Thursday, May 28, 2009

Joy, Joy, Joy

Well, my blogger friends, if anyone is actually out there still blogging and reading blogs as well, it is time for all men to come to the aid of their party, just which party though is the question. I know those of you who are animal rights people really want to support that cause and maybe you want to throw a wild party. And although the world, at least the Good Ole US of A seems to be going to hell in a hand basket with the socialistic agenda of the extreme left wing fanatics lead my their ruthless leader, who cares not for the rule of law, but rather the rule of Obama, such as in the case with the secured debt holders of Chrysler getting the shaft over the non secured debt holders of the UAW. But all this is a mute point in the light of the scripture which declares, those who believe shall have a great reward
Rom 8:35-39
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 As it is written:

"For your sake we face death all day long;
we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered."

37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

No matter how bad things will get under this current administration,
No matter how terrible the moral decay of this country declines to,
No matter how higher taxed the people will be,
No matter how terrorism will regain its strength
No matter how much the President undermines the personal freedoms of Americans
No matter how much he apologizes to the rest of the world
No matter how difficult he will make it for seniors under National Health care
No matter how much he reads from the teleprompter
No matter how liberal,gender,ethnic bias his Supreme Court appointees are,
No matter how bad it is going to become,

I will rejoice in the Lord, for He is my strength, my hope, my future, my all in all!
Those that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they shall sour like eagles
they will run and not be weary!

Amen, Come Lord Jesus, and hurry!

Monday, May 25, 2009

To Approve or Not Approve, that is the question

Well, I know blogger folks it has been almost a century of days since my last post, I suppose there has been a reason, but I cannot think of a good enough one at the moment. However, in light of recent events concerning the direction of my beloved country, I am compelled to express some thoughts. First I find it somewhat confusing in seeing the results of recent polls showing most Americans disapprove of the direction of the country 47.5 disapprove to 45 approve. And then the large number who disapprove of congress 54% disapprove to 35% approve. But then the President still rides a wave of great approval ratings 60% approve to 35% disapprove. I have to think this is largely due to his great ability to read from the teleprompter. He has this certain sense of likability, even though he has no real sense of what the country really needs. History declares this to be true. Anytime you over tax the people the economy fails. His plans to tax everyone and over spend is out of sight. But the real deal is before us regarding Gitmo. He has made claims he has absolutely no evidence to support with. Telling the American people that Gitmo has caused more terrorists then it has ever detained is simply an unprovable statement. Has he taken a survey of the existing terrorists? Has he asked each of them the main reason for their extremist views of wanting to kill Americans? I think not! Did Gitmo exist when terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center? Did Gitmo exist when terrorists blew a hole in the side of the USS Cole? Did Gitmo exist when all the other attacks on Americans throughout the world happened, Not, No , NO ! Has there been any attacks on Americans since the existence of Gitmo? I think you would have to really search far and wide to find one. President Bush and his thoughtful consideration of Americans over the "rights" of foreign Terrorists kept us safe. I believe history will show PResident Bush to be one of the greatest Presidents of all times. This is more then I can say for what is about to happen, if this reckless thoughtless President who appears to have the only interest of self glorification gets his way, we are going to see terrorism like we have never experienced it before.
What will he do with this detainees? Bring them to American prisons? Do you honesty think the terrorism will think, " Oh good, Gitmo is closed, now I can quite this nonsense and go back to my family"? What in the world! They are still detained! Will he give them, the very ones who vow to kill as many Americans as they can, the same rights under the constitution as the citizens of this great country? What? you have to be kidding, and in doing so, this is suppose to put an end to others becoming terrorists, because we have taken the higher moral ground? I think not! I can't even go on, I am so upset with him and his inability to consider the American people ahead of himself. But, I could write a book, and then the National non health plan of his, oh boy, we are headed for a disaster. Have you heard Tom Dashel? Older folks will just have to accept the fact the getting old is not pain free, in other words if the government gets its hands on your health care, and becomes the gatekeeper of dispensing medical attention, the older weaker will just have to accept it, you are no longer any use to President Obama so just roll over and die.