Thursday, December 25, 2008


Within the confines of Facebook I posted a question regarding whether people truly believed Al Gore and the Global climate change theory. It was brought to my attention that some did in fact believe, and some of those who do believe are also ones that believe in the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. It seems to me this is a contradiction in that if one believes in God and that He is the Creator of all things, and in this case the Earth and everything in it, that he also is great enough to sustain the Earth throughout all of mans merger existence here.

The question is can man destroy that which God has created and if so does that imply that man is greater then God? I would suggest it does and I would also suggest that it is false. Man cannot destroy that which God has created. God declared that he would supply all of our needs according to his riches. This is not limited to our personal needs, but to the needs of mankind, which includes all the fossil fuels we would ever need, as well as every other sources of energy and a planet that would continue to be a inhabitable place suitable for his creation.

Now to the question once again, yes I must admit that God created man and we can destroy other humans through the efforts of war, crimes, abortion as well as perhaps a few other methods I am unaware of. This, however is a unique situation in that because of the sin of Adam man can die. You see there were two trees in the Garden,the one of the knowledge of Good and Evil and the tree of life. Now had Adam eaten of the tree of life he would and all of mankind would be eternal beings living forever. However because he did not and ate from the other, being disobedient he was able to die, and all of mankind can also. So we have a situation in which this one part of Gods creation is able to destroy itself earlier then the normal span of time God has determined, unless of course those acts are somehow within his plan. I am not suggesting he has determined some people to be murdered or aborted, I am only suggesting God has all things under his control. If he does not, then he is not God.

Now to the point of climate change, the political motivated notion that we are in the midst of Global warming and that it is caused by mankind. How brash and self centered to think that puny little man can have anything to do with the power of God to sustain this Earth and everything in it until he has determined to destroy it.

Let me explain just a faction of the real science behind the falseness of this claim of Global warmer. First the Earth is warmed by the Sun, this is the God created way.
There are several factors involved here, the amount of Solar activity is one. This activity creates Solar wind. The other factor is the Cosmic particles that are constantly bombarding the Earths atmosphere. These particles combine with the atmosphere to product low level cloud cover, a thin layer sometimes not actually vi sable to the naked eye, yet still there. When these happen, these low level clouds block a portion of the Sun's rays that warm the planet and we have a global cooling.
When there is a high amount of Solar activity the Solar winds blow these particles away from the Earths atmosphere before they reach it and thus not allowing the formation of low level clouds and in turn allowing a greater amount of the Sun's rays to reach the Earth and this produces a warmer climate period.

This has been the science which has been at work for all of creation, before mankind had any machines or factories, cars, etc. And the fact is we are in a low Solar activity period and are ,in fact, in a climate cooling period.

Another factor to consider regarding the machines of mankind and God's creation.
The North American Continent has been declared a "carbon sink" which means the Earth has responded to the effects of mankind. Here in the Americas during the industrial revolution we created an increase of carbon dioxide, which Al Gore and the like would have people believe is the reason for Global warming, however, God in his greatness created an Earth that would respond, The facts are the vegetation here in the Americas has been growing larger and faster then anywhere else in the world, using up this carbon and in turn producing an abundance of Oxygen, if fact the vegetation is using up the carbon faster then we can make it, thus the carbon sink.

Just watch the Planet Earth series to see just how great His creation is.

There is just way too much proof of how God is able and has been able and will continue to be able to be greater then man then I can write in one blog. however, I did want to address these issues, at least the surface of these issues to demonstrate that God is in control, and man cannot overcome or overpower that which God has set in motion.
God has always been greater then man, and will always been.
Man should not think more of himself then he ought to, he is just man, created by God!