Saturday, May 29, 2010

Above Self

Rom 12:10
10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Here is a tough one for sure. To be devoted to one another in brotherly love has a lot of action or attitude implied. But then stick on this honoring one another above myself just has to be like pouring salt in a wound. I just have to check out the Greek here and in doing so I see something which really boggles my mind. There is a word filóstorgoi used in this verse which is a word made from two other base words. The English spelling is philostorgos and I can see philo and storge. This is brotherly love, and family love. So I am thinking I am to love my fellow believers as if there are my family, or in the same way I love my family, my wife and daughters and granddaughters, preferring them over myself. Is that not the way I am to be toward my immediate family members? I think so. Am I always able to do it, I think not. Now I am thinking, this verse is telling me I am suppose to treat everyone else that same way, preferring them over myself. This is going to take up a lot of my concentration. What if people are needy? What if they don’t prefer me over themselves in return? What if they are just takers? What if they require more then I can give? Am I obligated to keep giving? What is all this going to look like? Do I have enough patience and fortitude to give and keep giving? Could my teaching and preaching and writing be considered my way of giving to them? To help them grow spiritually? There is another Greek word in this verse, I do not completely understand, and I think it was not really translated. It is the word NT:4285 proegeomai and it means to lead the way for others. I think this just might add the clarity for me, in that if I live my life as an example to follow, I am being devoted and honoring others above myself. I am helping them to live their lives in the same way. Maybe some of my teaching, preaching and writing do serve to do just that, but I also have to act and think toward them as Christ would. As I said in the beginning, here is a tough one for sure. Lord, help me, and give me the ability to really do this.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Rom 12:9-10
9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
Here is a concept which is worth my considering for a moment; actually it is worth my asking my own self if I am guilty of forgetting or neglecting to be like this. Is my love for others a sincere love? Do I in fact love others? And what does that love, that sincere love look like? Is it the giving of my “self” to others? Is it time? Is it effort? Is it simply being available to listen and advice when asked? Whatever it is, however it is expressed it cannot be phony, it must be sincere. Am I phony? Do I love others for the wrong reasons? Is there any self serving purpose in my heart? Is my loving them serving to increase my opinion of myself? Does it make me feel good about the fact I love them? Those kinds of thoughts could only be put to the next words, hate what is evil. If I am going to love someone, I must be sincere in that love, doing it for the right reasons; because Jesus loves them and if I have the mind of Christ then I love them as He does. This can only be with their interest as the single most important motivating factor behind my love.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Rom 12:4-8
4 Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5 so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. 7 If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; 8 if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.
It is not an easy thing to belong to someone else, much less to everyone else. This really requires a complete self sacrificing attitude I am not sure I have. There are so many things I want to do. Things I want to spend time on doing my own thing, so to speak, yet here I see I must belong to all the others. This whole concept of being a member of a body of believers and that each one of us belong to the other members is really foreign to the human nature within me. I think that might be the case with many other people as well, even believers. Now that is the rub. How do I belong to them, if they are not belonging to me? If they are not being or doing their part, such I have to do my part? Sometimes I think the whole body has the attitude all these gifts or functions are to be used on the unsaved world and they forget to apply them within the body. I see I am to serve the other members, I know I have the gift of teaching, thus I am suppose to teach the other members of the body. I am to apply my function to the others, is this the way in which I belong? I think that might be it. I am belonging by applying my function within the whole of the body. Does this excuse me from serving those outside the body? I think not. But that is a different devotion for a different time. For Now I must be content to know that I am indeed a part of the member of the body of Christ. This also means He is the head and we all are under the influence of His direction. Do I fail to demonstrate Christ to the world by them seeing me fail to serve the other members of the body? Do they see hypocrisy? Do they hear me say one thing about how I belong, but not doing my part? I pray I do that which God desires me to do

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sober Judgement

Rom 12:3-4
3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.
To think of myself with sober judgment can mean only one thing. Sober judgment, I cannot help but think the opposite is to lack judgment as if I were drunk. Drunk on my own self, drunk with self righteousness, drunk with spiritual pride and drunk on my own abilities, talents and skills. I must not consider I have any righteousness, talents, skills or abilities of my own. Not that I should consider myself of no or little worth for indeed God does value me. He sent Jesus to die for me, and that certainly proves He places a very high value on me. But at the same time, although I am of value to God, I must remain completely humble in regard to that fact. I am without any ability to be righteous within myself. I am a sinner saved by grace. I cannot even completely stop from committing sin. I have no illusions about my spiritual condition. To think soberly I must not be in a fantasy regarding who I am. I cannot go around with a façade making believe I am some perfect Christian who lives a completely holy sin free life. Yes, I have a desire to be just that, and doesn’t everyone else? Yes, I want to do what is right and think pure and holy thoughts. Yes I want to respond to others in a Christ-like manner. But the true is when I think soberly about myself, I see failure, I see weakness. When I judge myself instead of others, I see the truth. I need Jesus Christ, more than anything else. When I am weak, He is strong, He is my righteousness, and He is my salvation, my Savior, my all in all.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sinner Saved By Grace


Rom 12:3-4
3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.
How can I ever think more highly of myself then I ought to? Do I? Am I one of those people who think I am better than others? I suppose in some sense of the word, at least in some areas of my life I just might. I know I should not, but does it slip in? I am completely aware of my position in Christ as compared to all other believers. It is exactly the same, none better or worse than the other. I am totally aware we all are members of the body of Christ performing different functions, all of which are equal and one hundred percent dependent on each other doing their individual function. I also know that I am no better than anyone who has not accepted Christ yet. However, I still know lurking deep within my heart are the ideas I am different, better, worse, more knowledgeable, less knowledgeable, more spiritual, less spiritual, as well as a whole host of thoughts, then others. As I meditate on this, I see the human condition which befalls not only me, but everyone. Why is that? I must consider what it is that causes these thoughts. The problem, I think, is comparing myself to others, rather than comparing myself to God. When I compare myself to others, I can see ways, I would think more of myself at times; or than less of myself at other times. But when I compare myself to the holy righteousness of God Almighty I can in no way think more of myself than I should. I am but a sinner saved by grace.

Monday, May 24, 2010



Rom 12:1-2
12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.
To be a living sacrifice, just what does that mean? I can see it certainly includes being holy and pleasing God, but is there something else which is implied? I must know what it means to either be a sacrifice or to commit the act of sacrifice in order for me to better understand. Am I the living victim, or am I the one offering a victim? Maybe I am the one offering myself which would mean I am both. I must sacrifice myself; I must slaughter myself in a sense. Kill my “self” and present it to God as a sacrifice. But not actually dying, but do it in a way that I have put to death the old self because of the mercy of God and live in a manner that I set myself apart from that old nature, that old self and live in a morally pure and blameless condition which is pleasing to God. I can certainly attest to the fact that my old nature wanted to please the self in me rather than anyone else, much less God. That old self was without question conformed to the pattern of the world. It is not easy to remove myself from the pattern. The old ways are there, begging and pleading for me to return. The only way I am successful is not returning, is to allow this transformation and renewing of my mind to become complete. It is my choice to be transformed, to be renewed in my thinking, and to pattern myself after Jesus rather than after the world. Yet, why do I still fail? Why do I still have feelings and emotional failures? It is a battle, a war that wages within. The old self fights hard to regain control, but He that is within me is stronger then he who is in the world. God is my strength, my fortress, my shield, my banner, my ever present help in trouble. It is still I who must do commit the act of sacrifice, but it is He who will give me the power to do it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

All About Him


Rom 11:33
32 For God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.

It seems strange to me we I read this in the sense of God binding me to disobedience. Yet I do see the truth of this. If in fact I was a perfect human being, a person that somehow was able to obey every aspect of God’s law, then there would be no need for Jesus to ever come to die on the cross for the redemption of my soul. But this was God’s plan from the very beginning and somehow that strikes wonderment in my thinking. Why would He do this? Why would He create mankind with the inability to be obedient? Why would He make Adam in such a way that Adam would fail? Ah, yes, of course, it is not about Adam, it is not about me, it is all about Him. I needed to be able to be shown, it is all about God. That He is the one and only hope for me. I needed to see that I cannot in any way be true and pure within myself and completely able to obey Him in all aspects of His law. I needed to see that it is all about God having mercy on me. I know this now, but surely did not before experiencing God in my life. I think many people are like that. Many people do not see how it is about Him, in fact they may even say, He is so self centered. But I know, and I am absolutely completely totally content with it being all about Him. If it were not then I would indeed be in a horrible condition. Thank you Lord, for making me in such a way that I need you mercy so that you receive all the Glory and Honor and Praise.

Saturday, May 22, 2010



Rom 11:33-36
33 Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! 34 "Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?" 35 "Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?" 36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.
What can be added to this? Not a thing! I am completely humbled by these words. How often I think of myself as important in some sense or another. Oh sure, not very important, not like some of the great men and women of the past and even in this present time. Then the other day I received that email showing the comparison of the size of the Earth with our Sun and then other Suns and so on, How small and puny our planet looks, and me just one of billions of people upon it. Just how important am I? Not much, not anything, and then I read these words, and consider just how big, how awesome, how incredibly huge and important God is. How can I ever imagine knowing anything about Him? But I do, not because of my brain, or my abilities in any way, but because He decided to reveal himself not only to me, but to everyone. But still there is nothing I can say that would be in any way close to what He says. The wisdom I have does not even come close in any way to His wisdom. I have such a limited amount of knowledge, so limited in fact, it cannot be measured compared to His. How can I even dare to think any judgment I would make would stand anywhere close to His? Even though He has directed my path, it pales in comparison to His. Although I read and study His Word, I cannot fathom His mind. Without question, I would never even to presume to advise God. The only thing I have to give Him is me, and I am nothing in compared to what He has given me. It surely isn’t anything close to a repayment. Yet with all that known, I am completely humbled that He loves me, and cares so much about me, and my life. Why? I truly cannot understand, but I do know He does, and because of that I can live, content and fulfilled. I am in His hands. I am aware all things, which include me, are from Him, and through Him and to Him. Praise His Holy Name!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Rom 11:29-30
29 for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable. NIV
Did I ever think that I could retire from doing for Him what He has called me to do? I don’t think so, but if I ever come to a point when I think I should, may I never forget this verse. How could I ever come to a place in my life when I would what to stop doing what He has called me to do? Is it possible? I don’t know, but I hope that will never happen. I know I am getting older and in sense some less capable of doing some things, at least I wear out faster than when I was younger. I see other men who appear to be older than me, almost crippled, bend over, shuffling across parking lots on their way to the grocery store or sitting on a bench waiting for someone else. I see other men seemingly fading into the background, remaining silent as their wives do all the talking. I see other men, older and grey haired who once served on the church board, or taught a Sunday school class, or conducted a Bible study or many other acts of service, sitting in their pew, silent and without anything to do. When they do speak, I hear them speak only of some sporting game, as if this now is their function in life, to sit and watch someone else live life. I hear them talking about a particular player as if they were his personal friend, expressing how much they know about him, how good he is and so on. I hear them saying nothing about their calling, their gift from the one who has given them everything. What has happened to them, will it happen to me too? Will I too fade into the distant background, no longer of any use to God? Will God retire me? Or will I retire from Him? Will I get tired of doing what He has called me to do? Will I no longer feel compelled to share His Word with others? Will He reverse His call or maybe change it? I think not. His gift’s and calls are irrevocable. Maybe, I will no longer have the strength to forge forward. Maybe I will no longer be able to comprehend what He is saying to me. Maybe my mind will get so old it cannot think anymore. Maybe I will be so tired I cannot even stand and preach or teach for over a minute. Maybe I will be so physically weak I can no longer hit the keys on my computer. I don’t think so, but do I know for sure? I know:
Isa 40:29-31
29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. NIV

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Rom 11:28-32
28 As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies on your account; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, 29 for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable. 30 Just as you who were at one time disobedient to God have now received mercy as a result of their disobedience, 31 so they too have now become disobedient in order that they too may now receive mercy as a result of God's mercy to you. 32 For God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.
I cannot understand how I could ever forget God having mercy on me. Not just so many years ago, when I first accepted Jesus as my Savior, but each and every day. I suppose if I had become some perfect human being, living a life completely without even a trace of sin in my being, I would not need His mercy anymore. But that is simply not the case. This life I live is extremely complicated in some sense in regards to relationships with others. Some consider me an enemy, others a friend, and still others a loved one. I am looked upon as a husband, a father, a grandfather, a brother, a teacher, a student, a preacher or pastor. I am seen as a leader and a follower. Some consider me a know it all, others admire my knowledge of the Word. Some perceive me to a righteous man; others might well perceive me as self righteous. This is but a brief self examination of the complicated relational quagmire I find myself in. All of which is important, but meaningless in compared to being one who has received mercy from God. Could I live without all those relationships? I surely would not want to, but I think I actually could. Would I be lonely? I truly think so, but I still would have my own interests to busy myself with. Once I actually thought I was an Island, that I did not need anyone, nor wanted to be available to anyone, that I was self sustaining. How wrong could I have been? I so need others in my life, but most of all I need Jesus. Thank you Lord for showing me mercy.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Rom 11:25-27

25 I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. 26 And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: "The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob. 27 And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins."
There is no question in my heart regarding this prophetic quote and how it was referring to the coming of Jesus to take away the sins of the world, which included Jacob or Israel with which God certainly had made a covenant with. But how does this passage relate to the condition I now find myself in? I am one of those Gentiles who have come in. But they must be others who need to come in. This has to be in order for the full number to be complete, and just what is this full number? Only God knows. But do I play a part? I don’t know for sure, he has commanded all of us who know Him to go into the entire world and preach the Gospel. He has said I will be a witness for Him. Yet I cannot help feel it is still in His hands. My main concern is to be obedient to His calling and His gifts upon my life. How he chooses to use people is His business. I am thinking of the parable of the farmer who paid people the same even though they worked different hours and how the first one complained. God can do whatever He desires to allow Israel to have a hardened heart for a time being in order to allow people like me to come to Him, so be it. I am confident in His wisdom. Although to a point I am, in part, Israel. This is in two senses; first I am circumcised in the heart which makes me a Jew as declared in Romans 2:28, second I have a great Grandmother who last name was Bloomline, a German Jew. So in a certain sense a part of Israel has already come in. I know this seems like a stretch to me, yet I cannot stop having the sense of not being ignorant of this mystery. Am I right or wrong, I do not know for sure, but I feel somehow, God has been gracious to me in revealing this to me, for me. I cannot fully understand why me, other than because of His love and mercy.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Rom 11:22-24
22 Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off. 23 And if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. 24 After all, if you were cut out of an olive tree that is wild by nature, and contrary to nature were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!
Was I wild by nature? I surely believe that is the truth. But praise the Lord God Almighty for He is a great tender of trees. So often in the scriptures I am referred to as a tree, such as in the 1st Psalm. But here God is the owner of a great tree, an olive tree and I was a part of some wild olive tree growing outside of His orchard and out of His great kindness took me and grafted me into His cultivated tree. Now I am a part of this great olive tree owned by God and He tends to His orchard with care. But there is also a warning here within this passage I need to pay special attention to. The people of Israel were in that tree but because of their unbelief were cut out, which of course, made room for me. This I am surely glad of and also sad because of Israel’s present condition, one chosen by them I must admit. The warning though here also speaks to my heart. If for some reason I should come to a place where I stop believing God, I am in trouble. But how would I get in a state of unbelief? This is the question. Is this unbelief a refusal to acknowledge God, and Jesus Christ as His son and my Savior? I have to explore the Greek word here for unbelief to grasp a handle on how this relates to me. Within this Greek word apaistia there is two concepts, one negative and one positive. The negative use implies faithlessness as in the lack of Christian faith. This certainly is what I believe Paul is referring to why Israel was cut out. They refused to accept Christ. The positive use implies simply unfaithfulness or disobedience. This is the one which relates to the warning which stares straight into my heart. I must be cautious against being unfaithful to my Lord in my thoughts, my behaviors and ministry. Here I must be aware of the temptations by Satan to draw me from being faithful. I also must be careful not to refrain from a full out advance on the path God has set for me, my calling, and my ministry. Yet I still know in my heart, much as with Israel, should I stumble along the way, repentance brings about God’s kindness. As well as I believe I would have to completely refuse to accept His provision and influence before I be cut out of this tree. But, nevertheless I must remain diligent.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Root

Rom 11:17-21
17 If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, 18 do not boast over those branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you. 19 You will say then, "Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in." 20 Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but be afraid. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.
There is just too much here to deal with so for my own sanity, I may just have to do several devotions from this same section. This whole idea of being grafted in blows me away. As much as I know about the gentiles, which includes me, being included mainly because of the rejection of Jesus by the Israelites, I cannot also feel, God already had that planned from the beginning. He surely planned to reveal Himself to the world through the Israelites and thus bring all men to His court. But the astonishing truth within this text still speaks to the overwhelming fact, He is the source of life. So much of the time I wander into thinking about me and my life, and what am I going to do for the Kingdom. Even my previous devotion about making much of my ministry may fall into that category. Yet here I see how much of all that thinking has to come back to the source and stay focused on the simple fact He is the root, I am a branch and I cannot survive without the nourishing sap from the root. I can do nothing without being attached to the tree of life. God really does not need me, I need Him. How could I possibly even consider boasting about being grafted in? True I accepted His provision for eternal life by faith in Jesus Christ. True I had to choose to believe, and that is all I can do, is believe, anything else I do is because I am receiving His nourishing sap. If I produce any fruit, it is because I am grafted in to the tree, not because I produced any fruit on my own, not because I decided to bear fruit, but because He decided I would. He is the source of all strength, all power, all knowledge, all wisdom, all spiritual growth within my being. He is the root.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Making Much


Rom 11:13-16
13 I am talking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch as I am the apostle to the Gentiles, I make much of my ministry 14 in the hope that I may somehow arouse my own people to envy and save some of them. 15 For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead? 16 If the part of the dough offered as firstfruits is holy, then the whole batch is holy; if the root is holy, so are the branches.
I have not given much thought to this passage whenever I have read it before as it seems to be the beginning of additional thoughts and concerns of the Apostle which follow in the next several verses. But I must confuse there is a thought which crossed my mind this time which struck a chord within. I have to ask myself whether or not I make much of my ministry. I know some might say doing so would be a prideful action. I wonder if that is true. To make much of my ministry could imply and may very well be the inner drive prompted by the Holy Spirit to be diligent in the gift or ministry God has bestowed upon me. I do not believe I should stand and shout from the housetops telling everyone of my ministry, but I certainly should be doing so in the fulfilling of my ministry. That is to say, I should be about doing what God desires me to do in such a way that I bring attention to God. I should not be hiding what God is doing for me, in me or through me. I should be making so much of what God has called me to do, people are openly aware, seeing and sensing the connect between me and God. Not for my glory, but for His. This is grace in action, His divine influence upon my life and how that is reflected to the world. Can this cost me? I think it could, both from a relational standpoint and a material one. There are consequences of all actions, that is for sure, and as I pursue the ministry God bestowed upon me, some people may be offended. I cannot help but think of statements I have made in my book about the ungodly. If an ungodly person read that perhaps offense would be taken, but that I must live with as I believe that is what God desired me to write. When I preach I have perhaps shaken the boat a bit from time to time, but again I must do what God directs. People might take offense at both my written and spoken words yet I must say what I must. This ministry may cost me material loss even. I have already devoted funds which may or may not see return, yet I must make much of my ministry. I must be about that which God desires me to be about.

Saturday, May 15, 2010



Rom 11:11-12
11 Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. 12 But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their fullness bring!
I am surely glad that Israel stumbled. I know it is an awful thing to say, however I see in this verse, it is because of this I have been called into the family of God. It also speaks to me about the ever present desire of my Lord to bring His salvation to the chosen people of Israel. Yet excluding them for a moment and focusing on my own relationship with my lord, I am completely and totally thankful for the opportunity I have been given to experience eternal life. I cannot imagine what my life would have been like without a relationship with Jesus Christ my Savior. Death, oh where is your sting? Yet, even in listening to others who, as far as I know, do not believe in salvation through Jesus Christ, I hear them speak of going to Heaven. Of this I am not convinced, however, I am convinced of the love of God for all of His creation and His desire to have all men come to Him. I am convinced He is the only way to achieve eternal life. The path is narrow and it is straight and some people simply cannot accept this. I am sad because of the blindness which exists in people. I do not understand, at time, why their hearts are hardened to the truth. Am I the one in the wrong, have I misunderstood the scriptures or even the validity and authenticity of the scriptures? No, not at all, I have had so many, way too many, for one person, experiences which prove without a shadow of a doubt, that God exists and His truth is recorded within the texts called the Bible. This is richness beyond all riches. This is true wealth, true riches, a treasure so grand; it has to be shared with others.

Friday, May 14, 2010

No Wandering


Rom 11:7-10
7 What then? What Israel sought so earnestly it did not obtain, but the elect did. The others were hardened, 8 as it is written:
"God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes so that they could not see and ears so that they could not hear, to this very day." 9 And David says: "May their table become a snare and a trap, a stumbling block and a retribution for them. 10 May their eyes be darkened so they cannot see, and their backs be bent forever."

It seems to me, as always each one of us, me, in my case has the choice to make regarding the condition of our hearts toward God. No doubt in this verse Paul is saying many of the people of Israel tried to find a justification in the law, and thus not in God, himself. Their hearts were bend on ways other than on God’s way. The lesson for me here is exactly the same, in the sense of finding any justification from my good works. I cannot, and the condition of my heart should be toward God, and His method of my justification, which is in Christ Jesus. Each person surely has the same situation regarding the condition of their hearts as well. I do believe if I allow myself to search in other areas for all I can find instead of God, my heart becomes dull toward God and thus in this sense it enters a state of stupor. If I continue to move away from God in my thinking or my behaviors, I soon become blind to His ways, and even cannot hear His still small voice giving me direction. It is a simple truth, I cannot allow this to happen, as if I do, the condition of being in a spiritual stupor, blinded by my own desires and hearing the call of the world so as I cannot here the call of my Lord, the result will be a physical one. My body will wither, my back bent over, illness and pain throughout my bones. No, I certainly must stay the course I am on, walking with my Lord, no wandering off on my own, and becoming one of those with darkened eyes, not being able to see the greatness of my Lord. This is the one and only thing I actually can do, be in control of, and have a part of so to speak in my salvation and justification. It is up to me to stay this journey I am on with God, no wandering.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Rom 11:1-6
11:1 I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God did not reject his people, whom he foreknew. Don't you know what the Scripture says in the passage about Elijah — how he appealed to God against Israel: 3 "Lord, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars; I am the only one left, and they are trying to kill me"? 4 And what was God's answer to him? "I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal." 5 So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. 6 And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace.
It certainly seems clear to me, I cannot achieve eternal life without the whole work of Christ, which means I cannot through my work. If by some works of mine I could gain some small amount of standing with God, then it would have required less than the complete work of Christ. If I could, then it would be Christ and me, which brought about my eternal life, my salvation. But such is not the case, no God determined it would be Christ and Christ alone who would accomplish all that needed to be done, in order that I may gain eternal life. The question which always remains regarding some words in this passage still exists over God’s election. Verse 4 talks about God reserving for himself, yet the Greek word which was used carries the meaning of ‘remaining’. I have no problem with this as Paul quotes 1 Kings 19:18 and the Hebrew word simply means left over, So God must likely was saying He had seven thousand left over who had not bowed their knee. It still was up to those seven thousand as to whether they would bow or not. Grace still applies in the manner of God have a divine influence upon the hearts of those men and they reflected His influence by bowing a need to Baal. All this bears a great deal on my life today, as I must be aware of God’s influence on and in my life. It is my own decision to listen to the voice of God, or to ignore it and travel my own path. True, I make choices every day, some of which certainly would be considered as ignoring the voice of God. I respond inappropriately to others, or think about my own human needs too much, or any number of other things. But my path has not changed, it is my desire to hear God, I fail, and still He does not reject me. No, He continues to forgive and gives guidance for me to hear. He continues to demonstrate His divine influence upon me, working with me to continue to grow in His likeness. I must make the choice to listen. I decide not to bow my knee to the false gods in this world today. I must choose to be one of those God can say, “I have a certain number left over for me” after all the death caused by the evil one in this world. God has not rejected nor will He reject those who decide to be the leftovers.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

By His Hands


Rom 10:16-21

16 But not all the Israelites accepted the good news. For Isaiah says, "Lord, who has believed our message?" 17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. 18 But I ask: Did they not hear? Of course they did: "Their voice has gone out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."
19 Again I ask: Did Israel not understand? First, Moses says, "I will make you envious by those who are not a nation; I will make you angry by a nation that has no understanding."
20 And Isaiah boldly says, "I was found by those who did not seek me; I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me."
21 But concerning Israel he says, "All day long I have held out my hands to a disobedient and obstinate people." NIV
It is true, not everyone who hears the message accepts it. Why is that? Why do people refused to really hear and comprehend the significance of the message? From this passage we learn because the children of Israel refused to accept, God revealed himself to the gentiles, to me. And I am totally grateful for that! Still I cannot help but wonder and ponder on this act of refusal to accept the message by Israel in the past and still in the present. I also am a bit confounded by this act of refusal by so many people today. Do they not want to accept the message because they know it will require a turning away from their current lifestyle? This seems so odd to me, because the message simply offers eternal life if a person accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior. True, change will occur and perhaps they know that within their hearts, due to being enslaved too long by the evil one. Or perhaps because of their love for the actions they do. I only know, I have not yet achieved perfection after so many years of learning from Jesus how I should believe, think, and act. I know my Lord desires I grow in Him, that I learn from Him, that I believe in His ability to redeem me from sin. I also know that my God will continue to hold out His hand to me, even when I am disobedient and obstinate, as He does for the children of Israel and for all of mankind. As much as we, as people, turn our backs on those who refuse to accept us, He does not. It is by His hands I am held up, I am held close to Him. It is by His hands, He will never let me go. I am secure because of His hands.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sent, Preached, Heard, Believed

Rom 10:14-15
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
That is pretty much it in a nutshell. I just checked my feet, and was looking to see if they were beautiful. It does make me think, am I preaching enough, am I telling the story enough. Do I let my mouth have the freedom it deserves, or do I hold my tongue, not wanting to encounter a negative response? Do I hold back from sharing my faith? Are my feet looking ugly? The words of Jesus cannot be much clearer when He said “Go into”.
There are people who need to believe, and as Paul puts it, the only way they can call upon the name of the Lord is if someone first tells them about Him. The thing is, in that time there were so many who had never heard. Today, it seems everyone is aware of Jesus and who He is, and they even call themselves Christians. The question of course still looms, are they saved. But telling the story is not as fresh as it was in Paul’s time. Telling the story seems to be a bit more complex, getting around the notions of those ‘believing unbelievers’ in the society I live in today. But nevertheless, I have to keep an eye on my feet. If people are to call upon His name, they have to first truly believe. Is it possible to make them believe? Not at all, that is the job of the Holy Spirit to convict people of the need to repent and believe, but someone still has to tell the story. Oh lord, please help me shout it from the mountain tops!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Stepping up

Rom 10:11-13
11 As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." 12 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile — the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13 for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
It appears to me, I have called on the name of the Lord and I have been saved. What else could I do? That is, by far, the most important step in my life I ever took. We as a people make a fairly big to do about our babies first step. Some of us record it in a little book so some day our baby can read all about her or his beginnings and all the ‘cute’ little things they did. But did I record in some place my actually first step in my new life? The day I called upon the Lord was a step which would change the course of my life forever, a step in a different direction. Rejoice, oh my soul, for that first step, for because of that step one day I will take another and this one will be into eternity for an everlasting life in the presence of my Lord, who I called upon His name. The question which I must ask myself, have I taken steps in other directions since that first one? I hesitate to answer, but must say yes. Will I take more? I don’t know, I hope not, but I cannot know for sure. Why? Because I am not perfect, am I making excuses, no, simply admitting reality. Yet, here I stand, planning in my heart to follow Jesus, wanting to follow Jesus, desiring to be like Him, making as much effort as possible to take every step forward in His direction. I trust Him completely and know He loves me completely. Proverbs 20:24 says: A man’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand his own way? This I know and have experienced, God directing my steps, showing me where I should go, live, work, and yes, even play. But still can I step out on my own from time to time in the wrong direction? What security do I have? Praise God, I have Him!
Ps 37:23-24
23 If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm;
24 though he stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Don't Do, Just Say.

Rom 10:5-8
5 Moses describes in this way the righteousness that is by the law: "The man who does these things will live by them." 6 But the righteousness that is by faith says: "Do not say in your heart, 'Who will ascend into heaven?'" (that is, to bring Christ down) 7 "or 'Who will descend into the deep?'" (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). 8 But what does it say? "The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart," that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: NIV
All of this was said long ago by the Lord God to the people of Israel regarding His law to them. They did not have to go up to Heaven or cross the sea in search for it, as it was in there hearts. Surely a lesson for my spirit is in the making within these verses. I know many use these in defense of Jesus going into hell in connection with those verses in Ephesians. But I cannot justify such thinking when delving into the Greek. Simply put, He could not ascend into Heaven if first He did not descend from Heaven to Earth. But here in this letter to the those in Rome, it carries a message to my heart and mind regarding looking for all the rules and regulations which define me as a Christian as long as I obey them. It is clear to me, I cannot find my righteousness by this course of action, or works, or deeds. No, it is again the same message. The word is near me, in my mouth and my heart.
I must finish this thought:
Rom 10:8-10
9 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. NIV
What a glorious moment in my life, when I came to this knowledge, this truth. Nowhere could I find this kind of peace and assurance of an everlasting life, no matter how hard I searched. Yogi, Buddhism and even Zen, all failed, all were flawed. Just as the law is flawed in that it cannot offer eternal life. Praise God, it is so simply, confess and believe!
I cannot be saved by doing, But I can and was saved by saying.

Saturday, May 8, 2010



Rom 10:1-4
10:1 Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. 2 For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. 3 Since they did not know the righteousness that comes from God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God's righteousness. 4 Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. NIV

Ah, the rub, to be religious and do all the right things. Attending to all the Godly manners, even to the point of ministry to others and still missing the mark. Not to have the knowledge seems a strange thing. I hear people talk about Jesus being a heart issue. How He lives in my heart, and how He changes my heart, creating within me a new heart. That is all true, and I can testify to the truth of it within myself. But here I also see it is a mind issue, to know mentally the truth about God. To have the knowledge of God within my mind is a real truth. The Israelites did the right things, but it was not based on knowledge, on really knowing God, having the truth of God. This I must keep in the forefront of my being. Experiencing God emotionally, spiritually and even physically thru healings is great and nothing to diminish at all, in fact, shout it from the roof tops. But to have the knowledge about the truth of God is best. To know I have not one ounce of righteousness within myself and have absolutely no ability or authority to stand in the presence of God is essential. This is knowledge, true, complete, absolute, pure knowledge. To attempt anything with my own good deeds, to establish myself in any way as a righteous person, would be ignoring the one and true form of knowledge. Christ is my righteousness, and it is by faith and faith alone that He becomes this for me. Yes, it is a thinking man’s faith.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Only Faith

Rom 9:22-33

22 What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath — prepared for destruction? 23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory— 24 even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles? 25 As he says in Hosea:
"I will call them 'my people' who are not my people; and I will call her 'my loved one' who is not my loved one," 26 and, "It will happen that in the very place where it was said to them, 'You are not my people,' they will be called 'sons of the living God.'" 27 Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: "Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only the remnant will be saved. 28 For the Lord will carry out his sentence on earth with speed and finality." 29 It is just as Isaiah said previously: "Unless the Lord Almighty had left us descendants, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been like Gomorrah." 30 What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; 31 but Israel, who pursued a law of righteousness, has not attained it. 32 Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the "stumbling stone." 33 As it is written: "See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, NIV
What a powerful section of this letter, which has caused so much confusion within the body of Christ, and I for my own self at times. I dare not remove one from the context in order I may support the way I think, but at the same time, I do think. Some for Glory and some for destruction sure sounds like He determined who for each, but I believe this simply is not consistent with His character. No, it is a simply fact for my spirit, my mind, to comprehend. He has determined the course or action He will take for those who choose Him and for those who do not. Here it is Israel who has rejected Christ, and the Gentiles have accepted Him. Although God wants all men to be saved and He certainly had picked Israel to reveal Himself to the world, they refused to accept Him. So those people who were not the ones He picked to reveal himself in, now are. And how wonderfully did He do that. The truth is, faith in the key, it is right there. How can I ever gained righteousness by pursuing after it? I simply cannot. As hard as I attempt to be ‘good’ and ‘pure’, it will never be good enough or pure enough. Israel stumbled over Christ, because He was about faith not works, and they could not understand that. I pray I never lose sight of that fact, faith not works. How easy it is to incorporate ‘being good’ into a way of life, thus thinking I am proving or improving my standing before God. But none of that has any bearing on my standing before God. Being honest, admitting my weakness, admitting my faults, my sin, my complete inability to achieve any kind of righteousness is a start. Then seeing my only and the one true hope is faith in Christ. He is my righteousness, He gives me right standing before God, and it is only by faith. Thank you Jesus, Happy Birthday!

Thursday, May 6, 2010



Rom 9:19-21
19 One of you will say to me: "Then why does God still blame us? For who resists his will?" 20 But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? "Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?'" 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?
What am I to do with who I am? Praise His holy name! For as I relinquished ownership of my “self” to my Lord and Savior, I am not in control of what function I serve within the body of Christ. No, it is in the hands of the potter. Had it been up to me, perhaps I would still be an artist, hiding behind either a canvas for a camera. If it had been up to me, my nature being one to shy away from contact with people, I may well have become a recluse, withdrawn to a life of loneliness. Perhaps even a life of despair. At this point in my life as I reflect, I am now convinced if I had maintained control of my own being, I would be dead for sure, and lost, without hope. But when I was in control, I tried to be outward going, but it was not me, but only a feeble attempt of being like everyone else. In all actuality I knew in my heart, I was an island, not needing anyone else, nor wanting to help anyone else, and an island doesn't cry. A loner for sure, hardened by the abuse of my youth. I was not going to let anyone else in close enough to ever hurt me again, either physically, mentally or emotionally. But the potter had other plans. Praise God, He broke me, He melted me, He molded me, and He filled me, with His presence and His gifts so that He could use me for His purpose. Whoever I am, whatever I do, is because God molded me, this lump of clay, to be used as he sees fit. It does amaze me, I am in awe, At times, it is as if I stand back and watch myself and wonder what ever happened to me, and then I acknowledge the Sovereign reign of my Lord and am content.



Rom 9:19-21
19 One of you will say to me: "Then why does God still blame us? For who resists his will?" 20 But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? "Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?'" 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?
What am I to do with who I am? Praise His holy name! For as I relinquished ownership of my “self” to my Lord and Savior, I am not in control of what function I serve within the body of Christ. No, it is in the hands of the potter. Had it been up to me, perhaps I would still be an artist, hiding behind either a canvas for a camera. If it had been up to me, my nature being one to shy away from contact with people, I may well have become a recluse, withdrawn to a life of loneliness. Perhaps even a life of despair. At this point in my life as I reflect, I am now convinced if I had maintained control of my own being, I would be dead for sure, and lost, without hope. But when I was in control, I tried to be outward going, but it was not me, but only a feeble attempt of being like everyone else. In all actuality I knew in my heart, I was an island, not needing anyone else, nor wanting to help anyone else, and an island doesn’t cry. A loner for sure, hardened by the abuse of my youth. I was not going to let anyone else in close enough to ever hurt me again, either physically, mentally or emotionally. But the potter had other plans. Praise God, He broke me, He melted me, He molded me, and He filled me, with His presence and His gifts so that He could use me for His purpose. Whoever I am, whatever I do, is because God molded me, this lump of clay, to be used as he sees fit. It does amaze me, I am in awe, At times, it is as if I stand back and watch myself and wonder what ever happened to me, and then I acknowledge the Sovereign reign of my Lord and am content.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010



Rom 9:14-15

14 What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses,
"I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion." NIV

How can I ever think that my Lord would be unjust? Yet how do I deal with this idea of Him having mercy on one and not on another. This is not what He has said at all. He has only said He will have mercy on who He wants and He will have compassion on who He wants. Does this imply He leaves some out? And this next section of scripture, I cannot deal in my heart with this statement without the rest.
Rom 9:16-18
16 It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth." 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom He wants to have mercy, and He hardens whom He wants to harden. NIV
This was, I believe a very special case in the sense that because of the great position of Pharaoh, it provided God with an immense stage to demonstrate His power and might. I also believe Pharaoh was like no other unbeliever, with a heart hardened against the Lord God. I also believe, because of the stage, God simply did not move upon the heart of Pharaoh with mercy and compassion, but allowed him to continue in his hardened state in order to show the world of that time, and this time His great power. It is not about man, but about God. It is inconsistent with the love of God for His creation that He would cause anyone to be the wrath of His justice. Much as with it was Lucifer’s choice, it was Pharaoh’s choice, he could have repented, and if so, I believe God’s power and might would have been displayed in yet another manner, but without repentance man remains in a hardened state of sin.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Divine Purpose


Rom 9:10-13
10 Not only that, but Rebekah's children had one and the same father, our father Isaac. 11 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad — in order that God's purpose in election might stand: 12 not by works but by him who calls — she was told, "The older will serve the younger." 13 Just as it is written: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated."
Just what do I think, oh Lord help me see your truth here, as the word election challenges so many and I dare not miss your mark. It is verse 12 which defines your divine purpose for me to see. I know that I have been called, yet I know you call all to your divine purpose. This purpose surely is to be saved by you rather than by me, that is my works. It does not matter if I do good or bad, I cannot do anything which will result in my salvation. Only through you will I stand before you, in your presence, standing in praise before your throne. But to consider that you elected me over someone else for a divine purpose or plan has me in awe of you. Not that you have not called everyone else to another divine purpose, you call all, now does your purpose get accomplished? I think it certainly depends on their hearing and responding to your call. But this still does not dispute your calling, your election, and your selection of all to some plan, some purpose. Surely Esau served your purpose well, and those words confound me as to why you said you hated him. But yet I cannot help to think that Jacob certainly bowed and served Esau, first his servants then himself, calling Esau master. I must conclude when I examine more, this has nothing to do with the men themselves, or their eternal condition. Now could it be about their posterity, for surely some descendants of Jacob are wicked and some of the descendants of Esau are God fearing people. No this has to be about the nations their fathered. The nation of the Israelites was giving many blessings from God, and the nation of the Edomites was laid to waste by God. Plus, this was only concerning their earthly state, not their eternal state. This is it, and it is consistent with your great love for the eternal souls of everyone, and at the same time demonstrates your majestic power and authority over all the earth.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The promise

Rom 9:6-9

6 It is not as though God's word had failed. For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. 7 Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham's children. On the contrary, "It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned." 8 In other words, it is not the natural children who are God's children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham's offspring. 9 For this was how the promise was stated: "At the appointed time I will return, and Sarah will have a son."
As I struggle with all of chapter 9 I am still made aware of how precious is my relationship with God. I can see how the Children of Israel are not actually the children of Israel, although they certainly could be. But as I have learned other parts of the letter, circumcision of the flesh does not made you a child of Israel, but rather circumcision of the heart. Isaac was a promise to Abraham, Isaac was the promised son, who had the two son Jacob and Esau, of which God changed Jacobs name to Israel. The descendents of Israel are by a promise, by another promised son, Jesus. At the appointed time I will return and Mary will have a son. At the appointed time I will return and God will have many sons. Oh how awesome is this truth. I am a son of Israel because of I am descendent of the true and living God. Yes, I am a son of God, a co-heir with Christ, one of the promised ones. I am circumcised of the heart by God himself through His Holy Spirit. Not so much in the illusion of the natural world, but certainly in the reality of spiritual realms.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

To Tell The Truth


Rom 9:1
9:1 I speak the truth in Christ — I am not lying, my conscience confirms it in the Holy Spirit—
Now there is a statement, which at least gives me the insight to how ought to approach my daily life in Christ. I am not lying; my conscience confirms it in the Holy Spirit. Yes indeed it is a great thing to be so close to God, to have the confirmation of the Holy Spirit upon each and every word I speak, each and every word I write. But wait there is more! Is this true? Do I have that confirmation? Do I always speak the truth? I know that I do not conceive any lies in my heart for any reason. I know I do not look for ways to deceive anyone with false truths especially when it comes to the Word of God. Paul says, “Truth in Christ”, and does that means out of Christ it is not as crucial to be truthful? I do not think so, not at all, by no means. I must be truthful in all areas of my life, as I am a representative of Christ to the world. I do know how easy it is to add to stories, to fabricate so slightly in order to either look better, or not look bad, to stay out of trouble or improve my position. Then again on the other hand, perhaps deleting, or leaving out some detail may very well serve as a not so truthful life. “Little white lies” are the things life is made of. I think everyone engages in these to some degree, but does the Holy Spirit confirm? No, I think not. I believe we all, I should be always listening, my conscience always aware of the ever present confirmation of the Holy Spirit. Now the question arises in my mind, “What if I am truthful and it hurts another”? How do I deal with this concept? What should I do? Should I not speak the truth, so as not to harm my brother in Christ? Maybe this is the time not to speak at all unless asked. Then what? Perhaps “I would rather not say”, could be my answer. Would the Holy Spirit confirm that? God’s Word surely does not pull any punches, should I?

Saturday, May 1, 2010




Rom 8:35-39
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 As it is written:
"For your sake we face death all day long;
we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered."
37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
It is by far one of the most comforting thoughts for my soul, for my spirit, for my mind, that not any single thing can separate me from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus my Lord. It does not matter what or who tries to do this dastardly deed, it or they are going to fail and fail completely. For whoever tries to do such a thing cannot fully understand the power and might of my God. So why does my foe, Satan, keep working so diligently at getting me to see things his way? I wonder, no I know that Gods love is so strong, that even when I do look aside for if even for a moment, He still loves me, and I am not separated from that love because of my failure to stay the course. But I also desire to be that conqueror through Him who loves me. And I am, not because of me but because of Him. Praise God, for that! There is absolutely nothing at all, nothing, oh my soul, consider, how great that word nothing is, when it applies to all there is, and ever has been. Death, life, angels, demons, present, future, any power, height or depth, nor anything in all of creation covers it all. There is nothing that can divide me from the Love of God, and that even applies to me. I cannot separate myself from His love either, because I am anything else in all creation. I shall forever remember the words of Darrell Scott, when he said, “The conscience presence and the constant presence”. Even when I do not feel His present, He is there, even when I do not feel His love, it is there. God never fails, He will always love me, no matter what. How can I let Him down?