Well, today was another of those great ones, a red letter day, a day to remember, to mark it in the book. We started out from Atlanta at 9:00 am as the fog was the fog of fogs and covered the whole of Northern Georgia. But I convinced my two traveling buddies that we could drive out of it about 30 miles South of Atlanta and would you not know that is just what we did, and it really was not that bad either. All the drivers were slower then normal, only drove about 60mph instead of 80mph. So all went well and we were on the way to the Tampa area as per the prearranged plan as agreed by all who were concerned, that is me and the two traveling buddies. Another 8 hours or so of driving depending on the number of rest stops needed, and we would be at the next stop. However as we were some distant yet from that Tampa area, one of the traveling buddies made mention of how she hates the Tampa area and what about just driving through to Marco, rather then spend the money on a hotel room(in the Tampa area) ( that she hates) how about finding out if we can get into the house a day early, even if there is a fee. This was determined to be the case and the fee was the same as the room in the hotel( in the Tampa area) ( that she hates) so it was cancel the room and drive on through. 11 hours after leaving Atlanta we made it to Marco Island and got the keys in the lock box and opened the house, unloaded the cars, had some pizza and brew and set about to put our things in some fashion of order. Of course we are now able to celebrate the New Year in the comfort of the house rather in some hotel room( in the Tampa area) ( that she hates) Happy New Year!
This was a much better plan, and we should have set that one in motion in the first place, but hind sight has always been better the foresight. So here we are at last, a slight bit of frazzle, I am so proud of Patty for driving all that way, what a trooper my live long buddy is.
Monday, December 31, 2007
The most excellent adventure begins
The big trip to the South of the Land called Florida has started. Leaving the great city of Fair born Ohio behind along with part of the most precious part of my being. As I look forward to being in the warmth and enjoying a well spent time with my wife and my sister I also look back.
The 30th of December the year 2007 and both cars are packed, the garbage is on the street and I am ready to set sail for warmer weather. Patty will drive first and I will drive Char in her car to bring up the rear. It really makes a good way, as Chars car has this radar thing going and when Patty sets her cruise at 70 I can set the cruise at 75 and the radar thing keeps Chars car exactly the same distant from Patty's car. The only time that does not work well is when some crazed driver rams his or hers way between us. Then Chars car slows down and get the spacing right and when that same crazed driving moves out the car zooms forward with all the gusto of a nascar trying to take the lead. But 8 hours of driving is enough for all of us and so after several rest stops and keto walks, That is Chars little dog who is traveling with us, we arrived in Atlanta area about 4:30pm which gives us enough time to unwind and relax with "happy hour" before getting something to eat. We were thoughtful enough to ourselves to bring along the source of "happy hour" and the means to unleash the contents from it's container. New Years eve, our next stop will be in the Tampa area and we did not have the total forethought about that "happy hour". As I have planned this trip to take two days and two nights so as to arrive on the 1st day of 2008 and with driving times that meet not too of a rigorous schedule we need not leave this pet friendly hotel until about 9:00 am as well as trying to miss all the commuters going into Atlanta, if they plan on working on New Years eve, that is. So breakfast with our complimentary tickets and then off we will be.
The 30th of December the year 2007 and both cars are packed, the garbage is on the street and I am ready to set sail for warmer weather. Patty will drive first and I will drive Char in her car to bring up the rear. It really makes a good way, as Chars car has this radar thing going and when Patty sets her cruise at 70 I can set the cruise at 75 and the radar thing keeps Chars car exactly the same distant from Patty's car. The only time that does not work well is when some crazed driver rams his or hers way between us. Then Chars car slows down and get the spacing right and when that same crazed driving moves out the car zooms forward with all the gusto of a nascar trying to take the lead. But 8 hours of driving is enough for all of us and so after several rest stops and keto walks, That is Chars little dog who is traveling with us, we arrived in Atlanta area about 4:30pm which gives us enough time to unwind and relax with "happy hour" before getting something to eat. We were thoughtful enough to ourselves to bring along the source of "happy hour" and the means to unleash the contents from it's container. New Years eve, our next stop will be in the Tampa area and we did not have the total forethought about that "happy hour". As I have planned this trip to take two days and two nights so as to arrive on the 1st day of 2008 and with driving times that meet not too of a rigorous schedule we need not leave this pet friendly hotel until about 9:00 am as well as trying to miss all the commuters going into Atlanta, if they plan on working on New Years eve, that is. So breakfast with our complimentary tickets and then off we will be.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Well, I just don't seem to get around to filling some of the blanks in the blog as often as I probably should, but never-the-less a few of those blanks are being filled in now as I sit waiting for the arrival of my daughter Ann and her husband, that would be my son-in-law Tom with the delightful pair of granddaughters Victoria and Margaret. Now of course some new little one is coming alone, a small, very small dog, one of those Mexican types. How could I say no! what am I crazy! As it is I am one of those people that has a very difficult time dealing with too much commotion which is the usually case when there is a lot of people, even my darling family, which I love extremely. But it is still a lot of noise and motion, and the like when ever more then me is around. Soon the house will be filled to the brim, Tom and Anne will be the basement people and Victoria and Margaret with share Patty's office room, which Mom has been using as her TV room, and of course Patty's mom will remain in the "guest" room, then we will also have the joy of Sarah, Jason, Isabelle and little Sophia. Elliot will stay home. Jammed to the top, with people everywhere, Why do I feel so badly when I want to escape to my office for a moment? These are my children and grandchildren, and it is so great to have them here, yet I know me and you do too, I have to get away from time to time just to keep me from getting to loud inside, my heart needs quite times. This will be four days of great times though and I have to remember to take pictures of the four generations Mom, Patty, Ann & Sarah and the 4 granddaughters. It might be the last time we have that opportunity. Then before I know it, drive mom to Chicago, pick up my sister in Kankakee and the three of us shuffle off to the South, the way South, really far South, and still use the "In God we Trust" money. ( that will be another post someday soon, stay turned)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Someday seems too far away, so much to do, yet someday, worked on the tool room today, perhaps I will get it done, someday. Assembled the new router table today, I am going to make my own picture frames, someday. Thought about the railroad today, someday I will begin, if I ever get the track plan done someday. Put some Christmas lights up yesterday, need more someday. I spend time in study of God's Word, I prepare the lesson in Exodus for the Wednesday Night Bible study I lead. Someday, I may not have to prepare, I will be there. It seems to me there is so much that has to be done someday, or should I say things I would like to get done, someday. Yet at best I have this day. I lay my head upon my pillow at night, snuggle in between the sheets, a relief from the aches and pains within this frame I live in. Spend a few moments being dizzy, wonder if that will go away someday. Then I think about how thankful I am I had this day, and what I was able to do, and wonder if my Lord will give me another day, a day which is called someday.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
A Place
Today I had to fill in as one of the Adult Sunday School Teachers, in fact within the class I attend. This is not my normal time spent, as I do the Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study, so I was a bit outside my comfort zone, but then God does that from time to time, get us to move to a place we normally do not visit. This place is not a constant either, as it is a every moving, ever changing place. You see, for the most part I, like many others, I believe, are very comfortable in the place we have made for ourselves. We have developed a view of the world, a view of God, a view of his Word and we see all this within the realms of our own thinking, our own view, our own frame of mind. I think, and perhaps you do to, "how does this fit into the way I think" we interpret the scriptures from our own point of view. And in the course of this thinking we have remained in our own place. No spiritual growth, no personal growth has occurred. As if we say to ourselves, I love sitting in this mud, I am comfortable in this slime of my present thinking, my present belief system, God, no matter what he says, is not going to change my mind. Oh how stubborn can I get! God teach me to open my heart and my mind to your way of thinking, to your way of doing, to your way of loving, and in doing so my place will change.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Seven years ago today I was in a condition that should have cost me my life. It was the second day after thanksgiving, the year 2000, and after two days of celebrating and being thankful with two sets of families I had settled down with my wife with a pizza and a movie, then as if indigestion, my chest was in pain, but I knew after just a moment it was something else, "Patty, we need to go to the hospital", she sprang into action and away we went. Arriving I walked into the ER and a nurse met me and asked how may she help me, I stated, " I am in the middle of a heart attack" she asked, "right now" I reply, "yes, right know" a wheel chair ride into the ER work room was my next travel plans. That was in 2000 a Saturday night, and the place was a bit slow, not including the doctor and nurse that was working on me. Lots of things happened very soon, and before long I was laying there with my chest still in pain, but hooked up to Nitro. Then for a moment I found myself alone in this little room, patty had excused herself for reasons I shall not mention, the doctor and nurse were at the counter just footsteps away, making notes, I suppose, and then the lights began to fade, sound was slipping into silence and all I could see was one ceiling tile directly above, I prayed a short and simple prayer, "Lord if there is any way you could let me stay, my wife is not ready to be alone yet" and as if God himself turned everything back on, the lights came back in a flash, the silence was suddenly sound and I knew I would not be stepping into eternity that night, God had answered my prayer. Although it was most of the night that I spent in the CICU with one nurse to attend just me, and morphine to assist the still intense pain within my chest, I had not asked him to heal me.At some time the cath lab people arrived early Sunday morning, at which time I was rolled to their table. After doing the things he had to do in order to be looking at pictures of my heart with that colored stuff within my arteries, he looked down at me and then at the monitor and then again at me, and with as gentle of a voice as he could said, "sir I do not want to alarm you, but what I am looking at, you should be dead." "can you fix it", I asked , and without much of an answer he went to work and rotter rutter was doing the trick, the pain was gone. God had kept me alive until the doctor could do his thing. That was seven years ago and I just spent thanksgiving with almost the same family. Of course there was the addition of Isabelle and Sophia my two granddaughters that I now have the pleasure of watching them grow up. Praise God!
So my list of things to be thankful for includes:
Extra days to take care of my wife,
I am so thankful she has been able to not work and enjoy serving the Lord
God helping me through those hard days getting rid of my pool company
The still small voice of the Lord speaking to me in that model home in Fairborn OH
The fact that I heard him
The move to Ohio
The joy of being near Sarah, God has blessed me
After we moved to Ohio they were reassigned to Virginia, but now they are back
and Just 5 houses down, Yippee!
I still miss being near to Anne, maybe someday Ohio will call them.
What a thrill to be able to watch Victoria and Margaret grew into their teens
What beautiful young ladies they are becoming.
The joy of getting re connected to my sister Oh yes, Marco Island, warm in the winter
who would ever think that little ole me would get to winter in Florida
The fun of learning to play golf
My home, God has been so good to me.
Mornings in the summer time sitting on the deck with Patty and our coffee
Planting new things, the color of the flowers, the humming birds about us, the open area behind us, mowing the grass, finishing the basement, planning for the railroad, collecting items to be used on it.
Holding Sophia, a gift from God, the extra years to be able to see her.
Building the Frank Lloyd Wright house with Isabelle, she is so growing up, lost a front tooth the other day. I love her so much. I love those hugs I get.
The extra days to be able to serve my Lord, in so many ways, it would be bragging to mention them.
My work, oh yes I still work, but not like before, I am still self employed, thank God, for that, He knows I am not one to be employed, except by him. All I do is drive all over Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Kentucky, shaking hands and kissing babies, Being a Manufacturers Rep is right up my alley, I love to drive, I really enjoy my car, even with it's 212,000 miles it is still a great car on the road, I enjoy being a problem solver and helping my dealers.
Being able to be useful, Yes I have some physical situations, but my God will see me through
I enjoy doing handyman stuff, at times, working with my hands, doing woodwork, painting, drywall, plumbing, electrical stuff, building things, designing space, it is good to be able to do it.
I am thankful for my wife, that we are together, do we have our moments, sure, but every couple does, but we love each other, and I am thankful I am able to be here and provide a life for her. God has allowed me to stay and what a blessing each day is. I do not look much to the future, day by day, each day at a time, how many extra I have , he knows, not I but I am thankful for this one.
Oh yes I am also thankful for White Castle, without I would never be. My father met my mother at a White Castle in Chicago. I try to pay homage when ever I am near one, during my travels. Although my digestive system is not always thrilled with the experience. That is why the hamburgers are called sliders.
So my list of things to be thankful for includes:
Extra days to take care of my wife,
I am so thankful she has been able to not work and enjoy serving the Lord
God helping me through those hard days getting rid of my pool company
The still small voice of the Lord speaking to me in that model home in Fairborn OH
The fact that I heard him
The move to Ohio
The joy of being near Sarah, God has blessed me
After we moved to Ohio they were reassigned to Virginia, but now they are back
and Just 5 houses down, Yippee!
I still miss being near to Anne, maybe someday Ohio will call them.
What a thrill to be able to watch Victoria and Margaret grew into their teens
What beautiful young ladies they are becoming.
The joy of getting re connected to my sister Oh yes, Marco Island, warm in the winter
who would ever think that little ole me would get to winter in Florida
The fun of learning to play golf
My home, God has been so good to me.
Mornings in the summer time sitting on the deck with Patty and our coffee
Planting new things, the color of the flowers, the humming birds about us, the open area behind us, mowing the grass, finishing the basement, planning for the railroad, collecting items to be used on it.
Holding Sophia, a gift from God, the extra years to be able to see her.
Building the Frank Lloyd Wright house with Isabelle, she is so growing up, lost a front tooth the other day. I love her so much. I love those hugs I get.
The extra days to be able to serve my Lord, in so many ways, it would be bragging to mention them.
My work, oh yes I still work, but not like before, I am still self employed, thank God, for that, He knows I am not one to be employed, except by him. All I do is drive all over Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Kentucky, shaking hands and kissing babies, Being a Manufacturers Rep is right up my alley, I love to drive, I really enjoy my car, even with it's 212,000 miles it is still a great car on the road, I enjoy being a problem solver and helping my dealers.
Being able to be useful, Yes I have some physical situations, but my God will see me through
I enjoy doing handyman stuff, at times, working with my hands, doing woodwork, painting, drywall, plumbing, electrical stuff, building things, designing space, it is good to be able to do it.
I am thankful for my wife, that we are together, do we have our moments, sure, but every couple does, but we love each other, and I am thankful I am able to be here and provide a life for her. God has allowed me to stay and what a blessing each day is. I do not look much to the future, day by day, each day at a time, how many extra I have , he knows, not I but I am thankful for this one.
Oh yes I am also thankful for White Castle, without I would never be. My father met my mother at a White Castle in Chicago. I try to pay homage when ever I am near one, during my travels. Although my digestive system is not always thrilled with the experience. That is why the hamburgers are called sliders.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I am back
Well, as my dear sister has reminded me, I have not posted since the 4th of October in the year 2007, which of course is this year, and the 4th was just a short time ago, how time flies, when your getting older, notice I did not say old, just older, in that old implies aged, like when the Ohio department of ageing sends you a Golden Buckeye card. Older simply states that one is older then one was before, which does not in any way make claims to the age or conditions that accompany such.
To answer to wit a quiry of my state, I am still experincing some dizzy times in my day, The VA here in Dayton is in the process of exploring various reasons for such spells, I have already had a head CT scan of which no results have been sent my way, and I am due to have an Ultasound of my carotid artieries the 26th of the month. After that who but my Lord knows what will occur. I only get dizzy, when I change the position of my head, mostly from horizontal to vertical and visa versa. This was a slight trick as I was in the throws of painting at my sweet little daughters new home. The great room had a wall which extended upwards to 15 feet high, which required the use of my extention ladder. Now if you wanted to see a sight it would have been this large frame, slightly overweight ageing fellow 15 feet in the air on a ladder with a small bucket of paint in one hand and a brush in the other, having to look up to paint the trim line across the wall and ceiling. Looking up is a repostioning of the head, ugh!
So at any rate, I did complete all the painting with Sarah helping in many of the rooms or sarah completed the painting with me helping in many of the rooms. I am sure pictures can be seen on her blog,http://peanutandpumkins.blogspot.com
They had new bamboo floors installed throughout the main level of the house and thus I needed to put in all new baseboards and shoe(that is like a corner round except slightly different) Again this required getting down and up a lot and changing head positions at times. I loved doing this work, and would not ever for a moment think of not doing it, I enjoy working with my hands and doing all that I do. The dizzy thing was just a little bother is all. Maybe VA will find something, maybe they won't. Many of my friends have already figured out want is going on, according to them, I have an inner ear problem, one diagnosed positional vertigo.
So I will keep going with this blog again. I do have more to say about that.
To answer to wit a quiry of my state, I am still experincing some dizzy times in my day, The VA here in Dayton is in the process of exploring various reasons for such spells, I have already had a head CT scan of which no results have been sent my way, and I am due to have an Ultasound of my carotid artieries the 26th of the month. After that who but my Lord knows what will occur. I only get dizzy, when I change the position of my head, mostly from horizontal to vertical and visa versa. This was a slight trick as I was in the throws of painting at my sweet little daughters new home. The great room had a wall which extended upwards to 15 feet high, which required the use of my extention ladder. Now if you wanted to see a sight it would have been this large frame, slightly overweight ageing fellow 15 feet in the air on a ladder with a small bucket of paint in one hand and a brush in the other, having to look up to paint the trim line across the wall and ceiling. Looking up is a repostioning of the head, ugh!
So at any rate, I did complete all the painting with Sarah helping in many of the rooms or sarah completed the painting with me helping in many of the rooms. I am sure pictures can be seen on her blog,http://peanutandpumkins.blogspot.com
They had new bamboo floors installed throughout the main level of the house and thus I needed to put in all new baseboards and shoe(that is like a corner round except slightly different) Again this required getting down and up a lot and changing head positions at times. I loved doing this work, and would not ever for a moment think of not doing it, I enjoy working with my hands and doing all that I do. The dizzy thing was just a little bother is all. Maybe VA will find something, maybe they won't. Many of my friends have already figured out want is going on, according to them, I have an inner ear problem, one diagnosed positional vertigo.
So I will keep going with this blog again. I do have more to say about that.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Lost in time
Yesterday was another of those wonderful times among the trees and leaves that float to the grass beneath, covering the fairways with sprinkles of orange, brown and red doing what they do best, hiding my golf ball. Now that, of course, depends on whether I swing correctly and make that little white ball fly straight toward the fairway. Being a value golfer, that is getting more hits for my money, I usually find my way into the trees and tall grasses that line the open plains of boring hits. It was a wonderful time with the weather playing the most important role, clouds mixed with sunshine, a breeze mixed with gale force winds, and a temperature that allowed unencumbered short sleeve swings. In a day filled with interaction to the brim with people, these fours hours serve as a retreat for my soul. Oh sure, my friend, needs some care, but that is no problem at all. I think of a time I to may require the care and concern of a younger friend. I think of why we are here. I think how sad it would be, if we did not care. The early morning breakfast with another friend, then teach a room full of adults in the evening, people, people, people, for someone who likes those times alone, I sure filled the day with others. I am not sure at times, if I am not in the midst of change. Becoming one who enjoys the idea of being with others, then I recover my senses, and shake off that idea.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Time Flies By
It has been, as you note, a time since I have blogged. Miles has been added to an already well used odemeter. Roads has been traversed and people have been helped. Oh yes, I am a people helper, a servant to those who pay my way, to those who are responsible for that gift that oh so faithfully arrives each and every month. Yet not a gift in some sense but rather a compensation for labor, well not really labor, but rather for those long hours spent on the highways and byways across middle America. Not to mention my immense calling to teach and preach which requires hours of prep time. If you are going to do something, do it well or get the heck out of town, amd how I completely enjoy being able to share from God's Word, enriching, I pray, the lives of those within the sound of my voice. How blessed I am to be able to be used by my Lord in that way. And then have I mentioned the joy of having my Daughter and son in law living with us? along with those two little angels, little sweetpeas that go along with the group. Ah yes, being a papa does have it's privileges.
Monday, September 17, 2007
That is what I live for
As I sat chewing on my last piece of pizza with my family, less Patty, and the conversation turned to topics of whatever, I soon found myself in a situation of confusion. now if you know my Daughter that in itself could explain my condition. However, it was not just my dear daughter alone that brought about the state of mind in which I was finding myself far behind and without a clue as to what was the main arena of thought. The little darling of 7 years known by all as Isabelle, announced after my statement of, "I am confused", "that is what I live for". I could not believe my ears, and yet there it was. Oh am I in trouble now!
It is Monday morning and I wake sprawled across the queen bed, a strange void exists, both between the sheets and in my heart, the love of my life is not there. Sunday saw her making a journey to the land of the Windy City to visit with her 98 year old mother who had fallen and was, at this point confined to a bed in Lutheran General Hospital with a very badly bruised knee. The extent of damage as yet to be assessed by the medical staff and so my dearly beloved will spend some time there of determined length. Sunday Evening was my turn to bring the message at church, which for whatever reasons seems to drain any energy I have and what is left of the remainder of the evening I can only veg out with a movie, them crawl between the sheets and rest my weary brain. The absence of my dear wife made the last of that experience the least pleasant of the day. Alone, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually is something I do not enjoy, oh right I have the need to escape to my space, from time to time, but not having her with me, around me, and being around her and with her, brings feelings I find myself being uncomfortable with. I know and agree she must take this time to share in the hours with her mother and sister, to be a part of a family which has but one of the "old ones" left, the last of a kind, Mamie. Her spirits are high, her knee is not, she still in good health, but we still wait to hear the story regarding what will happen with her ability to move about. So waiting and waiting we will, apart we will wait, and surely I will look forward to Patty making her way back to me.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Done at Last

Well, I am done, sort of, at last, with this Paper project. Isabelle was actually able to help with putting down the grass, which needs mowing, and the placement of many of the bushes, which need trimming, her little fingers were extremely helpful in placing the foliage in the planters on the balconies. I was able to restrain myself from being too particular about the grass and bushes.




Who is that lady on the driveway? I sure hope it is not the Avon calling,
And if you didn't notice way up on the top porch some guy has his binoculars, hoping he is looking for humming birds, where is the feeder anyway?
Must be too small to notice.
So, I did enjoy, to some degree this project, although it was frustrating at times, the directions were not clear on many issues, but being a man, who asks directions anyway? For this I had to, and then even asking directions, I was lost some of the time, just not clear, and it did not turn out as I had hoped it would, but it is paper, and working with paper glue, yuck! score, cut, fold, assembly and attach, over and over again. I sure wish Isabelle could have been more into this, but she is only 7 and me being 63, yuck! again! her attention span for such tiny detail is a trifle shorter then mine. Never the less, the people are her project and the grass, so here it is for your viewing pleasure.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Signs of the Times
Brisk air, the sound of a golf cart and the click of the ball as my driver makes solid contact, Ah the fulfillment as that little white orb sails high and over the mowed green grass finding its way to a pleasant place in the middle of the fairway. Life just doesn't get much better. My second shot is but an 8 iron to the green, and with the grace of a moose I swing and up, up and away the ball once again slowly descends within yards of the ever elusive hole, at times I wonder if I should join the seniors tour, then I remember that was one good, one compared to so many not so good ones. My friend comments, you really hit a nice iron shoot, I am in awe as this is one of his good days, he remembers I am there, and is aware of my play. It it good to have him with me even if it is for one day, for the next time, he may not be so aware. He smiles, and talks about not hitting the ball the way he should. Life is good this day, the weather is 76 and the sun peaks from behind a cloud here and there, the trees have not begun to turn yet, but the sense of the pending fairways filled with brown, orange and red, doing they best to hide the ball, is just around the corner. Even without his hearing aids he responds to my questions, my voice finds a way to his inner ear, he is not the most talkative person, even before, and now even less, at times he just stares into space, not knowing where his ball even went. He knows what he has, and told me once that he was a bit anxious about what will happen. I told him we would play as long as he could, he smiled, that is good. I like when he smiles, his life is fading away from him and he cannot stop it. But we will play, men will be boys and the game will go on as long as it can.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Me and Frank Lloyd Wright Photos
Well, Sarah was at it with the camera and made these images of the HO Scale, that is 1/87 of an inch equal a foot. To give you a real sense of this, a little 6 foot tall person would be just a hair over 3/4 of an inch, small to say the least, and this house is for those size people. so here are the photos.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Me and Frank Lloyd Wright
Well you know how Dads think at times about how neat it would be to get my little daughter something, Jason, my son-in-law is absolutely no expectation. Except the little something was an HO Scale replica of the Robie House by Frank Lloyd Wright. He thought is was a punch out thing that required a simple snap in place parts things, well Isabelle upon seeing it was an HO scale building, knew right away that she just had to wait until they moved from Virginia to Ohio so that Papa could help her with it. Papa is more then helping as it is a very detailed cut with a very shape xacto knife, very small, very many pieces that require very small amounts of exactly placed glue to fit exactly in certain places in precisely certain order, following not so exactly detailed instructions. I will include pictures of this endeavor for your viewing pleasure at another time. I have been very occupied with this endeavor and am hoping to finish so Isabelle may enjoy the part she has been waiting for, the placement of little HO Scale people and cars and trees and grass and bushes and the like all around the house and grounds. We have been also working on a repair of the HO Scale Noah's Custom Boat shop(no job too big) for my layout. This building was damaged by a 1x4 piece of wood in the truck during our move to Ohio almost 6 years ago. I have just begun repairs when Isabelle came up with the idea of no fixing all the damaged wood side of the building but rather have my little HO Scale people working on the repair, thus leaving most of the damage, Brilliant! my granddaughter, a chip off the old block! OH! where have I heard that before?
So we have been making some scaffolding for the little people to work on and Isabelle has been finding all the little people from the box full that I have spent hours painting. She has the greatest time placing these people around places that look like they are doing the work. She is patiently waiting for the new trees to add to the scene and reminds me that some of the shoreline rocks need filling in. But time keeps marching on and things get slowly done, as I must admit I have to work once and awhile.
But what a joy to have her here with me, to be so blessed to be able to spend this time with such a precious lttle soul.
So we have been making some scaffolding for the little people to work on and Isabelle has been finding all the little people from the box full that I have spent hours painting. She has the greatest time placing these people around places that look like they are doing the work. She is patiently waiting for the new trees to add to the scene and reminds me that some of the shoreline rocks need filling in. But time keeps marching on and things get slowly done, as I must admit I have to work once and awhile.
But what a joy to have her here with me, to be so blessed to be able to spend this time with such a precious lttle soul.
Monday, August 27, 2007
it is 10 oclock at night and my wife is spraying jig-a-loo on the wooden rocker, Jason and Sarah laughing at the ad on the web and Sophia is sleeping... the world is upside down, the rocky is not squeaking the laughting is less, Oh my I need to sleep, the car has seen 520 miles today my bottom saw it too.. tired and the laughter is better then tears.... having some fun...but the rocky is better, Jig-a-loo to the rescue.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Lessor and Greater
It has been awhile, yet the mind of me has not been still, thoughts roam and some even settle for some time within, stirring and encouraging a continued shaping and changing of me. One such idea was born from the Gospel of John chapter 3 verse 30. John the baptist made a statement regarding his relationship with Christ. People told him that Jesus was now baptising and that everyone was going to him instead of coming to hear and be baptised by John. His reply included the statement. "he must become greater, I must become less". How powerful is that? How prophetic? It this not the essence of walking in the light? Each believer must come to that point of realization. I must, that is my "self" must become lessor thus allowing Christ in me to become greater. Our Lord is a gentle teacher, he speaks in a small still voice, and when the self is screaming, how can I hear his voice. We must quiet the self, Jesus said, "Matt 16:24-25"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.NIV
There it is," deny himself", as plain and as simple as that. With all the personal preferences, with all the goals and aspirations of life, with all the dreams of having this or that, with all the needs for self pleasure and aggrandisement's, with all the desires for applause and praise from others. Deny all that, and follow Jesus. I must become lessor so that he may become greater.
Oh to be like Jesus!
There it is," deny himself", as plain and as simple as that. With all the personal preferences, with all the goals and aspirations of life, with all the dreams of having this or that, with all the needs for self pleasure and aggrandisement's, with all the desires for applause and praise from others. Deny all that, and follow Jesus. I must become lessor so that he may become greater.
Oh to be like Jesus!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Dizzy Me
Sunday, the day I enjoy so much because I get to attend church and spend time with others in worship of God. This Sunday was a bit different then most for me, I arose from my slumber to head to that same room, when out on my mind there arose such a zoom. I could not stand alone, I was leaning, and not on the everlasting arms, but leaning sideways, so much I had to hold on to everything to arrive safely at my destination. What on Earth was going on? my head was in a spin, and I surely had not drunk that much during my dream cycle. Instead of Church, the Dayton VA Hospital ER was my next stop. Walking a start line might be a good test for the police to administer late at night, but at 8:30 am it's a bit embarrassing, especially when you track left a lot. Tests, tests, and tests, they sure treat my right, only to determine all is well with my soul. The problem was with my ear, they think, I still believe doctors only "practice" medicine. Sure, arrive with your hand separated from your arm and they can stay" The problem is your hand is missing". Well enough "soap box", I got some dizzy fix er up stuff and was sent on my way. What a day, spent the most of it redoing the laundry room, with a dizzy head, that took some time to remove the old, paint, install the new. But I am better, the future looks quite not so lopsided.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Yesterday was like most Tuesdays during the warmth of summer in Ohio, I spent it with a old friend, not that I have known him a long time, but that he is old, at least older by 18 years then myself. We spent this day together at Locust Hills Golf club enjoying the wonderful game of golf. Each Tuesday this summer has been changing as my old friend was told he has the beginning stages of Alzheimer's disease. forgetting how many times he has hit the ball is not a problem, but watching him slowly change hurts a bit. He has admitted he is scared of what is coming. I can only imagine what he is going thru, and yet it still makes me think of how life has it's way. There are things we have no control over and we just have to deal with it or resign ourselves to it. Some things, true enough, can be cured by modern science, some things cannot, this is one of them. Our Lord has intervened from time to time, a divine healing, a miracle, if you will. I know this on a personal basis, I pray this for my old friend, he knows God can do that, he prays to the same end. I think also, am I wrong to be thankful, it is not me. Tuesdays will forever be changing, we agree, if he will remember, we will spend Tuesday together for as long as he can.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
What Songs we sing
One day a young man was walking along the beach when he came across a salt encrusted piece of metal, after working for an hour or so to remove the salt, lo and behold it was a very old oil lamp. Thinking it may be of some value and perhaps he might be able to sell it on ebay, he continued to clean it up some more by beginning to polish it, when poof! out pops a genie. Now the genie was so glad to be out of this lamp he granted the young man three wishes. "My first wish" said the young man, "is to be one dollar richer then Bill Gates". The genie did not know who Bill Gates was so the young man told him to check out Forbes, so pulling the latest edition from the lamp, the genie found that Bill Gates was the richest man in the world and said, " you shall be forever one dollar richer then Bill Gates, what is your second wish?"Well the young man thought ans thought, and then asked for the most expensive Porsche ever built, fire engine red, with GPS location system and the most awesome sound system ever installed in an automobile. The genie said, "that's easy" and pulled one right out of the lamp. Then asked, "What is your third wish?" Well now the young man was in trouble, for he thought really hard and just could not think of what is should be, he thought should I wish for a very beautiful woman, no, I am the richest man in the world surely I will be a chick magnet now, perhaps I should wish for world peace, no weirdo's and beauty queens ask for thank, so he ask the genie, " can I hold off on that a bit?" the genie said that was most unusual however since the young man held the lamp, he had no choice, he said, " I will return into the lamp and just call me when you are ready" so the young man place the now very valuable lamp in the trunk of his new car and drove off the beach onto the highway, 60, 70, 80 and he was rolling along, he turned on his radio system, balanced the 36 speakers, and was so happy, this is the life, he began singing so loudly along with the music, " I wish I were an Oscar Meyer....Poof!
The moral is be careful what your song is,
Bless the lord, Oh my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy name!
The moral is be careful what your song is,
Bless the lord, Oh my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy name!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
The day is done
The B day is about to be over and it was a blast, packed the girls minus one in the car and off Nana and Papa went to Kiln time a paint your own pottery place, OH NO! they went out of business and did not call us and let is know, now what do we do? Gas station, yellow pages, thumb through until PTL! another place in Springboro, true another 6 miles but hey Papa and Nana with the Granddaughter having hopes of painting some pottery, off we drove and man o man this place was the greatest, customer friendly, very attentive to the girls and we all painted something, yep, Papa painted an elephant, and Nana did something that was not blue and yellow! Isabelle painted the cutest three puppies piled up sleeping, Margaret painted a cookie jar for her mother, Margaret always like doing things for someone else. Victoria chose a big tall grande coffee cup, no she does not drink coffee and painted a wonderful sea scape, with fish and seaweed. We all had a great time and then for my birthday I was allowed to take them out to dinner to the Flying Tiger, yep! all the good stuff. Tomorrow we haul off to Newport KY to the Newport aquarium, they will even get to pet a shark, baby ones, none biting ones, but never the less sharks. They all love this place, it has become an every year event. no visit to Papa and Nana's would be complete without a trip to the Newport Aquarium. But tonight I am done, worn out, feeling my 63, legs a bit tired, ankles hurting, but my spirit is still soaring.
Well, today I have reached the beginning of my 63rd year, reflecting of how blessed I have been.
It was the year of my 57th on this Earth when my heart screamed for attention. A major artery was 100% blocked and the pain was very intense, the doctors thought death was eminent, but God decided otherwise. The thought which came to my mind at that time was, of course, my father died at age 57 from a heart attack, we were told. Have I repeated that course? Oh it was for sure a different habit that brought about his end here, but nevertheless, an end at 57. Here I was 57 and staring eternity right in the face, not that I do not want to meet my Lord face to face, but I prayed that he would allow me to stay, because my wonderful wife was not ready to be alone. God was so gracious to her, at that moment all was well. Oh sure the doctors still have to clear the artery, but I was allowed to stay, and today it is 63, six years, with so much change, leaving the stress of my pool business behind, and moving to Ohio to live a far more relaxed life. The song in my heart sings "Bless the Lord, oh my soul and all that is within me, bless his Holy name"
It was the year of my 57th on this Earth when my heart screamed for attention. A major artery was 100% blocked and the pain was very intense, the doctors thought death was eminent, but God decided otherwise. The thought which came to my mind at that time was, of course, my father died at age 57 from a heart attack, we were told. Have I repeated that course? Oh it was for sure a different habit that brought about his end here, but nevertheless, an end at 57. Here I was 57 and staring eternity right in the face, not that I do not want to meet my Lord face to face, but I prayed that he would allow me to stay, because my wonderful wife was not ready to be alone. God was so gracious to her, at that moment all was well. Oh sure the doctors still have to clear the artery, but I was allowed to stay, and today it is 63, six years, with so much change, leaving the stress of my pool business behind, and moving to Ohio to live a far more relaxed life. The song in my heart sings "Bless the Lord, oh my soul and all that is within me, bless his Holy name"
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Another Day
Yesterday, as I was lucky, blessed, enough to spend the day with 3 of the 4 granddaughters Sophia was not able to attend. My son in law and I took the rest on a field trip to the Creation Museum in Kentucky, are we there yet! Are we almost home yet? It was a good day and now I sit and am waiting to pick up a friend to hit the links this afternoon. A friend that has just found out he can't remember some things and the reason for that. The girls are playing and all is well.
Tomorrow night is the first of ten weeks of steady teaching as the Senior Pastor is gone for 60 days of renewal, and I co-teach so I am the headlining for the next 10 weeks or so, we begin 1 John and I have just about concluded this first weeks offering to the class, hoping for lots of participation, lots of questions prepared. I surely do enjoy being able to have the opportunity to lead the class in the exploration of God's Word. What a blessing!
Pray for me, that I will get out of the way, and let our Lord have his way.
Tomorrow night is the first of ten weeks of steady teaching as the Senior Pastor is gone for 60 days of renewal, and I co-teach so I am the headlining for the next 10 weeks or so, we begin 1 John and I have just about concluded this first weeks offering to the class, hoping for lots of participation, lots of questions prepared. I surely do enjoy being able to have the opportunity to lead the class in the exploration of God's Word. What a blessing!
Pray for me, that I will get out of the way, and let our Lord have his way.
Friday, July 27, 2007
The Moment
Living in the moment, a provocative thought,for me at least, was implanted within my mind after watching a movie about Dan Millman called "the quiet warrior" . The main thrust I encountered was taking out the garbage, from your mind, during some activity. This was particularly interesting to me, in that I have found myself thinking about all sorts of things while I am doing something else, specifically worshipping God during Sunday Morning church. Anyone else? Focus, Focus on the moment, take out all the other stuff, and focus on the one thing we are doing, enjoy the moment. Now translate that to life, I must admit, I, for one, for the most part, live for the moment, that is, I do not give too much thought to "what about next week, month, year, etc. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in tomorrow? not! IT, today, this day. Enjoy today, enjoy the moment, live life large, to the fullest, with passion, each day, each hour, make that moment the best moment of your life. especially when we worship God.
Monday, July 23, 2007
The chain
Island mama questions the value of the past put into written form for the preservation of a life lived, which is a valuable asset. A life lived and all the experiences associated with it have much to offer those who take the time to engage that life and those past experiences. The one thing I have learned over my life is I have no power to change those past experiences and therefore must come to terms with the fact thereof. Some of those experiences I surely am not proud of and if it were ,in fact, possible I would wipe them from the list, however, that is not within my power, and yet I do know one who has that power and am thankful he has wiped and continues to wipe the slate clean. The other wonderful enlightenment I have received is the "loss of my chain." This chain is the one which binds me to my past. A chain which is so powerful it can hold me back from moving into my future. Can I learn from those past experiences, Oh yes! Can I determine never again to do or say or act in a certain way, Oh yes! However, as much as I try, I cannot always succeed. But I have lost that chain and I am moving forward, regrets, hum? It is still a life lived, with all it's ups and downs, with all it's choices and actions, with all the failures and all the successes, it is a life lived and therefore has value, value for all who desire to engage that life, to enter into a relationship with it and embrace it.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
"To vacillate or not to vacillate - that is the question...or is it?"
Well, That is a mouth full isn't it? at least in thought, I surely have been accused of not doing that, vacillate, that is. I am for all practical purposes solid in my thinking, some would say stubborn, or opinionated, or even bull headed, but to tell you the truth, I am just convinced and when someone is convinced how can one vacillate from that frame of mind. Convinced is a result of research and investigation. Convinced is a result of hard evidence pointing toward a conclusion which has no other ending. Convinced is a result of contemplating the alternative thinking and discovering the facts or the flaws and comparing those ideas with those which brought you, me to the convinced conclusion that is for me, the truth. So not question about it, not vacillate is the correct answer..
I am at this time, waiting for the arrival of the troops from the East. Patty has kept abreast of the progress. She is riding with Sarah, Isabelle and Sophia in the BMW while Jason is accompanied by Elliot the long in the rent a truck. They have passed Columbus and should be here within the hour, Praise be to the Lord! I miss my beloved life partner, my wife, my lover and my best friend. Oh sure I am going to be so glad to have my family with me, I am so excited about having them here, close and again a part of my life on a daily basis, But it is without question that I am surely happy to have Patty with me once again. I do not vacillate on that either.
I am at this time, waiting for the arrival of the troops from the East. Patty has kept abreast of the progress. She is riding with Sarah, Isabelle and Sophia in the BMW while Jason is accompanied by Elliot the long in the rent a truck. They have passed Columbus and should be here within the hour, Praise be to the Lord! I miss my beloved life partner, my wife, my lover and my best friend. Oh sure I am going to be so glad to have my family with me, I am so excited about having them here, close and again a part of my life on a daily basis, But it is without question that I am surely happy to have Patty with me once again. I do not vacillate on that either.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Almost ready
Today was one of those list days for me, not a list from the love of my life, but actually a list of my own, what is this world coming to? me, a list? now before everyone gets to excited I only had the list in my head, not on paper, nevertheless, the list consisted of items and check marks, those marks were really difficult to make inside my brain. So the starts with some new plants, yes dear you might like them, then maybe not, next I had to edge the sidewalk, driveway, islands in the back with the weed whacker, and then mow the lawn, not with the weed whacker, but with the lawn mower. Wash the car at the car wash place, I have an appointment with a dealer in Louisville tomorrow and I hate showing up with a dirty car, even if it has 201,000 miles on it. The list also included making sure the house was neat due to a Bible study at my house tonight as well as I had to finish up the lesson on Genesis 49, the blessing of Jacob on his last two sons, Joseph and Benjamin. I Have no clue who will be here, but it will be good anyway. I also needed to get some paper work done for Anchor, the company I represent, for appointment tomorrow, I have been a busy man, and OH YES, I almost forgot, I have emptied many banker boxes and loaded up many garbage bags from the storage room in preparation of getting some cabinets emptied and ready for Sarah and Jason to use. Man, I can't imagine what came over me! Oh, I almost forgot, the deadheading, those gardeners know what I mean. I even had time to make some phone calls to dealers and to Anchor. work, work, work, a man's job is never done.

Well, I am waiting for the arrival of some of the women in my live, Patty, Sarah, Isabelle and Sophia. Of course Jason is included as well. Patty flew out to Virginia yesterday to help with the final packing and on Saturday all will load up and make the drive here. The house is ready to receive them for how ever long they need to be here, I am ready to have them here for sure. I am truly so glad to have a portion of my family close once again.
Sophia is just a baby 6 weeks old and I came across a picture of her mother not much older about 12 weeks or so, and I thought how time just zooms by. It surely was not that many years ago, 1974 that I took this picture here, yet mercy me, it was and now this little one is bringing two of the most precious granddaughters here to live near me.

Isabelle shown here going to a father daughter dance
Sophia shown here after just arriving

Friday, July 6, 2007
Critical Heart?
Do I have a critical heart? I was watching a television program the other day in which a group of singers were all sitting on the stage, with thousands in the audience. Had they all paid to come see these singers worship themselves? That I do not know, but I would not be surprised if they had paid and paid dearly. All the singers were from many different groups of country gospel singers and solo artists all made up in their fancy stage clothes and sitting in big easy chairs in all their opulence.
As one group would get up and sing a favorite tune of theirs I could not help but think how the others were worshiping the voice ability of each singer, especially when the tenor or soprano would hit one of those really high long draw out yelling notes, not to mention how those singing would spend every bit of effort to project and impress the others with how great they could “belt it out” prancing around on stage like a rock star all the time singing songs that were suppose to be about the Lord God Almighty. Oh what dastardly deeds men do in the name of the Lord. What have we become? Have we turned from worship of God to worship of men and their abilities? Or am I just a critical heart?
As one group would get up and sing a favorite tune of theirs I could not help but think how the others were worshiping the voice ability of each singer, especially when the tenor or soprano would hit one of those really high long draw out yelling notes, not to mention how those singing would spend every bit of effort to project and impress the others with how great they could “belt it out” prancing around on stage like a rock star all the time singing songs that were suppose to be about the Lord God Almighty. Oh what dastardly deeds men do in the name of the Lord. What have we become? Have we turned from worship of God to worship of men and their abilities? Or am I just a critical heart?
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Absent and Present
Col 2:4-5
5 For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how orderly you are and how firm your faith in Christ is.
It seems strange to be able to be away yet be with another person at the same time, a sort of time travel, if you will, a science fiction plot of sorts, and yet here is actually what is happening.
Within the realms of the physical persons may well be separated from each other by miles of distance, such as from Beavercreek, Ohio to Brimfield Illinois or Ashburn Virginia, or Kankakee Illinois. These two persons unable to stand face to face, to feel the embrace of the other, to extend the hand of fellowship to the other, yet in quite a different realm they are present with each other. Within the spirit world, the supernatural world of God, these two persons are eternally joined and present with each other. As each person steps into the spiritual presents of God almighty thru prayer, there stands the other.
To each of you whom I love, know that as you knee before the Lord each day, I will be present with you also, that with spiritual hands placed upon you I will be seeking our lord to anoint you with power from on high, and that I will be rejoicing because of your faith in our Lord, demonstrating a powerful belief in the reality of the Kingdom of God.
5 For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how orderly you are and how firm your faith in Christ is.
It seems strange to be able to be away yet be with another person at the same time, a sort of time travel, if you will, a science fiction plot of sorts, and yet here is actually what is happening.
Within the realms of the physical persons may well be separated from each other by miles of distance, such as from Beavercreek, Ohio to Brimfield Illinois or Ashburn Virginia, or Kankakee Illinois. These two persons unable to stand face to face, to feel the embrace of the other, to extend the hand of fellowship to the other, yet in quite a different realm they are present with each other. Within the spirit world, the supernatural world of God, these two persons are eternally joined and present with each other. As each person steps into the spiritual presents of God almighty thru prayer, there stands the other.
To each of you whom I love, know that as you knee before the Lord each day, I will be present with you also, that with spiritual hands placed upon you I will be seeking our lord to anoint you with power from on high, and that I will be rejoicing because of your faith in our Lord, demonstrating a powerful belief in the reality of the Kingdom of God.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
As I was contemplating this morning and conversing with my Lord, A thought occurred to me about spending, not in the sense of dollars and cents, but in the realm of my life. What is the reason for my life? How do I spend my Life? For it is but only one life I have to spend, at least in this setting upon this planet we call Earth. each and every day I have 24 hours, or 1440 minutes or 86,400 seconds to spend. Now I might spend that time enriching my own domain, or I might spend that time enriching the lives of those I come in contact with. The choice is mine and mine alone. If I decide to spend that time enriching my own life, what have I gained? Have I been able to surround myself with things to which I devote space and time to, things that I will no doubt leave behind at some point. I think of the Pharaohs spending so much effort to accumulate wealth and possessions to take with them only to have people of thing age remove them. Have I spend my life gaining all the things of this world for my own well being, or have I spend my time enriching the lives of those around me? Question, a plaguing question, but alas I may have more time, will I learn from the past, have I made wrong choices? Have I not spent enough of me in the direction of others? I can only hope that I have spent enough of me in pursuit of making others lives enriched, as each day is only a gift from my Lord and tomorrow is not here. Have we all spent enough time for each other? Or have we been so busy with self we cannot even see the plan of God for our lives?
1 John 3:11
11 This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.NIV
1 John 3:11
11 This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.NIV
Being Good
Received this little story from Victoria this morning via email:
One day God was looking down at earth and saw all of the rascally behavior that was going on. So He called one of His angels and sent the angel to earth for a time.When he returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and only 5% are not."God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a second angel to get another opinion."So God called another angel and sent him to earth for a time, too.When the angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The! earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving, but 5% are being good."God was not pleased. So He decided to email the 5% who were good because He wanted to encourage them, give them a little something to help them keep going.Do you know what the email said?
Okay, just wondering. I didn't get one either.
Funny huh? yet true, who could even be in that 5%? who is really good? as I read in the good book, all have been bad, did I choose to misquote or just leave out the word sinned? OK so all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. Rom 3:23 But what we do about that truth makes all the difference in the world.
One day God was looking down at earth and saw all of the rascally behavior that was going on. So He called one of His angels and sent the angel to earth for a time.When he returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and only 5% are not."God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a second angel to get another opinion."So God called another angel and sent him to earth for a time, too.When the angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The! earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving, but 5% are being good."God was not pleased. So He decided to email the 5% who were good because He wanted to encourage them, give them a little something to help them keep going.Do you know what the email said?
Okay, just wondering. I didn't get one either.
Funny huh? yet true, who could even be in that 5%? who is really good? as I read in the good book, all have been bad, did I choose to misquote or just leave out the word sinned? OK so all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. Rom 3:23 But what we do about that truth makes all the difference in the world.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Inside Out
Col 2:20-23
20 Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules: 21 "Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!"? 22 These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings. 23 Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.
Could we be spending too much time and effort trying to understand how we should appear to others? Exhausting our energies on following the rules and regulations, the do’s and don’ts of the church to which we belong, seems to be the way of faith. Yet, I cannot help but think that our Lord would have died in vain, for nothing at all, if we return to the bondage of the law. The scripture surely tells us this manner of living may have the appearance of wisdom, but the converse can only be true, this action, this manner of living can only be that of the foolish. To base one’s life on the human commands and teachings only can lead to a lifestyle of misery and guilt, a life doomed to fail in its dismal attempt to follow the law.
A person cannot achieve a holy lifestyle on the outside, without experiencing that transformation on the inside. These outward attempts cannot restrain the desires that are derived from within. Only an inner cleansing with the Blood of Christ will make a man whole. Only with the indwelling of the Spirit can those desires be overcome. True Christianity is from the inside out.
And the outside struggles so much to have control
20 Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules: 21 "Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!"? 22 These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings. 23 Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.
Could we be spending too much time and effort trying to understand how we should appear to others? Exhausting our energies on following the rules and regulations, the do’s and don’ts of the church to which we belong, seems to be the way of faith. Yet, I cannot help but think that our Lord would have died in vain, for nothing at all, if we return to the bondage of the law. The scripture surely tells us this manner of living may have the appearance of wisdom, but the converse can only be true, this action, this manner of living can only be that of the foolish. To base one’s life on the human commands and teachings only can lead to a lifestyle of misery and guilt, a life doomed to fail in its dismal attempt to follow the law.
A person cannot achieve a holy lifestyle on the outside, without experiencing that transformation on the inside. These outward attempts cannot restrain the desires that are derived from within. Only an inner cleansing with the Blood of Christ will make a man whole. Only with the indwelling of the Spirit can those desires be overcome. True Christianity is from the inside out.
And the outside struggles so much to have control
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Without a dream
As I prepare my sermon for this coming Sunday morning I can't help think of my impending death, not that I am ill or but I have been hear longer then I am gong to be. I am using as an opening the Never Give Up speech of Winston Churchill. My Bible tells me that without a dream man will perish. Prov 29:18
18 Where there is no vision, the people perish:KJV
It seems to me that I always need to be looking to what is ahead of me, I have told others that if you are chained to your past you cannot move into your future, and that bears truth for me. a future that holds to hope. Hope for the future of today and for tomorrow. Always having some project I want to get done, Always looking forward to what God has in store for me, never giving up, that is a futile thinking process that resigns myself to having no future, or at least to one with little joy. I want to have joy, and the Lord is my joy.
There are many dreams I still enjoy, and hopes of things to come,
enjoying times with my daughters and granddaughters surely has to be one
Coffee each morning sitting on the deck with my love,
That's a joy as sweet as a dove
Building my model railroad, some day,
the room is ready, I love to play
Perhaps some day when I grow up I will know what I want to be,
But for now, just knowing my Savior is joy enough for me.
18 Where there is no vision, the people perish:KJV
It seems to me that I always need to be looking to what is ahead of me, I have told others that if you are chained to your past you cannot move into your future, and that bears truth for me. a future that holds to hope. Hope for the future of today and for tomorrow. Always having some project I want to get done, Always looking forward to what God has in store for me, never giving up, that is a futile thinking process that resigns myself to having no future, or at least to one with little joy. I want to have joy, and the Lord is my joy.
There are many dreams I still enjoy, and hopes of things to come,
enjoying times with my daughters and granddaughters surely has to be one
Coffee each morning sitting on the deck with my love,
That's a joy as sweet as a dove
Building my model railroad, some day,
the room is ready, I love to play
Perhaps some day when I grow up I will know what I want to be,
But for now, just knowing my Savior is joy enough for me.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
This last week has been a blast, friends from our old small group in Illinios visited and we went to the new Creation Museum in Kentucky. Let me tell you, it was a blast to see how well done, first class presentation of the difference in views between evolutional theory and creation fact. Sorry about the slant there, but I just have to say it like it is. I was very impressed with it all, a bit tired walking and standing on concrete, but enough to see and read to keep the interest of even a lightweight thinker like me. It was good to have some time to visit with friends, I had spent a difficult time earlier visiting some of my customers to find that one of them had just expired, left the living as it were. It always serves to remind me of just how fragile life is. one moment here and another moment gone, it can happen in a heartbeat, or in my case the lack of a beat. Having been able, through the grace of God, to live beyond two heart attacks I think about it whenever I am aware of someone I know leaving. Life is so fragile, so dependent unto so much to survive. One small thing and it's over, at least here on Earth. I thank God forever that he intervened in my life of disaster, and called me to himself, saving me from the penalty my life so disserved. And now he sustains me day by day, with his arms around me, fragile me, keeping me until I complete his purpose for my life. Praise his name forever!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
It seems to me
It seems to me.....Life is good
It seems to me.....Good is life
It seems to me.....God is good
It seems to me.....Life is God
It seems to me.....God is life
How sweet is the breath in the morning, to wake and feel His presence, The breath of life within my lungs, the sweet fragrance of morning, the sounds of his creation outside my window, to feel the warmth of his gift lying next to me. Oh how sweet the sound! We await the arrival of long time friends from Chicago Area, I do enjoy times together with the family of God. Each day brings the assurance that God is with me, Oh how I love Jesus!
It seems to me.....I am blessed
It seems to me.....Good is life
It seems to me.....God is good
It seems to me.....Life is God
It seems to me.....God is life
How sweet is the breath in the morning, to wake and feel His presence, The breath of life within my lungs, the sweet fragrance of morning, the sounds of his creation outside my window, to feel the warmth of his gift lying next to me. Oh how sweet the sound! We await the arrival of long time friends from Chicago Area, I do enjoy times together with the family of God. Each day brings the assurance that God is with me, Oh how I love Jesus!
It seems to me.....I am blessed
Monday, June 4, 2007
The Morning After
Fear is the greatest enemy of the soul. Last night the Lord blessed my message and my spirit, I experienced a refreshing from the Spirit of God and boldly went where no man has gone before. The silence I have kept within was released and received not with rebuke as I feared but with open minds and hearts. God is so good, He is so good to me.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Do I have to?
Tonight is my turn to preach at our Sunday Evening service and the message my Lord has laid upon my heart I do not want to preach. I love to share warm and encouraging messages, like God's BLT (Believe,Listen,Teachable) or SM&A Heating and Air Conditioning( Simple Faith, Mature Faith,Active Faith) or HMS His Majesties Soul(Love him with all you Heart,Mind,Soul) as well as many others but tonight the EPA must be preached, Protecting the Environment of the Community of our Country, the community of Believers and the Community of Self. I must share about the pollutions that have affected these communities and what are we doing (Either Passive or Active) EPA. it is the pollutions that brother me, God has laid such a heavy I am almost not able to bear up, I am almost scared of tonight's outcome. I need God tonight, Pray for me.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Afternoon in the Fort
I arrived in Virginia being picked up on time to enjoy lunch alone with my wife at Wegmans. If you every get to the East coast Wegman's is the place, but that was not the end, after getting to my daughters house and after the arrival of Isabelle, She and I spent the afternoon in her cardboard fort. What a joy to crawl in and lay upon blankets and pillows( I was tired) and talk and talk with my Granddaughter, a very advanced 6 and 10/12th year old. Caption Jack was at the controls of the ship and our periscopes were up. Even Elliot the long slipped in to curl up and join the fun. I also was able to hold my newest and 4th granddaughter Sophia, small and so delightful to know another little girl for Papa to spoil.
My Love
well, today in just a few minutes I will be leaving for the airport to fly out to Virginia to meet the bride of my youth, the love of my life, my sweetpea, Patty. I will also have an opportunity to meet for the first time a little sweetpea 6 my newest granddaughter Sophia. I am sure glad that I will be, once again, in the presence of my wife, it is difficult to imagine not having another person to share life with, I do not know how so many do it, living alone, without another. True without another there is no conflict, self is always considered first, my way is never opposed, yet how can that be any good. Mankind is designed to be social, the first and foremost reason for mankinds existence was to have fellowship with God. Man was not designed to be alone either as God, himself said it is not good that man should be alone, no we are make to be with another. I for one am so glad that God has blessed me with Patty, she is the one the God designed for me.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
As I sat and read my sisters blog site http://ketorambles.blogspot.com entitled simplicity I could not help myself to respond in the comment section regarding how as siblings we could not be any different, but the perhaps it is not a sibling matter but rather a gender issue. In her effort to simplify herself she feels the need to loosen the grip on some “stuff” in an attempt to clear her mind…….etc.
I was compelled to respond that I thrive on the stuff in my area; it stimulates my mind, the more the clutter the more I think. The more I think the better a person I become. The ability to think is a true gift of God and I desire to put it to best use, and having the clutter enhances that gift. I know my dear wife would agree with my sister and thus I have concluded it has to be a gender thing. But alas I tried to remove some, not all, of my clutter the other day by participating in a neighborhood garage sale. I spent hours in preparation hauling stuff up from my space in the bowels of our home. I even hauled my art display panels up to create a clean and clutter free environment for the other gender to rummage around my stuff. The love of my life being away caring for our daughter as she cares for the newborn Sophia even, over the phone, gave me a list of “our stuff” I could include. The day was a complete bust in regards to ridding me of clutter. Oh, I sold a couple of my art works, drawings in pen and ink, and just a very few of “our stuff” but as for my stuff, it remained firming in my possession. I took it as a sight from my dear Lord that I was to continue to enjoy the companionship of my clutter in order that I might continue to think. It seems clear that the void of clutter would have created a void in my thinking. Now I know that we as people have gathered onto ourselves way to much stuff and that for the most part many have had to rent space at some remote location in order to store their stuff, it is in fact one of America’s fastest growing businesses. Again I must thank my Lord for allowing me to have the bowels of our home so to display all my stuff.
I cannot imagine having to drive my car to some storage space and gain entrance to my area in order to sit among my stuff to think.
Ah, the wonderful life of complexity!
I was compelled to respond that I thrive on the stuff in my area; it stimulates my mind, the more the clutter the more I think. The more I think the better a person I become. The ability to think is a true gift of God and I desire to put it to best use, and having the clutter enhances that gift. I know my dear wife would agree with my sister and thus I have concluded it has to be a gender thing. But alas I tried to remove some, not all, of my clutter the other day by participating in a neighborhood garage sale. I spent hours in preparation hauling stuff up from my space in the bowels of our home. I even hauled my art display panels up to create a clean and clutter free environment for the other gender to rummage around my stuff. The love of my life being away caring for our daughter as she cares for the newborn Sophia even, over the phone, gave me a list of “our stuff” I could include. The day was a complete bust in regards to ridding me of clutter. Oh, I sold a couple of my art works, drawings in pen and ink, and just a very few of “our stuff” but as for my stuff, it remained firming in my possession. I took it as a sight from my dear Lord that I was to continue to enjoy the companionship of my clutter in order that I might continue to think. It seems clear that the void of clutter would have created a void in my thinking. Now I know that we as people have gathered onto ourselves way to much stuff and that for the most part many have had to rent space at some remote location in order to store their stuff, it is in fact one of America’s fastest growing businesses. Again I must thank my Lord for allowing me to have the bowels of our home so to display all my stuff.
I cannot imagine having to drive my car to some storage space and gain entrance to my area in order to sit among my stuff to think.
Ah, the wonderful life of complexity!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The meaning of Life
This morning as I sat here contemplating the meaning of my existence I had to consider several aspects of why we, the human species, are alive and well upon planet Earth. It is for certain for a reason other then self gratification or for that matter even for the purpose of the benefit of the human race itself. I have considered that it is an important issue to assist our fellow man through this life, to lend a helping hand to those in need. God knows there have been times I have been one of those who needed the hand of another, and still even within those times I have been able to extend a hand to someone else. But is that all there is? Man helping man or women, I use this term not as a sexist, but in a general mankind sense.
For what greater good do I exist? Why do I have life? Is there an answer? I believe so,
Col 1:10-12
10 And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.
I, we have been created in order that we may live a life worthy of the Lord. That is to bring him glory and honor, if we do lend a helping hand, and that is certainly one aspect of living a life worthy of the Lord, it is not for the sake of our honor, that is we should not expect honor for helping another, no the honor is his! The humanist might disagree, but I cannot accept that all we are and will ever be is a mortal life leaving only the mark we make on this world behind, no we are children of the most high God and his glory must be above all else for some day we will all stand before his throne and give account for our lives. Oh how I desire to hear,” His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant ……Come and share your master's happiness!'
That is the true meaning of life, to bring him glory and honor, to praise his holy name!
For what greater good do I exist? Why do I have life? Is there an answer? I believe so,
Col 1:10-12
10 And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.
I, we have been created in order that we may live a life worthy of the Lord. That is to bring him glory and honor, if we do lend a helping hand, and that is certainly one aspect of living a life worthy of the Lord, it is not for the sake of our honor, that is we should not expect honor for helping another, no the honor is his! The humanist might disagree, but I cannot accept that all we are and will ever be is a mortal life leaving only the mark we make on this world behind, no we are children of the most high God and his glory must be above all else for some day we will all stand before his throne and give account for our lives. Oh how I desire to hear,” His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant ……Come and share your master's happiness!'
That is the true meaning of life, to bring him glory and honor, to praise his holy name!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Col 1:15-17
15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.
It seems so strange to hear the phrases “I would like to do” “it is my desire” and “I want” in light of this concept of being created by him and for him. How do we justify our wants and desires for physical pleasures, wealth, security, knowledge and recognition when our purpose is clearly defined as being created for him. How do we justify the pursuit of worldly gain, the pursuit of worldly endeavors, careers, professions for the purpose of enjoying a particular lifestyle, in view of this scripture? It is surely true the having of such is within the will of God, for he has told us he is aware of our needs and we will have them also.
Matt 6:24-7:1
24 "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.
25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
28 "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
The key to the possession of these “things” is the placing of seeking him first, being created by him and for him.
When we consider the difference between the temporal and the eternal, which has the greatest value? Why then do we place such a great importance on those items which surround our temporal beings rather then what surrounds our eternal being?
Nothing matters except what we do with our relationship to God. Let us strengthen our resolve to find out what pleases him.
Col 1:15-17
15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.
It seems so strange to hear the phrases “I would like to do” “it is my desire” and “I want” in light of this concept of being created by him and for him. How do we justify our wants and desires for physical pleasures, wealth, security, knowledge and recognition when our purpose is clearly defined as being created for him. How do we justify the pursuit of worldly gain, the pursuit of worldly endeavors, careers, professions for the purpose of enjoying a particular lifestyle, in view of this scripture? It is surely true the having of such is within the will of God, for he has told us he is aware of our needs and we will have them also.
Matt 6:24-7:1
24 "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.
25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
28 "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
The key to the possession of these “things” is the placing of seeking him first, being created by him and for him.
When we consider the difference between the temporal and the eternal, which has the greatest value? Why then do we place such a great importance on those items which surround our temporal beings rather then what surrounds our eternal being?
Nothing matters except what we do with our relationship to God. Let us strengthen our resolve to find out what pleases him.
The Beginning
Well today is the first day of the new blog, Why I am doing this I, at this time, am quite unsure, although I must admit it seems a bit inviting to be able to share my thoughts with others, yet at the same time not so desirable. The first thing that I do wish to extend to you all is the feeling of joy and gladness regarding the birth of a new granddaughter. Sarah my youngest daughter has, on May 17th of this year 2007 given birth to Sophia. Now I am the proud Grandfather of Victoria, Margaret, Isabelle and Sophia, 4 in all. It is a grand and glorious day and I am known as Papa. The Lord has be gracious to me that I am able to be here and enjoy these wonderful young ladies.
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