Perhaps it is also the world, or others are that adulterers attempting to flirt with me, to engage me into playing around with their ideas of Christianity, their doctrine, their rules and regulations, their denominational self-righteousness and petty bickering about who is right and who is wrong. In either case I am not to pay any attention to them, to the world or to my own self. I need to stay focused on the wisdom of God. I need to keep my own self within the framework of his word. I need to take my stand for the truth proclaimed straight forward by God himself. This entire dribble the world has to say has nothing to offer but death and I mean death, the grave. That is the place of no resurrection, but the final place of destruction. Why would I ever what to pay any attention to the wisdom of this world? Why would I what to devise my plan for life based on that dribble? I think it is way too easy for a believer to get sucked into making plans for life based on the standards or patterns devised by other men, then on the standards and patterns of God. I might have been distracted myself at times, but I cannot allow that to happen, I have to stay focused on the plan laid out by my God. I think the key here is there can be only one voice I must listen well to and that is God’s.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Right Direction

Prov 4:24-27
24 Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. 25 Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. 26 Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. 27 Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.
I think this perversity of speech has the implication of rash speech and hasty answers, but I also see in a sense the warning against distorting the truth for personal gain. To be so distracted by the things of the world that I would use enough of the very words of God to make my case for personal gain, or that I would deviate from the truth that he has so clearly defined. That I would preach or teach something slightly off from what God intended is what I am seeing here as the warning. I need to fix my eyes straight forward on the truth. I cannot be distracted by all the things or ways of the world. It is easy enough to let them sneak into view. Then when they are visible enough to display their pleasures, it becomes even more difficult to resist. That is why it is so critical for me to fix my gaze directly before me, to see the finish line, and stay on the path. Why would I want to create a harder path for myself? Why would I want to place obstacles in my own way? Why would I want to always be running uphill? Why would I want to travel through some bog or swamp to get to the finish line? I think all those things could only make it more difficult. Of course, I could apply those un-level paths to all the rules and regulations of denominational deviations from the truth of God. I think the simple fact remains all of them cannot be right, nor all of them cannot be all wrong, but nevertheless I think it could be a point to stumble on, it could be an un-firm place. No, I must take the truth from the word of God and allow his Holy Spirit to guide me into all that truth. I cannot swerve in either direction, into the ways and traps of the world, or in the ways and traps of denominational rules, regulations, and bickering over who is right and wrong. I think all that is evil and I shall keep my feet on solid ground, on the path of truth. Does that mean I am a perfect human being? I think not, but at least I am headed in the right direction.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Yes Lord

Prov 4:20-23
20 My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. 21 Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; 22 for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body. 23 Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
Is there a way to listen not closely? I think so. How often have I been guilty of listening to someone ramble on, only to find a moment of pause, so I could interject what I wanted to say? I think all too often. Or how many times have I just hear their words but was thinking about something else, which I wanted to discuss instead. So I suppose it is well within my ability to listen to the voice of God and not pay one hundred percent attention to him, but be wondering about something I wanted to be doing. But that is not the way it should be, no I must pay close attention to the words of God. I must harken his words, inclining my ear to what he has to say to me, which is not thinking about what I want to say before he is finished talking. I know I have taught, preached and written that I believe God has given us two ears and one mouth because I believe we should listen twice as much as we talk in our time with God. But here I also see that out time with God is always, not just a few minutes of prayer time a day. This never let them out of my sight, means just that. I should never ever let his words out of my sight, keeping them always before me, using my ears all the time to hear his words. Sure maybe not a voice, although I have heard his voice a few times, but the words he has already spoken and saw to it they were recorded for me to read, with my eyes and hear with my ears, and guard them with my heart. His words must be within me at all times, never forsaking them for those times when my flesh cries out for its own way. I do not question the fact his words at life itself to me as well as health to my body. There is no doubt that a life of sin, a life living outside the word of God can have a devastating effect on the body. But a life within the word of God can have a wonderful effect on the body. God heals those who love him and are dedicated to staying in his word. He heals those who are in Christ, this I believe with all my heart. His word is life, it is health, it is the very source of life eternal, it is the wellspring of life, and I will guard my heart against anything which would distract me from his word.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blind and See

Prov 4:18-19
8 The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. 19 But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.
I do remember when I was one of the wicked and I do remember being completely without any insight to the true meaning of life. I remember, as it were, being in deep darkness and not being able to see the truth. I remember stumbling through life as in complete darkness, aimlessly moving about with no sense of direction or where I had been or where I was going. Oh I thought I did, but in actuality I did not. But that has changed; it was changed the moment I met Jesus. It was like a breath of fresh air, as if someone had opened the door of that darkness and lead me out into the glorious light. As I look back maybe it was more like the first gleam of dawn. I was awakened by a glimmer of what was to come. I did not have total and complete understanding of all the ways of God. I only knew I had been brought from the darkness into the light. My eyes were opened to the dawn of a new life. As I continued to walk in his ways, on the path of the righteous, and again I have to say it is not the path of the righteous because I or anyone else is living righteously, but because of Christ, that gleam of dawn became brighter and brighter. I could see more and more of his truth, his ways. I could understand more of how he intended me to live. I could see where he was leading me more and more. I am not sure if I have come to the point yet where I have arrived at the full light of day, but I know I am closer than when I first gazed upon the first gleam of dawn. Yet there is another aspect to this path. When I was in the darkness I could not see my sinful ways, and as I stepped into the first gleam of dawn, I became aware, I could see how I was in such error and the need of Christ in my life, the need of repentance, and forgiveness. But as the light became brighter it continued to show me more of myself and the need of more repentance and forgiveness. This path is still getting brighter and exposing more of my life which needs the forgiveness of Christ as I continue to repent. What will it be like when the full light of day finally arrives, or has it already? Will I continue to see more? All I know is once I was blind, but now I can see.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hold and Guard

Prov 4:13-17
13 Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life. 14 Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men. 15 Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn from it and go on your way. 16 For they cannot sleep till they do evil; they are robbed of slumber till they make someone fall. 17 They eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence.
Seems pretty clear I am supposed to stay on the straight and narrow path which certainly is according to the instructions. If I do not know how to work some device correctly I usually find I have to read the instructions in order to know how it works. Granted the instructions do not get opened on many things, but still they all come with instructions for the correct operation. As I have been manufactured by God and since he has included a set of instructions for best operation, I think it is wise to read and operated according to the instruction. I should also keep the instruction book close and handy for quick reference from time to time, and guard it as well. If I lose this book of instructions it could cost me my life. Without it I would not know the correct operating procedures in order to obtain the maximum results for my life. I understand these instructions also include the standard warnings against possible harm if operated incorrectly. I have to make sure not to do that. I cannot afford to misuse my life. I cannot afford to cause myself harm, or eventually be destroyed by incorrect use. I must avoid the wrong use at all costs. I am sure there are all sorts of people I could associate with, and those who do evil are not the ones. I know so many good people, who do good things, and serve humanity in productive manners, yet if they do not know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior, if they are not living according to the instruction manual, then unfortunately they are considered living according to evil ways, according to the ways of man, rather than God. I cannot live in the same way as they do. Although they may not actually cause harm to others, they ways are directed by human thought rather than Godly thought. It may not sound pleasing to them, but they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence. I, on the other hand, must not, for I have read the manual and am aware of the instructions and have decided to accept and abide to the best of my ability to live accordingly. I will hold and guard it for dear life.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Many Years

Prov 4:10-12
10 Listen, my son, accept what I say, and the years of your life will be many. 11 I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. 12 When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble.
I wonder when people do not listen to the voice of God, if their lives are cut short or at least far shorter than they should be. I wonder just how many are the years of my life if I accept everything my Father has to say. That is the ultimate sixty-four million dollar question; do I accept all of it? Do I reject any of what he has to say? Are they things he has said which I give him lip service saying sure Lord, but in actuality I sort of let slide? I am not sure any person can carry out without fault every command of God, except of course, Jesus. So then maybe it is simply the condition of my heart, or the attitude of my mind which counts the most. I desire to live by his voice. I desire to do what he has instructed me to. But I fail at times to complete the task one hundred percent at times. I do accept what God says as the total complete ultimate truth for my life. I know I could not live without him and his voice leading me through my life. I need him to guide him in the way of wisdom, and lead me along straight paths. Why would I want to be hampered as I walk through life? That is ludicrous! Because I do accept what he says, and desire him to guide me ad lead me in straight paths, my steps will not be hampered, what I do will be right. Now having said that I do not believe my steps should be for me, but for him. That is the path I travel without having my steps hampered should be for the advancement of his Kingdom and not for my personal gain. If fact I should not be lumbering alone at some slow even pace, but I should be running full out, as fast as I can getting as much as I can get done for my Father and his Kingdom. Sometime I think my days are running out, and I have to get more done, but then I realize his has my days in the palm of his hand, and my years will be many and I have work to do.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Give and Get

Prov 4:5-9
5 Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them. 6 Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. 7 Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. 8 Esteem her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor you. 9 She will set a garland of grace on your head and present you with a crown of splendor."
I think I am getting the picture here about wisdom and understanding. I think I am seeing the call from God for me to seek his wisely ways and the meaning of it. I think I have gotten a hold of this idea for sure and I am certainly I will not forsake his wisely ways, his wisdom for some dumb idea of this world, for I know without question that I will be protected by it. When wisdom guides my choices, they are always good. When Wisdom illuminates my path, it is always headed toward Godly ways. If I did not have this wisdom, I am absolutely convinced my decisions would be stupid, they would be like all those decisions the ungodly make, chasing after the ways of the world, rather than the ways of God. No doubt some of them are good people, but just stupid, because they do not have the wisdom of God. The wisdom of this world is simply foolishness to God, and so why would I want the worlds wisdom when God’s is available and free for the asking. Yet,how could understanding cost all that I have? I suppose it does cost my own self, and that is all I have. Surely I cannot buy understanding from God. Certainly there is nothing of this world I have to offer to him for understanding. The only gift, the only thing of value to him that I own is me. The question I must ask myself is if I have given all of me to him in order to gain this understanding, this meaning of all his ways. I think I have, but maybe I am still holding out a portion, not fully surrendering all of me. I am still me, I still have my own thoughts, and feelings even though I have accepted Jesus, and become a new creature in Christ. I still do things which I enjoy doing, spending time on hobbies and such, not fully engaged one hundred percent of the time doing something for the Kingdom. Does that qualify as not fully giving me, not costing all I have? I do not spend my whole day in pursuit of understanding, but then God does expect me to do the things I must do in order to provide for my family, but then the greatest provision is making sure they know Jesus. What about that phrase “so heavenly minded no earthly good”? Just a phrase maybe devised my Satan to deceive believers into forsaking wisdom and understanding for just a little portion of the world’s way. No, I think I should stand firm on this, I need to pursue wisdom and understanding at all cost. If I appear like a fool to the world because I trust God completely, so be it. If I look like I am being too simply minded in believing God has and will continue to provide all I have and will ever need, then that is just the way it is going to be. If it costs me some worldly gain, I have no problem with that. If it costs me more of me, I am willing and ready to give more of me to his ways, his cause, and his kingdom.

Friday, October 14, 2011

His Child

Prov 4:1-4
Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction; pay attention and gain understanding. 2 I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching. 3 When I was a boy in my father's house, still tender, and an only child of my mother, 4 he taught me and said, "Lay hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands and you will live.
I suppose it is possible to read the word of God, to listen to the teaching from his wisdom and not pay attention. I suppose I could just read it for the intellectual knowledge of the history as any historic document would serve and not see any application for my life. I think when I was a spiritual child that is what I did, reading the Bible from cover to cover, just so I had the information which was within. I was finding out who was who, the accounts of all those people of the past and how everything came to be. I read the account of Jesus, who he was, and then all the teachings which followed. Then something began to happen. I was no longer reading for history, but for my life. My Father was teaching me his ways, his truths, his wisdom and I began to gain understanding into who he was, is and will be and what he wanted for my life. How great it is to be but a child, open and pliable to the teaching and instruction of my Father. I think as an adult it is more difficult to accept the instructions from a father than as a child. I do not think I could ever think I am not a child of God. How could I be an adult of God? The point is to remain his child, to remain pliable and open, listening, learning, paying attention, and gaining understanding of his teachings. As an adult I sure could get set in my ways, not being open to new ideas, new thoughts, new teaching, new instructions, or better understanding and in a sense that would be forsaking his teaching. I must remain tender, always open and ready to hear from my Father and not doing that with one ear only. I cannot simply make God a part of my life, a part of my heart, keeping a portion for myself. No, I must pay attention and listen with both ears, with my entire mind, my spirit, my heart, giving one hundred percent of me to his teachings. There is death otherwise, that I am certain of. If as an adult I forsake the continued process of listening and learning and gaining more understanding I lose out on so much. No, I shall forever be a child, his child.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wise, Righteous and Humble

Prov 3:33-35
33 The LORD's curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous. 34 He mocks proud mockers but gives grace to the humble. 35 The wise inherit honor, but fools he holds up to shame.
There is quite a comparison between two types of people seen here. I could not live a very happy life, if I were the one consider wicked instead of righteous. Now I know without question the only righteousness I have is in Christ and that I would never say I am righteous on my own. I think that is in fact the case which is presented here. The difference between the two is that the righteous have accepted God, and their need for God, and the wicked have not. The wicked refuse to acknowledge their need for God or even that God exists. How could a house like that ever expect a blessing from someone they refuse to accept? But, I on the other hand, see so many blessings from my Lord; I almost do not have room enough to contain them, and once again, not because of me, but because of him. But when he starts talking about mockers, I do believe he is talking about those in the household of faith, for that Hebrew word implies “To make mouths at” which to me means to give God lip service. It might be much like the Pharisees who stood beating their chests saying, “See how spiritual I am” but in their hearts were really not. No, I know I have so many faults; I fail God way too often to ever make that of statement. I know I am in need of God, all the time in my life. Maybe it is even prideful to say I am humble. But again that word means needy, which I am, needy of God. I think it is the wisest choice I have ever made in my life when I choose to follow God. I do not think there is any other decision which could be considered wise in comparison to that one. I do think it is foolish to refuse God. It is foolish to think I do not need God. It is foolish to think I could live without God. It is foolish to think I could do things on my own. It is most foolish to think I could ever attain eternal life on my own. It is foolish to think everyone will go to heaven just because they are good, or because of the love of God, that he allows all to enter no matter what. There are consequences to the actions and attitudes of life. There is heaven and hell, there are wise and foolish, there are righteous and wicked, there are humble and mockers. I choose wise, righteous, and humble.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Choose Confidence

Prov 3:31-32
31 Do not envy a violent man or choose any of his ways, 32 for the LORD detests a perverse man but takes the upright into his confidence.
Why in the world would I ever envy a person of violence? Maybe understanding the Hebrew word which implies a person who opposes others for the purpose of an unjust gain, I really would not ever envy that kind of person. Although I suppose it could be easy enough to what to have all that gain, that great abundance of material things, and wealth. To live in such excess, never having to consider the cost of anything my heart could ever desire would not necessary be difficult. But to gain that unjustly, at the cost to so many others, would be completely against every principle of God and this especially for God detests that kind of action. People who live according to the principles of this world, using whatever means possible to gain an advantage over others, either by wealth or position are in trouble. Those who spend their efforts in the pursuit of having more, being better, attaining prestige through position in society and have no regard for the ways of God are deeply troubled. I think sometimes even those who profess a personal relationship with God get diverted into this kind of living, and that is why this warning has been spoken. I must ever be on my guard against such thinking, and never ever envy any who live in such a manner for their end may not be as pleasant as they believe they life is. No, I would much rather have that which only God provides for me, live as he has desired me to live, where he has chosen for me and do what he has directed me. What a great reward it is being included in his confidence. To be in close deliberation with God, to have that kind of intimacy, that kind of consultation, and know his secret is far greater than anything this human life could ever offer. Why would I envy someone who does not have that? I surely believe it has to be one or the other, for both cannot be had. I have decided to choose his confidence.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I Get It

Prov 3:29-30
29 Do not plot harm against your neighbor, who lives trustfully near you. 30 Do not accuse a man for no reason — when he has done you no harm.
I have heard in the past about individuals climbing the corporate ladder on the backs of other people and maybe in a sense that is one example of how this may apply. Yet I am having a sense more is afoot here. I am not sure if it is even necessary to speak those accusations in order to do harm to my neighbor. I am thinking that even if I think something ill about him, I am in a sense thinking myself better than he is. I am sitting in judgment and thus it becomes a plot to lift myself up and put him down. This could be nothing less than harming him in some way. I remember one person who said not a word, but nevertheless I believe was doing harm because at the mention of someone’s name, an expression said it all, just a simply raised eyebrow indicated some form of harm, and perhaps that was a plot in itself. To cast some kind of doubt as to the character or personality toward this neighbor was intended. Does not God tell me that as I think so am I? I cannot afford to think anything ill about another, especially those I live close to, my neighbor, or as the Hebrew implies my associates. I believe if I think it, it will come out in some form or another and harm would be in the gate, ready to race through the gossip course to the finish line. I think anything of this nature of harm flies directly in the face of not thinking more of myself than I should and especially the golden rule, of doing unto others as I would have them do unto me. I think if I loved my neighbor as Christ loves me, I could not possibly ever do any harm, or accuse in any manner anyone who lives trustfully near me. Yet I think it is so easy to forget and speak out so form of harm in conversation. I think it might also be too easy, because of thinking too much of myself, to consider some action, or nor action by another as a form of harm against me and thus free me to harm back. Careful consideration to this phrase spoken here must be given. Love covers it completely so I would do no harm. I do not think I am doing justice to this saying of God, but I get it.

Monday, October 10, 2011

No Withholdng

Prov 3:27-28
27 Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act. 28 Do not say to your neighbor, "Come back later; I'll give it tomorrow" — when you now have it with you. NIV
Is this just speaking to the issue of material things, or could this also apply to time and effort? I think both are at the center of this saying. Surely God has never withheld anything good from anyone who deserves it. But here, this tells me it is my turn as well. I must be ready, willing and able to give of what I have whenever the occasion comes my way. I am not sure I need to go looking for opportunities to give to those who deserve, but I know that when the time comes my way, when I am in the position, and have the means I need to act. Now, the question of course which I have to ask, is how does someone qualify to deserve receiving whatever is within my power to give? Is all they have to be is my neighbor to deserve? Then who is my neighbor? Is this just the household of faith? Or is this truly those in my neighborhood? I think Jesus answered that question in the story about the man on the road and the Samaritan. So there it is, if it is within my power, which surely must include all the skills and talents the Lord God has blessed me within and not just money or things, I must not withhold from giving when it is needed. I am sure even it is just my time, an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on or a word of encouragement I should not withhold from those who deserve for that surely is within my power to act. What I believe I have to work on is the acting now part and not putting it off until some other time. Procrastination has always been my good suit. I have gotten real good at it, but this speaks directly to my heart, that must not be the case regarding this. I cannot hold back or put off, it is that simply. I think no matter what it is I must give, it is going to cost me something. Although I do not agree with everything Roberts has said or done, the idea if seed faith has some merit, not that I should give to get, but if I do give time, God will give more if it to me, if I give of my talent, God will bless me with more talent, if I give money, God will give me more of the same. I know this is true; I have experienced this many times and can attest to it. So this is what I must do, I think I have, maybe not always, but most of the time fulfilled this command. I think at least I try to, I am sure I have failed, but I will try to keep this more in the front of my mind, and be open to the moving of the Spirit in this area of my life. When I have it with me, I cannot withhold from those who deserve.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

No Fear

Prov 3:25-26
25 Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, 26 for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared.
There is in the course of life things that just happen and sometimes those happenings at not good at all. Is this what is being talked about here? Is it in the current time of life, or is it in the final Day of Judgment? Here they are called sudden disaster or instant devastation which will overtake the wicked. I should not have to be afraid of this at all. I am thinking this surely would apply to the end times, yet I also see bad things happening to bad people. But do bad things happen to good people? I do not think there are any good people. God says that everyone’s heart is deceitfully wicked. The only difference is who is in Jesus and who isn’t. He is what makes the separation between the wicked and me. It is just a term used to describe those who have not yet accepted Christ as their Savior. But the case still exists, whenever disaster befalls upon those as either individuals or as a whole, either during the course of this life or at the final day, I have nothing to fear. I am confident of safety and security in this life and on the final day, because I am in Christ. If it is in this life, my steps, my path is straight and upright and will not be misguided by the evil one into ways that are not right, but rather evil. If it is speaking of the last day of mankind, or simply my last day when I step into eternity, my step will not be snared by the evil one, but I will confidently step into the everlasting presence of my lord who is now in heaven at the right hand of the Father. Wherever I step I will be stepping into his presence. He walks with me now, he talks with me now, and he holds my hand guiding me through whatever situations come my way. He will never forsake me, but will always be there to uphold me, in this life and the one to come. What could I possible ever fear, when he is with me? Not a dog gone thing! I do think though, that I have the choice to allow myself to get trapped into activities which are not pleasing to my Lord. I do not think that my steps are snared, but simply that I am being a man, allowing my own heart to lead, rather than following God’s leading. I fail him, at times, but I think that is very different than having my whole path of life snared and misguided by the evil one. My desire is to follow after my Lord, fearing nothing from the evil one and what he will do with the wicked. I live in Christ therefore I live with no fear.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Live In Safety

Prov 3:21-24
21 My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; 22 they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. 23 Then you will go on your way in safety, and your foot will not stumble; 24 when you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
Keep my eyes focused, keep my heart focused, keep my mind focused on making sound judgments, or intellectual understanding of the ways of God, and discern or have a plan to execute those understandings in a way to please him. Is this not the way of a believer? Yet when I consider I have the understanding of the correct golf swing, but to execute it is entirely a different thing. I have studied videos and learned exactly how I am to move and balanced my weight correctly however to put that understanding into motion requires practice and more practice. I think it is the same with the understanding and discernment of the ways of God. Putting my understanding into motion requires practice and more practice. I cannot ever let up; I have to keep them within me at all times. If I am successful, with the aid of the Holy Spirit of course, I can expect more of life. Death will have no victory in my being. I will be able to walk through this life in safety and I will not stumble over those obstacles placed in my path by the deceiver. Just as I learned in hurdles to keep my eyes on the finish line instead of on the hurdles, I keep focused on the finish line of this life on earth and the beginning of my life eternal with God. Having the mindset of living the ways of God, knowing that I please him, due to his seeing me through the blood of Jesus Christ, I can lie my head down at night in peace and serenity. I have nothing to fear at all, for I am saved by the ever powerful grace of my Lord. I am in his hands and he will never forsake me or let me go. Of course, I can leave whenever I want, but why would I? I understand this peace, I discern his grace, I know how all this works and my very life depends on him. So at the end of the day, I can lie down, at the end of my life here, I can lie down, and have no fear, I need not be afraid of anything. My sleep each night of this life is sweet, I arise refreshed and eager for what the day brings me. I also know that as I lie down this life, my sleep in Christ will be sweet, and I will arise refreshed and be forever in the wonderful arms of my Lord. What should I ever fear? Nothing! I live in safety.

Friday, October 7, 2011

What a God!

Prov 3:19-20
19 By wisdom the LORD laid the earth's foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place; 20 by his knowledge the deeps were divided, and the clouds let drop the dew.
If this kind of wisdom is that which he gives to me if I seek it, it is most powerful. It is the same Hebrew wisdom that I am to find, although I do seriously doubt that I could ever lay a foundation for a planet. How powerful is this wisdom of God? How majestic is his power? I believe it is far greater than I might comprehend. Yet still, it is by his intelligence, his understanding that he set the heavens, the universe in place. No big bang, no by chance theory of the beginning here. No it is by intelligent design; his understanding of how all things must work and interact with each other in order to maintain the cosmos. I do not know how anyone could ever think that all that there is just happened without some intelligent source behind it all. That is so unintelligent to even think in that manner. How could any person believe man actually can know through whatever he has invented in the way of numbers, the age or beginning of the universe? Man’s knowledge is so utterly limited compared to the knowledge of God. Without God in the equation, man’s ideas or theories are just that, man’s. Not one theory about the universe, its origin, its formation, or design is fact if God is left out. The only truth is what God has declared. The only true facts are what God has declared. It was by his knowledge that the depths of the oceans were divided by the continents. This idea that all the continents were once one, and shifted over the last however many millions and millions of years is just nonsense, because once again, that theory, not fact, has been devised to ignore the existence of God. I merely have to gaze into the wonders of the clouds to see his hand at work. In fact the other day the formations were so incredible I simply said, “God, is that beautiful”, and before I could think another thought, I heard, “Thank you”. What A God is my God!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Prov 3:13-18
13 Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, 14 for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. 15 She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. 16 Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. 17 Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. 18 She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed.
A mouthful of words, many of which I could spent a long time pouring over and contemplating how each applies to my life, yet all in all it is one main theme which is the joy and blessings of finding wisdom and gaining understanding. These two are so much greater than anything the world could have to offer. No doubt Solomon found them yet did he not get distracted by all the things of the world? It is a battle of a lifetime not to let those desires of the world overpower the desire to find wisdom and understanding. Although I am ready to see my Lord face to face whenever he desires, there also is a benefit of this long life, yet is the long life on earth or does this speak to eternal long life? Does this speak to riches and honor here or there? In a sense I believe it does mean both, which implies I can expect a long life here and have much material goods, and be honored by others. That is a little over the edge I think. It certainly is not what I am looking for in the life. But if that is the result of finding wisdom and gaining understanding who am I to argue with God. I cannot speak to the long life part as I do not know how long is long, but as for the riches and honor I can only say I think that has been in my life already. I have much, more than many, and I believe others have a certain amount of respect toward me, which I can only attribute to God. I must confess I do indeed have a pleasant way in this life. I have so few struggles, anguishes or difficulties that it would appear I have none. Maybe I travel with too much ease, maybe I should fret more about things, and be in turmoil over all sorts of situations, but I just cannot seem to get there, for my life is pleasant and the path I walk is peaceful. It has little to no unrest. It is filled with the Shaalowm peace of God, safety, wellness, happiness, friendliness, welfare and health. What more could I ask for? But still there is more, and this is in fact the hereafter part. For in finding God’s wisdom and gaining the understanding to see his truths for my life, I will be able to reach out my hand and partake of the tree of life, which I have already done, at least in a spiritual sense, and be blessed with life eternal. Why would it not be the desire of my heart to find this wisdom? I am blessed.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Always In Need

Prov 3:11-12
1 My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, 12 because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.

How could I despise or refuse discipline or correction from my Lord? I suppose I could simply not listen and be like a little child, always wanting my own way. I could stamp my feet, hold my breath, carry on with a temper tantrum until he gives in and lets me do my thing. But, no that is not a good thing, for my way is not his way and I believe I need to be doing things his way. So I will not reject his discipline, I will accept it, and receive his corrections and directions for the way I am to go. If I get messed up and start down that old way, I need him to discipline me and make those corrections in my walk. I should not even feel a bit resentful that he is involved in my daily walk, but rather feel comforted because of his presence in my life. If he paid no attention to me, and just let me alone to do whatever I decided I wanted to do, he would not be loving me at all, but rather shunning me. How could I live without his presences, his love, his discipline and yes even his rebuke? I do not think I could. I would feel so lonely, so unloved by my Lord and my God. I would feel as if he just did not care about me. But I know that is contrary to his word. He continually tells me of his love and compassion toward me. He repeats it over and over again so that I will get it deep down within my being and understand his great love and concern for my life, so much so that he sent Jesus to redeem me and give me that opportunity to accept that redemption. He is my Father and I am his son now, and I know he knows what is best for my life. I also know there are those times when I do get a little going in my way, for I am human, not that it is alright, or that I am making excuses, but the fact remains I will never be perfect enough to gain salvation on my own. I will never live completely free from all sin, and so I will always be in need of his love, his discipline, his correction, and chastisement for those times of bad behaviors. True, they have become fewer and fewer as the years have gone by, because of his discipline, but I will never not need more of that correction in my life, I will always be in need.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Jehovah Jira

Prov 3:9-10
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; 10 then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.
It is the right thing to do as he has provided all of it to begin with. If I say to myself that it is mine, than I have not understood a thing. If I say to myself I do not have enough and I need to keep all I have, than I understand nothing. The question, of course is what is meant by honoring the Lord. Is this another word for tithe? Is this another Old Testament teaching on giving the Lord a tenth of all I have? How do I honor God by giving to men? Is not giving to the church, simply another way of giving to men, supporting the salaries of staff, and paying bills to keep the church open? What honor does God get from that? I do not believe that I should be selfish with my income, and that if I am being feed, in a spiritual sense, it is the right thing to help support those who have been called to serve him within the church. Yet are not many people, lay people, including myself, called to serve him in the church and do so without any financial compensation from the church? No, I think maybe this honoring God with my substance has more to do with making sure he receives all the glory and honor for providing me with all I need, all that I have, and all that I am, instead of giving other men some of what he has provided for me. I have often wondered, if I am to look to God for all I need, why should other men look to me for all they need, instead of looking to God. All that I have is because of God. He has giving me far more than I even need, but again, he has called me, and placed me within a cultural setting which requires a certain amount of material wealth in order to “fit in” so to speak. This has been done by him in order that I may have some influence upon this segment of society for the advancement of his kingdom. As I use my wealth for his kingdom, I will be blessed. As I use what he has given to me for the purpose of influencing others to walk in his ways, he will continue to provide me the means and blessing of more, to do more. I cannot keep to myself, or hide what he has done for me, I must honor him with it, and giving him the praise and honor he is due for being Jehovah Jira, the God who provides.

Monday, October 3, 2011

I Choose God

Prov 3:7-8
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. 8 This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.
How could I ever think I had any wisdom within my own being? But I suppose without thinking, it is pretty easy to rely on myself in the process of making decisions about all sorts of things. That is the problem, without thinking. I need to remember that I have no wisdom on my own. I need to remember I have to rely on God for the wisdom in decision making, especially those ones which are not good for me. I think it is too easy to make choices that are in the direction of evil rather than good. I also think left to my own wisdom I would most likely chose in the direction of evil, for does not my God tell me, my heart is deceitfully wicked or at least prone to choices of evil rather than good. So, I need his wisdom in my choices and I need to keep away from my own wisdom of sorts. He is the almighty God, the creator of the Universe with all wisdom and understanding and as such is due all reverence. I will give him praise and honor in my life, shunning the evil and keeping my heart and mind focused on him and his thoughts, his wisdom, and his ways. I do not understand how anyone would desire any other result in their life than health in their body and nourishment in their bones. I know this is not the primary purpose of not being wise in my own eyes, or even shunning evil, but it still is a result that God brings about and I will accept that result as I accept everything else my Lord God does in my life. There is just so much he does for me, in me and even through me, I cannot count them. This health in my body and nourishment to my inner most being is just one of them. Sure I know at some point things will begin to fail. I do not expect God to keep me absolutely free from every kind of illness that will on day lead to the death of this physical shell I dwell in, for I think that is just a part of life, in the body which is prone to decay. Although this may well be speaking to my physical being, and the health of it, I think it also speaks to the inner being, and having a good healthy inner self because of not relying on that self, but rather on God. I know that my inner being will be nourished and healthy because I shun evil and give reverence to God, looking to him for wisdom in my life choices and that part of me will never decay as a result. But that also brings me to the thought that if I did rely on self and if I did not fear the Lord, and if I did not shun evil, would the inner most part of my being then be ill, sickly and without nourishment, thus bringing about death and decay of my soul? This is a sad ending, to be sure, of which I want no part of, so I choose God.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Lord, My God, and My Savior

Prov 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Can I think of any good reason to every trust in myself instead of the Lord? I cannot, for I know without a doubt my thinking and my reasoning will always be flawed. My understanding, my own wisdom would only be based on the human ability, which has to be so infinitely less than God’s. My human effort to accomplish anything is equally lessor than the Lords ability. How could I ever trust in me? Can I create anything from nothing? Can I speak anything into existence? Can I actually heal anyone of a terminal disease? Can I perform a miracle? Can I turn water into wine? Can I feed five thousand people with a couple of fish and a few loafs of bread? Can I save anyone from sin? What can I do? I can trust in the Lord with all my heart and I can refuse to lean on my own understanding. That is what I can do. Can I stand up and shout from the rooftops on how intelligent I am and that I have made all the perfect choices in my life and the reason I have whatever I have is because I decided ever course of action my life would take, and all my efforts have brought me to this moment in time? No, I cannot say that, for my life has been a result of my Lord and Savior. I cannot do anything in and of myself. I cannot make a good choice on my own. In my own human condition it simply is not possible for me to go in the right way. I acknowledge it is the Lord who has directed my life, who has brought me to this moment in time and place. All I am, and all I have is due solely because of him. He has done so much for me, in me and through me, which I could never have done alone. How could I not give him the entire acknowledgement? It is the Lord who has done it all. I know this is absolutely true and I am always looking forward to a continued walk with him for if I ever let go, for I know he would not, I would not have a very straight path ahead of me. But having my hand in his, and him holding fast onto my, I can walk through the rest of my time here on the earth in a straight and even way. I will not veer to the right or left, for he will direct the way I am to go, both in the physical realm and the spiritual, for you are my Lord, my God and my Savior!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Bind and Write

Prov 3:3-4
3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. 4 Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
Other translations use mercy and truth instead of love and faithfulness so I am a little undecided here. The original language is also a little unclear as it could imply kindness, or piety towards God and stability or trustworthiness. I think in either case, in either translation or implication there is a sense of character which is advised not to leave me as I am to bind them around my neck and write them on the tablet of my heart. No matter how I look at the words, in any form they are my state or the condition of my relationship with God. The love, kindness, piety is directed toward God. My faithfulness, stability or trustworthiness is also directed toward God. These are not my emotions, or interactions with other men, but with God. I need to love him with all of my being, to have this around my neck circles my head, my mind and on the tablet of my heart surely implies within the very core of who I am. These qualities are not something I can just have as a part of what I think or feel once and awhile during my prayer time, or during some church service. No they have to be the very fabric of my being. They have to be what I am made of, what drives my very life, the purpose for which I live. What could be better than finding favor and good understanding in the sight of God? Again, I have to return to the original words, to gather up a better grasp. Having the traits of love and trustworthiness toward God allows me to find this favor in his sight. It brings me a good understanding in his sight as well, as I am able to fellowship with him and he with me. As this relationship deepens, and I grow to be more like him, I am confident that my character will also be seen by man and I will have favor and a good name in their sight as well. I think as a representative of God in this land I live, that should be not my goal, to win favor and a good name, but the result of my relationship with him as thus he will be praised not me. I am simply to bind and write.